It's not "la creatura", it's "la CRIATURA".
Learn fucking Spanish fags.
It's not "la creatura", it's "la CRIATURA".
Learn fucking Spanish fags.
Other urls found in this thread:
Its spician, not spanish.
spics are conquered morrish muslim shits. you are the true mutss. kiss my irish english and german ass
"Spanish" does not exist, marica.
We speak Castellano.
>learn a dead language
Dios mio, es el nazi de la gramatica....
>correcting grammar in a meme
dios mio... creatura espanola es una atrocidad contra la internet...
That's 50% of the meme. Goblino and Ogro are probably not real words either.
According to google translate, 'Creatura' is Italian.
I guess that makes sense.
el goblino árabe
Ogro certainly is, goblino is not
>Speak a pleb language
Note that until the end of the 13th century, the official language of England, was French (HAHAH) and english was a low level cunt dialect.
So please, nigger, learn an actual language.
Is goblino a real word?
Every time this meme comes up there is a faggot American shit talking Italians, you get the memes you deserve, fucking ameriniggers.
It's Goblin, just like in english.
la creatura
t. la luz extinguido
>Learn fucking Spanish fags.
Why? You already learned English.
given that the average mutt still has some anglo blood in his veins, he's using the american Spanglish.Therefore la creatura is the correct spelling.
t. El Duende del 56%
la creatura nazi grammatica...
That's the joke.
Chalupa chalupa burrito supreme.
Am I doing it right?
el goblino...
Where did this using short spanish words meme even come from? the only thing I can think of the blanco meme from Sup Forums
stfu fucking algerian
Què dius.
Goblino is not. But it's the best one.
demoralization shills
la pela es la pela
>It's not "la creatura", it's "la CRIATURA".
its el goblina
It's funnier in Spanish.
la abominación...
La abominación de la noche ...
american education at it's finest
spicanese is a dead language
Spaniards were the original mutts
El monstruo de la oscuridad ...
La Krakatoa.
Shut up, Condorito.
>Not understanding the irony of intentional misspelling
la luz extinguido
If "mansplain" made it into the dictionary then so should goblino
La atrocidad andante ...
Shut up commie.
la extinción de la luz...
el monstruo
Look, El Atrocidad speaks.
el horriendo
La bandera tachonada de estrellas...
>he speaks spanish spanish
hahaahahaha fucking moor
but goblino is funnier
Why are you so upset my bruder?
Not really, but the kids enjoy it.
el diccionario autistico...
The Crishur
No, part of the meme is that the names are misspelt, words are made up and the grammar is wrong. Though probably it's just because people are using google translate for it, but it makes it much funnier.
>never even been less than 5000km away from castille
>you speak castillian
that's not how it works urufag, but at least your kind of spanish is much more sufferable than other dialects up north
This nigger is new
El Goblino de Walmart
There's no salvation in any mutt dialect in the Americas.
ves a escampar la boira troç de moro andalús
el goblino de luz de santos de la cruz
mios dios
It's a mongrelized word
buen dicho, amigo
that's the joke, it's not even proper spanish, the language's been mongrelised too
>el user espanolo qui shitposta por que es retardado
argentinian is fine imo, uruguayan is basically the same
I'd go so far as to say argentinian > andalusian
Guys this meme caused the school shooting in Florida, BAN ASSAULT MEMES NOW!
They are our niggers (not confuse with 'ma nigga'). The comparison is only fair to the morochos.
dios ogero de los estados..
El ogro americano...
>you speak castillian
So do you, faggot... also i assume you speak Catalan too. "Spanish" is a made up moder name for Castellano.
Also, your girls get instantly wet when i speak
You've got more than just that three in you faggot
it's called spanish my southamerimutt friendo
English will be a dead language in about a century. Cumskin genocide ftw
El ogre de las americas...
>Only these gurlz.
>implying la creatura speaks Spanish or any other human language
Ay dios mio