Redpill me on cheating on your girlfriend Sup Forums Is it really that bad?
Redpill me on cheating on your girlfriend Sup Forums Is it really that bad?
why would you have a girlfriend?
Its not that bad if youre under 22yo
If you don't want to be with your girlfriend, leave her and go to another girl.
Cheating means you are a degenerate liar who can't keep a simple bond.
A man's word is his bond. And if you can't be honest with your mate, than who can you be honest with?
You simply can't be trusted as a human being if you are a cheater.
Nobody is stopping you from leaving. But make a choice and live it.
Women want you to cheat on them so they can become victims
I have an strong armpit fetish and that picture gave me a stiff, tay tay's armpits are perfect
I'd feel guilty. I love my gf. I'm also at a point in my life where young college girls are easily accessible so this fidelity thing is difficult.
Im going through the same thing
It's a sin, so yeah. It's really that bad.
It just shows that you can't be trusted, that you would betray even those closest to you.
break up with your gfs if you think that you will regret not fucking all those available girls in the future
t. someone who regrets not breaking off with his gf
the bitch and I broke up when we graduated anyway
If you cheat the principle in which a male female relation, it's broken and you end with everything else.
You can choose to listen to the situation and pretend it never happened, but the actual relation you established doesn't exists anymore.
>be Brazil
>posting this thread
>asking this question
This has got to be bait. Surely you are aware of the only decent answer to this question. If this isn't bait, you're a degenerate ffs.
if a girl loves you and is obsessed with you, she'll forgive and accept some minor cheating. its just how women are. I dont advocate sleeping around throughout your whole relationship regularly, but if you slip up its not a big deal.
Pretty bad. If you do it you cant expect loyalty ever again. Granted thats already rough but you earned it if you cheat.
Cheating on your significant other is degenerate.
This. Break up with the insufferable bitch and quit letting her mooch off of your emotional energy. She will keep doing this until she can legally take half your things.
You guys need the red pill on girls. Most are cheating whores. You'd think twice about not cheating if you experienced what I have
If you don't cheat on your girlfriend you will regret it later. Lots of high moral virgins here will tell you no because they couldn't imagine losing the one girl who would actually be in a relationship with them. If you have options, use them ffs.
>slip up
>implying you have no moral character and are influenced solely by muh urges
If you simply can't help but cheat I don't see how you're any different from the average roastie.
>Redpill me on cheating on your girlfriend Sup Forums Is it really that bad?
If you would fuck around on some girl that you've promised not to fuck around on then you have no honor. If you have no honor, you're not a man.
Generally speaking, I am suspicious of cheaters for the same reason I am suspicious of fat people--it demonstrates a lack of impulse control and honor. If think your actions were just a dumb mistake and you love her, then just be honest with her and maybe she'll forgive you.
There is no dating bond.
You cheat on engagements and marriages.
The rest is disposable.
Cheating is the female name for it. Males and females have a different reproductive strategy. Males are programmed to get as many females as possible pregnant with as little cost as possible, while females usually aim for the top 10% of males and keep backup cucks around in case the top10 refuses to provide for their offspring.
OP here, ive been with my gf for 4 years, we were highscool sweethearts and stuff. The thing is I feel like im missing my prime, all those womyn right there...
The other hand, I really love my gf and think shes the one. Its just about the sex
If you have better options why not break up with the other cunt first? Make up your damn mind Swede it's not difficult.
>all these roasties ITT
So you admit to being a "muh dick" nigger? Guess that's not surprising. Go fuck your girlfriend.
My Gf cheated on me so after dumping her for a few months and have here plead me to take her back, I did.
Then cheated on her multiple times.
Ash Marie is one sexy little hottie
they might forgive you but it would caused serious damage in the future, to your own integrity and her view of you.
You're still a literal cuckold though.
I've cheated a couple times with girls I broke it off with. No good comes from it. Either way I'm spending money on a bitch.
This, well said meme flag
I cheated on my girlfriend, got Chlamydia, and gave it to my girlfriend. Worst experience of my life. Don’t do this degeneracy, you’ll regret it and look like a lying piece of shit in the process.
You'd be okay with having sex with only one woman in your life?
If I thought she was the one, then yes.
>Is it really that bad?
yes but you wont realize it until its too late
It's surprising why this even a question.
Unless you're a cuck, you'd would feel like shit if you found out that your GF was cheating on you. So why would you do the same thing to her?
Don't become the person that you hate.
Yeah now that I think about it one of the times I cheated is my biggest regret in life by far. Don't do it OP.
Wtf is a “girlfriend”?
>girls can’t be friends
Are you practicing being married? WHY? It’s 2018!
This is why we need a second holocaust.
Women are meant to be cheated on. Anytime the bitch makes you jealous don’t get mad do t give her power just go cheat.
And if she stops making you happy and stresses you out? Dump her.
Because all women cheat
Its not the same for men and women tho. For a woman to cheat on you its waaaaaay more complicated. We see sex differently
But I know its obviously bad dude. Thats not the point
Cheating is the whole reason why latin american countries are a shithole.
I caught one of my best friends and a guy I really look up to cheating on his longtime gf with her brothers gf, or his gf in law.
They played it off well, but a mutual friend and I dropped by unannounced and it was easy to see what was going on.
I had kinda idealized my buddies relationship with his gf so i was like wtf
It made my head spin that i am not alpha enough to do something like that. I never have been and never will be.
Explain Jose
This. Also, enjoy your herpes.
>Is cheating wrong?
If youre White, yes. If not, I don't give a fuck about your mutt mating practices.
People learn to cheat since early years so they grow up to the habit of cheating for their own benefit. Some of them end up as politicians.
all i think of is my peenus in and around her mouths; is it too late to go back on being gay ?
cheating is only good about 1-7 of the time
Pls no I cant take it.
Thanks for sharing
>dating perfect 10/10 traditionalist Christian gf
>semen demon ex comes back into the picture
>still interested apparently
>can't stop texting her
Stfu you whiteknighting manlet. Unless married, nobody can define strictly what cheating is.
I think it's insecurity in alpha status that makes men do this, not real alpha status.
Yes, cheat on the girl you have a long term emotional bond with for a one night stand with a whore you won't meet again and can find in any bar. Life is more than momental pleasure.
cheating is fine if there's no ring on it
Because you never learned basic mammalian biology?
Holy fuck lmao all these fucking retards in this thread, good thing black men exist to make sure your future wives are all blacked.
If you don't stay virgin until marriage, you are a degenerate scum no better than black men and muslims.
the truth is, girls don't care if you cheat. some women might like you more for it
this is the black pill. its fucked. women are fucked. look at all the alphas in your life who have cheated on their girls. every single time, the girl either forgives him or comes back. every. single. time.