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Why the fuck did Americans vote for this guy?
He is fucking awful.
He wants to arm schools to the teeth like a military base.
Nothing is going to happen.
Hitler or Stalin. Who was the bigger evil?
>Ban lootboxes
>Nah lets just ban video games.
Good, ban all games. It's about time for that
Hitler didn't build the Berlin wall
im doing my part by looking at all of them
Hope you are happy. :)
>slaps sign carrier on back.
no, they will ban guns in games
so, no CoD, PubG, Fortnite, etc etc
im good on that, my favorite games from (INSERT COMPANY HERE) won't be affected.
>school shootings go up because kids are bored outta their mind
>hitler built the berlin wall
how about people actually wake up and stop all degeneracy and start building strong communities again.
If you can't notice that the fucking image is ironic then you need to fucking kill yourself.
Why is shitty political bait always the best way to get (you)s?
The alt-right got tricked into voting against their own interests by Russians and Jews because they want to get back at women and minorities for their shitty lives.
I can't tell what's ironic anymore
>mfw watching Sup Forums shills start sweating and scrambling to keep Sup Forums as their personal fuckboys as more and more Sup Forumstards get sick and tired of all this bullshit
What's Sup Forums going to do once they finally lose their mindless grunts?
>Man who thought The Sharper Image was the proper place to sell steaks says something stupid
Imagine that
>we want some left votes episode
Because those in the rural south have been dismissed and forgotten by both parties in the past. In came a newcomer candidate with a smooth tongue and bold promises. He showed his constituents a world where they would once again rise
to prominence and their natural place in the hierarchy. It didn't matter if he delivered, all that mattered is that he got elected.
>yfw they go after super hero movies
Stalin was far worse than Hitler. But Mao Zedong made both of them look like pussies.
seriously though, i like this idea.
what do i do?
Sup Forumstards WILL defend this
>Liberals hate Trump because he's Hitler
>I hate Trump because he's not Hitler
how about you leave your moms basement, stop being a fat internet warrior and do something about it?!
Be the change you want to see in your community.
It's not bad on the other side, come get some of that Soros money with me, brother.
>Russia and Jews
>Not wanting people to vote for Hillary instead
>The same as Hitler
Don't insult Hitler that way. Hitler at least had good infrastructure projects, increased TFR, revitalised the nation's industry, had lottery style holidays enacted to help give workers motivation and a fuckload of other things.
Trump has managed to make Chinese-Japanese relations the closest they've been in ages at least, so that's good for regional stability.
never happening
we can't toss trump out of office from sheer hatred of his stupid shit plans, we aren't getting ANYTHING done in this country like the 20's to 40's again.
funny thing, if we had another WW, we would have faggot soy cucks in the ranks who have never shot a gun despite being in cowboyland since 1996.
LOL jewboys always think they live under systematic nazism and getting shoah'ed daily when it's not the case.
hey bud, here's a tip: if the krauts really wanted to kill you crooked nose kikes they would have built excellent machines to do so. your 6 mil is a lie lad.
The fact that caught your eye and not the berlin wall bit is concerning. And I posted the for shitposting bait but some people are taking it seriously for whatever reason
Listen to
Start wearing a fedora and a trenchcoat, slap women on their ass, call everyone around you a degenerate.
I wish I got paid to shitpost :^(
you want to stop school shootings?
don't allow civilians to own guns, if no civilian owns guns what would they need to defend against?
Sup Forums has legitimately been co'opted by old conservatives so of course they will. I don't mean 20 somethings who just do what their daddies did. I mean actual old religious conservatives, they've been coming here in droves the past few months.
KCD doesn't look that nice now, does it? Sup Forumstards.
Turns out your nazi game promoted gun violence and probably homosexuality too.
Trump is much more pro-Israel than Hillary ever was and Netanyahu hated Obama..
>instead of looking at parents, let's blame everything else
What causes this mentality?
tbf they do make guns look pretty fucking cool when someone who never watched a hollywood movie would probably not even care
>Russians wanting people to vote Hillary
That's a new one. Guess all this cognitive dissonance from the alt-right is really taking a toll on their psyche.
>americans are banned from making games
>normies all fuck off from the hobby
>enter a renaissance of weebshit and eurojank
Sup Forums more or less invited mass immigration from /r/thedonald, yeah.
