UPDATE on the Bikelock Trial wich should be today.

Eric Clantons attorney didn't show up and now the Trial will be postponed to April 5 2018

I repeat,

The trial was postponed to April 5, 2018

What the fuck is going on??

>pic related

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haha his lawyer isn't getting sorosbux and won't defend this pantifa shithead

They should just get it over with, this is ridiculous

Don't slide this please

Whatever happens to him those court fees are going to hell for at least a couple years. Even if you're innocent of a crime you still have to recompense the courts

American Courts are shit tier.. Anything to pass the buck and avoid doing any actual work.. its truly sad..

glad I'm not american desu

Justice Bump

Motions for continuance don't really mean anything. They just postponed the trial, probably because Clanton had issues with his attorney, and why he had to get another one to stand in and request the continuance.

He probably didn't retain that attorney.

is it like this in other countries or is our country just being retarded again?

One way or another Eric will pay for his crimes. Karma is real.

You can motion for the losing party to pay costs.

Our legal system is completely corrupt. If this faggot wasn’t rich and connected he would be doing hard time like any of us working class would be

It’s just another stalling tactic. Eventually the judge will tire of this game, but clanton can probably stretch it out a year.
Some user in one of these threads, claiming to have some legal experience said this would happen. I’m not totally surprised.

I'm betting this fucking antifa cuck tries to leav the country.

>What the fuck is going on??

happens all the time. the delays that is

This is just the hearing before the trial even begins. He won't be getting anything handed to him until June or July at this fucking rate.

>when you are such a piece of shit that not even your duty counsel wants to defend you

Is Clanton walking free in the meantime or is he in county lockup?

A trial date should have been set by now

Someone is still paying for those fees either way, there's a reason why so many people are hesitant about going to court if they can prevent it, this is the bread and butter of the justice system here

When exactly is the trial today? any live streams?

Court cases get remanded all the time, it doesn't mean anything other than a longer wait for those who still care

It is. April 5th.

Free. Attending anarchist circle jerks in the park like he is just a peaceful dude.

I thought the lawyer he had was a fellow commiecuck doing it for free?

They're going for a speedy trial motion. In Cali they might actually get it.

Read the OP post..

It should have been today but was moved

That wasn’t just a new date for a pre trail?

So what, is he just at home fucking around like usual? Is he at least under house arrest or forced to check in with a parole officer or something? If I went out and punched someone in the face I'd be in jail before the end of the day.

clanton is a government rat now
dumbass should have sudoku'd

I bet they are letting him walk, so he can shoot up some place in america, and then declare him mentally ill so he can skip prison

Lawyers pay the fees when they are confident of the case. If payment is in question, the court proceedings usually doesn't get far enough to rack up fees.

The fucking (((lawyers))) and the JEWdicial system already with their dirty tricks.

You don't pay any court fees if you are not guilty of a crime. You may end up with your own attorney fees though, which is the dark side of it.

this guy is stalling for as long as possible, in the hope that liberals will stage a revolution in the US, and then he won't have to go to prison and be raped by black liberals.

If he were rich and connected he wouldn't have a lawyer that doesn't show up to court (likely because he wasn't paid).

Learn the process before you make a conclusion about it. This news is nothing good for the bikelock guy.

I just realised, Clanton's father is a capitalist. Owns a construction business. Is using his ill gotten capitalist gains to bail out his son. LOL fucking hell. Clanton going to inherit capitalist gains. What a fucking phoney.

>this guy is stalling for as long as possible
or at least until we forget about him, because once the trial starts there will be regular threads to follow
he's our personal OJ trial

jupp... new pre trial.
at this rate the real trial wont happen before trump's third term in 2024

They are trying to get it pushed back in hopes that 2018 pans out for them Democrats.

Or more then likely the lawyer and Clanton worked it out so they could stall by him simply not showing up. It's a common tactic for defendants lawyers to pull when they've ran out of options.
You see this all the time in drug trials.

