About Jews

Isn't it difficult to feel sorry for Jews after all they've done and keep doing?

I want to feel sorry for them. They went through genocide and near complete annihilation. They've been blamed and scapegoated, prosecuted and discriminated against throughout history.

Yet sometimes you wonder whether they had it coming...

Everywhere they've gone they've tried to create divisions. Through their influence in media. They've looted and robbed countries of their wealth. They do everything they can for personal gain and greed.
And then when the people get fed up and revolt. They do what they do best - play the victim. Scum pure scum.

> 6 million.

This is what happens when it all accumulates, over many centuries. When the only choice is to get rid of you for good as you can never be trusted again. You'll never see this happen to other group, but in case for the Jews they had to go.

Now look at them. After facing and crying non-stop about genocide, look what they're doing to the Palestinians. The exact same thing. Ethnically cleansing and expelling people from their home lands.
Have they not learnt anything after WW2?
They're hypocrite and are like the very thing they hate - they're Nazis.

Fuck these scums.

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Fuck Hitler was right....but in the end rats won. The result we're seeing right now...forced diversity and cultural annihilation through the Jew media.


So much truth.



Just so you know.
The Bible speaks negatively of Jews as far as the Old Testament.

Many people will think that the men of God were Jews, but that's actually not true.
The teachings of the modern day Jew actually originates from the B'al demon worship.
It goes back to Babylon which predates Egypt, but there were elements of it described during the time of Moses. The people started associated golden statues of Bulls with God himself (this is where the devil horns comes from). They would engage in all kinds of degeneracy like orgies, blood drinking, sacrificing babies to flames, etc.
THIS is where the Jews religion comes from. In the last book of the Bible, it warns about the Jews calling them the Synagogue of Satan.

Specifically Revelation 2:9 AND Revelation 3:9. Look them up (King James Version).

Fun fact: Symbols that use Stars are Satanic in origin.

Fuck Anglo scum...we could've rid of the rats but you choose to side with them.

He was right. We're paying now. Disgrace.


oy vey
>hippy flag
>says jews went through genocide (implying six gorillion)
>kike confirmed

I'm not a holocaust denier. It happened. But they had it coming and deserved it. Shame they couldn't finish the job, so close.


Germans were known for efficiency. Basically saying it didn't happen.

Yeah, and THEY make the laws. And influence media and education to brainwash people. Never has such parasite need extermination. I think it's too late now though, now it's gotten so bad and it's irreversible.

Gas those kikes.

>Revelation 2:9King James Version (KJV)

>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>Revelation 3:9King James Version (KJV)

>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Seems to be referring to some fake jews or something

Jew lies have no end. No shame.

No, not irreversible...difficult, but possible.
What we need to do is just flood the country with red pills, memes, and paper to identify those dirty big nosed animals

Remember those 9/11 attacks that decimated the entirety of New York city, destroying every building in the state and killing 10,000,000 people? No?

Sure, the (((Holocaust))) happened. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were put into concentration camps during the war. Some died from shitty living conditions, as is common in prisoner-of-war camps. But the Holocaust has been stretched and exaggerated to ridiculous levels so the Jews could use it as political leverage. Denying the holocaust is a crime in the US for God's sake.

Jews will do a lot more than kill Palestinians when Greater Israel comes into reality.

Holocaust did not hapen. Proof is that my country is full of jews. If holocaust was real, they will be all gone. No reason to feel guilty about it more than i feel guilty about death ewoks from star wars. And use you real flag kike. Everyone who use memeflag is isreal jew for me. Death to Israel by the way. Death to all jews.

I've always wondered if you guys hate us because we're richer than you. Feel free to deny the extent of the holocaust or whatever but deep down is it because we have more money and power than you?

