It is pathetic to a kike to criticize Israel?
It is pathetic to a kike to criticize Israel?
>Sarah Silverman says one intelligent thing for once in her life
What is wrong with Shapiro?
He prefers Israel to America.
>anti-Semitism is speaking the truth
why does he hate antisemites again?
God i hate this kike and his blatant tribal/bias for his tribe, i dont know who is worse. the leftist or republican jew
in this senario id say the republican jew is worse
Because they redpill the goyim.
Leftist Jews are now turning on the right wing Jews.
>Me Gusta
This has been forever ruined for me.
>browning of america? who cares goyim!
>oyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyy never criticize USrael! we jews have a right to exist!
god i fucking hate that kike
>What is wrong with Shapiro?
He is a fucking deceiving talmudic rat parasite just like every other Zionist.
Final bump.
yes, just like its pathetic for a while to go against his own interest or fight for other people's interest
I hate that fucking kike because he recently said that episode 3 of starwars is trash.
Fuck off
Fair enough.
What did she say, can't read op's tiny thumbnail
No, we should all be critical of our respective countries. Unless you're a mutt, then you can just shout USA and wave the flag.
Shapiro is the most vile kind of jew imaginable and has published articles advocating for full blown rahowa in Israel as a solution to the Palestinian question
>Jews have to stand up EVEN when — ESPECIALLY when — the wrongdoing is BY Jews/the Israeli government.
Source of Ben "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can do for Israel" Shapiro tweet:
He really is evil
Self hating jews are the worst.
I agree. I hate self hating Jews more than commie, feminist, or open borders Jews. Something about them.
It's because Kikiro and Kikermann are from different jewish factions. He's the neolib, she's the liberal. Both of them hate the orthodox(which insist on saying they want to stick to Israel and don't bother other countries, but I refuse to believe in jews).
Pic related kike trying to do to Norway what Barbara Lerner Spectre did to Sweden.
>people ITT don't understand why Jews criticize Israel
Right-wing/Zionist/neo-con Jews are okay with fucking over Palestinians and doing whatever the fuck, left-wing Jews are moderately more intelligent and realize that acting like kikes is why they get shoahed; some of them actually care about other beings and aren't heartless monsters, though you won't find such opinions among the orthodox, more common with reformist Jews.
Meanwhile you have people on here who want an ethnostate for whites asking why anyone would criticize Israel and wanting to model their country after them.
I want you to think long and hard about this quote. I want you to ask the question, is Goebbels saying we should behave like the Jews, or behave differently than the Jews?
"The Jews do not enjoy economic success because they are more intelligent than non-Jews, but rather because they follow a different moral code" - Joseph Goebbels
>I hate self hating Jews
literally the only good Jews are those that recognize how shitty their people are.
What I meant was it's pathetic jews have to come to this ordeal! Oy Vey!
>Babbies first pilpul
Don't fall for the jewish tricks
i think some jews just like stirrin shit sometimes even if it hurts their agenda
It is the ultimate sin to a jew. Permanent hell a concept only served to Jews who commit one of the 3 deadly sins. It doesn't get worse or more pathetic. They are called kapos, like the Jews who would work for the Nazi against their own kind. It obviously angers Shapiro being a jew of faith. It is similar to a white person being a race traitor.
>who commit one of the 3 deadly sins
Which are these, (((Shapiro)))?
I'm not Shapiro but I am also not a larping faggot. The 3 deadly sins are denouncing god by convertion believing other higher powers. Having sex with someone of same gender. To murder another jew, even if by proxy. Silverman is guilty of all 3.
>Silverman is guilty of all 3.
Ok, (((Shapiro))).
Ok, Sarah.
Never respected someone more.
Unlike faggots here that suck Trumps dick and swallow ALL of his cum without question
Who are you talking about?
>Is it pathetic for an individual to criticize a state?
Only from the viewpoint of a retard. Doesn't matter what the individual is or what state they criticize.
How did Silverman kill anyone?
Criticizing the marvelous state of Israel = being one of the guys who killed 6 trillions.
Post milkies already
sarah silverman the shriveling dying hag adopts the position of the criminal "human rights" organizations that protect terrorists all over the world.
that's one thing some morons here dont understand. they think every jew is an israel supporter, when in actuality, the sarah silverman, jon stewart, tom friedman, bernie sanders type jews all hate us.
he was absolutely right and you have no moral *high ground* while shitting on him
Why are you guys getting mad at Benji? I know you hate him in general but he's calling Sarah Silverman out for defending Israel for being a bunch of fuck ups. He's trying to hold Israel to account the same way he does Drumpf and America.
>bernie sanders hates israel
look at this kike shill. I've never seen Sanders so animated as when he defended Israel, their bombings, and the foreign aid that goes to them. Totally different demeanor than when the nogs cucked him and took over his platform for "being a white man"
Imagine Benjamin Shapiro when he's 50, and Israel is 20x more powerful and wealthy than it is today. With Syria and Iran gone, and thousands of US soldiers maimed in the wake. He'll be the face of the right. He's just getting started Sup Forums. He's our enemy.
These 57 IQ faggots will never be able to comprehend that they don't have the prefrontal cortex RAM space to load up the entire though.
It's in the video in my post, if you want to remain willfully ignorant or pretend that you are, that's up to you
Bernie is a Zionist, light version
This. I'm not sure there even is an agenda they're just crazy and fuck shit up.
Has Pol finally jumped off the dear leaders cock with him cucking on guns? I guarantee they're going to ram through gun control and never appeal Obamacare. Maybe the nazbols were right and here I thought you were just a bunch of edgy trannies.
Have you guys ever listened to this literal nasally jew talk? How can anyone stand him? His voice alone practically makes me turn into an anti-semite.
>Jews are turning on one another
Why do you guys hate Israel so much when you'd be cumming in your pants if your own country had laws like theirs?
It is if they are secular/liberals
is this 1840 germany for you?
In this country we do not criticize Jews -- you do not even joke in private, unless with extremely close friends -- and we never second-guess Israel. The inane 1984 cult quality of that cannot be exaggerated.
textbook jealousy and resentment desu
He's a hyperkike
>rifle ownership illegal
>military censorship doctrine
>hostile foreign policy
Yeah, Im packing my bags right now
>sterilise niggers
>build a wall
>remove islam
>remove christianity and christmas
>stab christians who fought for them in lebanon in the back
totally worth it for sterilizing niggers