WTF is going on

why is justice so slow? This is a fucking scam

>Eric Clantons attorney didn't show up and now the Trial will be postponed to April 5 2018
Now that is some fucking kikery right there

what is happening with cantwell is he back in the air?

He’s on bail. He’s required to make his court appearances and nothing more. Yeah. That’s how it works. Did you hear they let Cruz out too? (Sarcasm intensified) They even gave him back his AR.
His lawyer WAS pro bono. I don’t know about the new one, but he hasn’t paid a penny yet.
His parents are money. He was living in an antifa flop house. It’s why the cops had a hard time finding him. He was teaching classes at a community college. Garbage men probably earn more $

They are going to let him off. They let off the commies that tore down that statue on live tv, saying they couldn't prove the people arrested live on camera were the ones who did it. The Jewdicial system protects its goons.

it's standard practice in most big law firms.
you have the one big barrister, who owns the firm and gives it his name and he has many small barristers working for him, doing the ground work, acting on his behalf. This is nothing special

Interesting history behind the Jewish lawyer who bailed on him.
A fellow radical Communist, well known for his instigation of riots that have claimed more than one life, the guy was struggling to get licensed as a lawyer until a law firm, ALSO known for its radical communist tendencies, stepped in on his behalf - and around the time when Hillary Clinton would have been interning for them no less.

Radicals at play? Or just the typical Communist work ethic?


Why did the DA agree to this? This is a travesty of justice

He gets another 40 days of freedom. Bullshit. He should of been charged with premeditated attempted murder and terrorism.

That takes forever though, and if you lose, guess what, there are more costs.

Haha, that's hilarious. I feel bad for you.

Word. I got busted with 30 pounds of pot in 2015. I only did 1 days in jail, bailed out in the morning and went to trial for 3 months. My lawyer somehow got it reduced to misdemeanor possession, all I had to do was pay $200 and do 10 days of Cal trans (80hrs). He was a specialist in his field though and he was very expensive.

Cali is already Democraps

they do this when they know its a landslide case, they're just hoping the DA gives them a better plea and if it does go to trial, they want to put as much time between his actions and the public memory. When you see this constant vying for more time, it's 100% guaranteed they know they're stuffed.

These cheap-suit attorneys with their absurd stall tactics and "working" the law rather than upholding the law? These are who the Democrats put in our House and Senate. Hillary Clinton herself bragged about the gymnastics she did to get a child rapist completely off. They want to use the law, bend it, warp it. They've no interest in upholding it.

>This is a travesty of justice
I don't think you understand. I didn't come here to Sup Forums to rescue Eric Clanton from you nazi NEETs. I came here to rescue you from him. I'm just amazed he allowed any of your posts to not get delet. Strictly speaking, he’s super slippery and lubed up like a shaved ass-hampster. Or is he a gerbil? You're lucky to still be posting, nazi scum. You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in memetic warfare, with a man who's the best with sneak attacks, with running away, with his bareback power-bottom skills: with ‘Bashing the Fash’. A ‘man’ who's been trained to ignore reason, logic, and the very laws of civilization– he will ignore his inevitable meeting with white prison gangs, he will live off and on the side of the internet and Western culture that insists it’s ‘Okay When We Do It’, he will continue to eat homeless cocks that would make Billy Boy and his droogs puke and wish for a great globby bottle of stinking fish oil to suck on. In college his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To BASH! Period! Win by attrition. Well Eric is the best.

>Even if you're innocent of a crime you still have to recompense the courts
No you don't, you stupid asshole

They postpone it until everyone has forgotten about it, then the guy will go free, unpunished. In the meantime, hes out on parole anyway

No. You only pay court fees if found guilty

I've read a story a while ago about a serial killer who kept delaying this trial ad infinitum by firing his lawyers just before the court date

He was already found violating his bail conditions.



30 pounds of pot wouldve put you in jail for life 20+ years ago. You did well user.