No it didn't happen. If the Germans would have decided to kill all the kikes then they would have been put into rendering plants and converted into BioDiesel to fuel the Panzers and methylation of the fats for explosives.
>Materials that for aesthetic or sanitary reasons are not suitable for human food are the feedstocks for inedible rendering processes. Much of the inedible raw material is rendered using the "dry" method. This may be a batch or a continuous process in which the material is heated in a steam-jacketed vessel to drive off the moisture and simultaneously release the fat from the fat cells. The material is first ground, then heated to release the fat and drive off the moisture, percolated to drain off the free fat, and then more fat is pressed out of the solids, which at this stage are called "cracklings" or "dry-rendered tankage". The cracklings are further ground to make meat and bone meal.
>A variation on a dry process involves finely chopping the material, fluidizing it with hot fat, and then evaporating the mixture in one or more evaporator stages. Some inedible rendering is done using a wet process, which is generally a continuous process similar in some ways to that used for edible materials. The material is heated with added steam and then pressed to remove a water-fat mixture which is then separated into fat, water and fine solids by stages of centrifuging and/or evaporation. The solids from the press are dried and then ground into meat and bone meal. Most independent renderers process only inedible material.

That's TODAY's Jews.
Today's Jews follow the laws of Babylon and demon worship.


Fun side activity: Google image the "Babylonian Calendar" and "Jewish Calendar"

Compare and contrast!

Its because of rhe parasitic methoda by which you gain your wealth: usury, licensing, litigation, etc


Well. That is your problem. You think everyone is like you are. Everyone wants money. Money, money and power. No. I don't give a fuck if jews have money. Reason i hate jews is their lies, politics and racism. You have more money than me? So what. That is not reason to hate you. You are jew, spreading hate, creating wars, subversion and racism. Than i hate you. Your money is not problem. Your behavior is. I would kill you and your whole family becouse you are jews. And would not stole single coin from you. It is not about money.

you can disputed the number but straight out denial is retarded.


Typical narcissistic kike post
>you hate us because we are smarter
>we have more money hurr durr

did you even read his post
faggot kike

I'm 20 and at school they vilified the Nazis.

I've come to know now that they were right - history is on their side.

Western degeneracy and cultural decline post WW2 is evidence of that. They have control over two of the most powerful weapons - education and media. Three if counting finance. But the former two is the tool they've used to brain wash the West's people.


Allies bombed supply lines, no food and diseases abound does not equal deliberate extermination.

War crimes dont effect Allies.

Ok sure but if we spread hate, racism, and war while also existing in the margins of society without money or power would you still hate us? We are so effective at causing strife because we can infiltrate the upper tiers of society

Pic related is accurate.

The lower IQ, less successful race will always blame the higher IQ, more successful race for its failures.

Jews are to whites what whites are to blacks. And Sup Forums is full of albino niggers crying we wuz kangz until da j00z took our womynz and made us into cucks




>fake jews or something
Yup, the Eternal Anglo is the true Isrealite, it's been proven.



Don't ask or question why then when stuff happens. Don't play the victim because you had it coming.
You deserved a lot worse than what actually happened. Holocaust was deserved.

surprisingly i think you get it. we don't mean to bring you down, we are just too good at being successful. we dont control the media, take over governments, and hoard wealth because we want to enforce the jewish agenda, we are just good at achieving power thanks to the jewish emphasis on education and hard work. powerful people happen to be jews because we individually ambitious.

So I should become a true Jew or what?

Not the money. It has to do with jews pushing their agenda and coming after the traditional, conservative western marriages and ways of life. I'm not very conservative but still hate kikes for their agenda pushing and manipulation tactics.

>we're a power hungry race that can't leave other people alone

gr8 b8 sage, time to pay reparations to black people for your success tho

southern whites should pay reparations yes.

we tried to do that but now you guys say israel doesn't have a right to exist. make up your mind.

