Government spying is blown out of proportio-

>government spying is blown out of proportio-

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We need a global reset and a lot of genocide.

>still can't tell all the chinks apart

God forbid a government has the information it needs to keep the system going. I am all for surveillance in the right hands.

>t. 49%

So you are saying that because our population is less than 49% white we should have less government surveillance so the 51% of minorities can commit more crimes.

Smart thinking bub.

Looks like Person of Interest

>God forbid a government has the information it needs to keep the system going.
Going where? From where? How did you get this far?

>How did you get this far?
By having control over its people.

A fucking Leaf. Every single time.


It's all based in the same spy software.

Politicians decide what a crime is dumass

>in the right hands

I think you are just being contrarian.

I don’t like his mug, let’s dismantle the political impact of his social network.

and hidden military tech is at least 1000 years ahead of civilian

I can imagine the AI learning from billions of cams around the world. Every second passed it gets smarter.

we need an EMP bomb before it's too late.

This is a republic. Literally the wrong hands can be elected at any time.

The biggest redpill is that the left lets us win from time to time to distract us from their new systems that they will later deploy

The wrong hands are elected any time

So that's a reason to ban/further regulate surveillance? Sounds like a gun grabbing tactic to me.

i trust them doing it more than i would the american government. its just jews running america now just like in CNN

luckily the american government is to busy wasting money on the jews interest in the mdidle east tp pay for that shit here. we got the cameras we dont have software identifying peole

Everytime the wrong hands get elected they do some math and import people they know will vote for them then make them citizens in the future. Since the right depends on natives for votes they literally always lose eventually. The right depends on natives and the left depends on narrative (memequote i just thought of). Since more leftists become journalists then rightists (think bubbly type) and the system trains them to not be blantant in their shilling they eventually win in the end. Im not against republics i just think they are poorly designed most of the time (especially when it comes to non-citizens and citizenship)

>So that's a reason to ban/further regulate surveillance
Yes. You don't have a right to watch me. We call that stalking. Just because the stalkers wear suits, doesn't make it any better.


If elections could really change anything, they would've been banned a long time ago.

Ffs. This goddamned timeline.

You should see what your government is doing. You should also see what we're criticizing the FBI of these days. If you thought their inaction it was a problem now, how much bigger of a problem will it be when they don't even have the surveillance tools they used to have?

Found the intelligence agent.

I am guessing a europe spook or maybe a sand nigger one.

>You should see what your government is doing
They stopped letting us know a while ago, senpai.