Post yfw conservatives elected a president that's so old and out of touch he's still stuck in the "movies are corrupting the youth" phase
Criminals that have guns duh
>implying criminals follow gun laws
If you wanna stop school shootings just put signs outside the school saying no guns allowed. That will keep them out.
>implying they wouldn't ban problematic japanese games too if it came down to it
want to stop war and world hunger? take away every gun in the world and give everyone a sandwich. easy peasy. I expect my nobel peace prize in the mail
>if we had another WW
not going to happen
>faggot soy cucks
wow proof you truly belong here :^) thanks for proving that, upboated
>have never shot a gun
if a WW happens guns aren't going to matter
I refuse to believe this, it’s just underage BORN IN LE WRONG GENERASHUN DX posters parroting.
We need to build a wall.
>obtain gun illegally
>kill defenseless people
Fuck off eurocuck
>Want to move to the states for the guns and the loli
>now they won't even have the guns and the loli
So uh, where do I go in the world for freedom now?
What did America mean by this?
>laws stop criminals from breaking them
I love libtard logic, next youll tell me we have cops for that while also calling them pigs who need to be disarmed in the same breath.
get out your checkbook and get ready to pay for it
Let's blame everybody but not the parents and teachers!
Well, after this Sup Forums posters should stop posting here to be coherent right?
Loli is illegal in most states just fyi
Only Governments should be allowed to have guns. Nothing bad has ever come from the populace being unarmed and defenseless against tyranny.
No, we'll build a wall and make the immigrants pay for it.
pigs will shoot you whether you have a gun or not
Will this kill /polv/?
Japan and just pretend you have gun freedom by flying to Beijing every so often and going to the PLA firing range there where you can fuck around with RPGs
>people unironicallly voted for this guy thinking he is gonna actually save america
I guess we should have no laws then.
>murder should be legal because being illegal doesn't stop people from killing people
Its mostly black communities.
Not even fucking jokeing look up the FBI statistics yourself.
criminals are civilians retards, how would they get guns?
>mah criminal argument
>Banning Cawadooty and battle royale games
Maybe plebs can finally learn to develop some fucking taste.
I mean that said it would never happen regardless but a man can dream.
parents don't like being told they're wrong
also they have no time to monitor what their kids are doing because they both work just to stay above the poverty line.
i honestly tired of super hero movies since winter soldier
Then stop being a nigger.
i'm gonna say it
and we can thank Sup Forums for making this considered "cringy" now but:
probably religion
>b-but we need guns to defend against people with guns!!!
>m-muh 2nd amendment
They still have Sup Forums as their fuccboi
Wouldn't really affect anything outside of America these days anyway though. Companies aren't as eager to bend over for sweet burger bucks, everything's flowing to China now. See Hollywood for a good example.
No seriously it's actually old buggers, seen a shitload of jack thompson threads where like 75% of the thread was in agreement with him. Does anyone have the reddit screencap of all the septugenarians on the_donald talking about getting their heads round Sup Forums?
Can someone tell me what's wrong with arming teachers and kids? I'd prefer that over authoritarian gun control laws and regulations any day.
Give teachers guns
Also give students guns so if the teacher goes crazy they can defend themselves
>forgetting that most firearm crime is committed with illegally obtained firearms
funny guy
how the fuck is it the teachers problem
Its not the teachers responsibility to take care of the mental well being of the student. That's the fucking PARENTS job as a parent.
>"No Way To Prevent This," Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
I wish our murder rate were higher desu. Black people don't kill each other fast enough.
no one even remembers that books exist in 2018
Ok so Sup Forums is going to be 10x more insufferable than it already is and its my day off and I finished my backlog
Any good single player games, Sup Forums? Specs and price are not an issue
Just removing the internet altogether would honestly be the single most beneficial thing we could do for western civilization.
>if a WW happens guns aren't going to matter
yeah, same like WW1 and WW2...
they didn't use guns either....right?
He actually cares for the people unlike that Barrack ""HUSSEIN"" Obama.
Freedom ain't free.
dog bless
*muffled truck noises in the distance*
Who the fuck are you people
I don't think you people realize how big the entertainment industry is, they have massive pull in congress because of their army of lobbyists, just like big tobacco and big pharma.
A ban on shooters would never fly.
oh shit, he's going to look at things!