Did you even read what i wrote? I dont give a fuck about your money or power. I want all jews death becouse what you do to everyone. Europe, America, Middle East and Africa. Everywhere you only spread suffering and pushing other sides to fight each other. Your money...i don't care. I know how you do this. I have few jewish "friends". Lying to get something is normal for them. Know guy that worked at one job and than 6 years did nothing. Even his own dad kick him from his company after one week. That fucker just wrote CV full of lies to get good job. After week in his work he come to and beg to teach him Excel becouse he lied he know how to use it. I said him it is his problem. So that is jewish way. Anyway. Becouse of internet there is no country you can run to anymore. Like you did in your whole history. Even your holohoax card is not working anymore becouse internet. Sooner or later you will be forced to live in Israel and fight for your lifes. Again. Wish you death you filthy ratface kike. To you and your mother and father and rest of your family.

if that even gets legitimately pushed that would cause another civil war in our country, but this time there would be no north or south, it would be all of America in random war treaties and with the weapons that exist now I am unsure of who would win, or even survive that war.

Israel is fucking bait for you idiot. We want all jews to move in so it will be easier to genocide you. You are not our friend. You are our biggest enemy. We are not here to help you. Isreal don't have right to exist and jews don't have right to live.

Typical Jew hypocrisy.
You should pay for your all crimes as well Jew scum. Your day is coming.

out of curiosity which specifics crimes did the jews perpetrate to specifically offend you? im not trying to imply we did nothing, i just want to know which of our many crimes affected you

Jews use war tactics called "Libido Dominandi"
which is the use of pornography and other forms of seduction to dismantle conservative societal and governmental structures. This was seen in palestine when israel took over and broadcasted porn on all tv channels to relax the palestinian people and make them submissive. This tactic can also be seen with Blacked.com and AshleyMadison.com.... both are run by jews.... coincidence???

-holohoax guilt
-black slavery
-wars in middle east
-racemixing propaganda
-fueling shia vs sunni conflict
-sex slavery
-white genocide
-kalegari plan
-cultular marxism
-promoting nigger music

Until your people denounce apartheid and genocide, what discussion are you even trying to begin? Fuck off.


i don't think there should be any discusion with jews or any forgivness. just real jewish genocide. try to genocide me? i will genocide you. easy.

Agreed. We should just kill them all at the first opportunity. And I mean ALL of them. Even the women and children.

weren't they kicked out of alot of countries for sacrificing non jew kids? legit question

come on man after your vehemently hateful rants I thought you were going to have actual reasons. you disappoint me. the only real things on this list are the racemixing, globalism, and feminism.

thats a pretty good reason! the palestinian issue is really the only thing i can understand hating jews about

you are creating a problem...not acknowledging the "white" conspirators which are 50% or more

I used to think Jews were victims, until I become redpilled, and came to understand that all the histories about Jewish be our ancestors, are actually true.

After WW2 there was so much goodwill towards them, and what have they done, shit all over our culture and morals, solely of spite and envy, and desire for revenge.

There are some normal Jews, mostly the doctors, nurses, cops, and people doing regular jobs. But there is a class of Jews above those that are hell bent on destruction and doing evil against the goyim.

Our ancestors created Gettos and clothing regulations for the Jews, plus restriction on their behavior when interacting with the goyim for a reason.

Jews want to live among the goyim, but hate goyim culture, and want to destroy it. It's fucking demented stuff.

By our ancestors.

they were but blood libel never actually happened. clerics used that excuse to run us out and take our land/money

dude we really don't want to live among you guys

> Superior intelligence
> Forgets to switch away from Nazi meme flag all the Jewish posters use when they start harping on Muslims

KEK, you guys

Cameron Kasky's father is a child trafficker through One World Adoption Services, it's why they pulled his son from the media, because people noticed way too soon


> Guys we broke him and the he's chimping out while still using the nazi flag

That we should Anakin

I'm not a Jew, I wrote it incorrectly. I wanted to write, the stories our ancestors wrote about the Jews.

very true. they want to live among us yet destroy us at the same time. The Jews need to realize that there are a lot of "Goys" that have similar views to them but the jews will still resent them because they dont have the same faith.

you also disappoint me. your problem that you don't like reasons why i hate jews. you are jew ( at least you say so ) so your words mean fucking shit. i know you jews lie all the time. honestly. i would trade all jews from my country for muslims.

yes. exactly. they are training to erase white race from existance. why not just kill all of them already. without jews we can have peace in middle east for muslims, white etnostate and black ethnostate in america, give england to muslims as reward for their fight against israel. basicly majority of world problems could be solved by jewish genocide. no more hollywood propaganda. no more market that create slave class. jews are seeds of satan. children of baal and moloch. real reptilians. demons in human skin.

>demons in human skin
They should all be burned alive.

i know what you wrote. I am trying to say that throughout history jews have not wanted to live among goyim and we still don't love it.

Not only did blood libel happen the Druids practiced it, their rituals were strangely similar to what the Hyksos dynasty priests were banished for:
Tribe of Snakes or dan or den or dn, were demon worshiping snake-lovers, and the funny part is St Patrick chased them out of Ireland and the Catholic church never canonized him because they too are a Tribe of Snakes creation.

Then why do you? Because the parasite cannot live without the host.

You must DIE.

OK, so why don't you go live in Israel? Nobody is preventing you from going.

Jews are no longer a people without a land.

You are lying, thieving, murderous parasites. That's why.


no. than fucking get your ass to israel. we don't want to live with you too. and we all belive that somebody would lie to expel jews. that they was innocent while doing same bloody rituals today. go fuck yourself schlomo. one day we will hunt you all down. europe may not survive. but be sure that we will do anything to get revenge on you.

Yeah, only whites are

>we still don't love it.

there are as many jews in the usa as israel.

Don’t feel sorry for them. They practice making the pitiful face and speaking in pathetic voices so they making themselves seem weak in the hopes you won’t waste your time bullying them.

Jews are a people led by zealots, that's why we've suffered for the past 2000 years. Jesus tried to warn us, we didn't listen

double digits. glorious truth confrimed.

only one thing can bring the whole world together...
our world wide "dislike" for the jews.

The Jews are full of hate and resentment, they educate their children to perpetuate that hate and that resentment.
Their holy texts encourage them to hate you, rape you, take everything from you and kill you.
They are at war with you just for how you are. Never forget it.

> Forgets he's Jewish and has been trolling goyim
> Forgets slavery was a Jewish business

Wew lad

Lol, you guys are hardcore.

Maybe we need to have a dialogue with the Jews, and make them understand it would be better for everyone, if they voluntarily moved to Israel. I think even the Israeli government is asking all the western Jews to do this.

Just as a side note I don't consider the Confederate flag a meme flag, although the one on pol is the Virginia Battle Flag and not the CSA flag. But I and probably most southerners have more of a connection to that flag than the American Flag.

Fuck off you dumb Irish cunt. It's easy to look your nose down at people whose history you don't understand, nor care to. How about Yiddish Israelis pay reparations to the Palestinians living in Lebanon and Jordan?

I think the burnings of Jews was because our ancestors instinctively know they were infected with a mind-altering pathogen and the cleansing fire was the only way to prevent its spread. No shit I'm not joking.
>Kuru is a very rare disease. It is caused by an infectious protein (prion) found in contaminated human brain tissue. Kuru is found among people from New Guinea who practiced a form of cannibalism in which they ate the brains of dead people as part of a funeral ritual

>Kikery is a product of prions

The Nazis were the last hope for Europe. Heroes.
Now the damage is beyond repair unless we get another Nazi like regime which doesn't hold any back. The Anglo being Jew slaves will ruin it again.

they have the upper hand. why would they want a dialogue? jews churn out anti-white shit constantly and trash any attempt for whites to organize racially/nationally. in fact, there is no reason for jews to work with the goyim at all. everything is a zero-sum game for jews.

that was a defensive war while amerian slavery (which jews did participate in) was a proactive institution. apples and oranges.

>They are infected when they do the circumcision ritual.

>Six babies have been infected with herpes after NYC mayor De Blasio lifted regulations on controversial ultra-Orthodox circumcision ritual that involves cleaning the wound by mouth