This. Its a sign that Clanton is FUCKED and the plea deal they are going to enter is going to put him away for a long time, so his lawyers are fucking around with the courts so he can have a few more months to piss off around SF before he goes to the slammer.

Eventually the DA or the judge or both will tire of it and contempt charges will be threatened and defense will pony up.

>out on parole
No. You have to be released from a prison sentence to be on parole. He’s out on bail. Bail has zero conditions or check ins. You have to show up for court. That’s it. Parole means conditions and regular meetings with an agent of the state.

well legally he has to retain any attorney who represents him otherwise neither party can go forward with the relationship. the retainer can even be $1 it doesn't matter as much as it matters they've established the lawyer-client relationship officially.

clanton's previous attorney who was a no-show today is a 1968 berkeley activist who was once charged for inciting a riot, the one that got the national guard called in and at least one person was killed (innocent bystander)

in fact when Dan Siegel became an attorney the state bar blocked him because he had...

"advocated violence and the seizure of property and lied when he denied advocating those things". Earlier in the year, he had been charged with inciting a riot, but had charges dismissed due to a lack of evidence.[6] Siegel and his lawyer Malcolm Burnstein appealed the subcommittee's decision, taking his appeal to the California Supreme Court, which overruled the State Bar and found that Siegel possessed the requisite "moral character" to practice law

bail can have conditions, and often does, for example not leaving the state, not using an airport, turning in your passport, etcc...

>start trial a couple days after violent attack on innocent kids in FLA.
>Defending a guy who committed violent attack on innocent kid.
Probably a good idea to postpone.

info on commies tearing down statue live on tv please

You say previous attorney with respect to Siegel but there is no sauce on that as far as Im aware... Siegel simply didnt show and another lawyer stood in and requested a deferral of the case for 6 weeks, which the DA agreed to. Standard stalling tactics.

I’ve been out on bail three times. It’s never had conditions. Let me guess, your knowledge comes from tv dramas?

Is this the first postponement? I'll accept it if that's true. I bet he's pretty fucking salty over Sup Forums ass fucking him into prison.
Also, bump.

You fucking nigger no wonder you are a criminal

the third, I think

He never would have been convicted on those and would have walked. He stands a chance of doing time for what he's been charged with.

God damnit! I had a feeling this would happen, I knew it when I fucking opened the thread.

How many times can they do this? I want to see this fucker break down and cry like a bitch when reality hits him, they always cracks these weak ones, they always crack when it comes down.

They can already smell he is coming in the jail.

Your statement makes zero sense, faggot. Basically not an argument. Pretrial release on personal recognizance has conditions. Bail only requires you to show up to court. Double turbo faggot.

Hmm... I wonder if the lawyer urged him to plea guilty and he went all
>No! I am special!
>Those people were nazi fascist KKK trumpsters!
It doesn't look good son, you will be found guilty. Listen if you take the guilty plea we can bargin for you and get the sentence lowere.....

oh I can just picture this... aaahhh

If he is getting a trial by jury, there is no point even stressing over this; he will be found not guilty by a jury in his liberal city, or at worst re-trialed because of a lack of unanimus jury vote.
I would hope everyone here is red-pilled enough to know that justice isn't going to be done by a jury of liberals, and not to get black pilled when he gets off. Our time will come, and he will get the rope.
If someone has his address, by all means post it for future reference.

I think Cantwell is under house arrest but he still does his radio show the Radical Agenda.

hes a domestic terrorist why isnt he dead yet?

>It’s never had conditions.
A judge can set conditions of release to bail if they feel like there is a justifiable reason too. For example, if the defendant is accused of assault on a specific person the judge may set a condition for them not to get in contact with the person they assaulted. Just because nobody set a condition on your bail doens't mean it never happens you idiot. Or are you also the jailhouse attorney?


dipshit, maybe spend less time in jail and a little more time reading

IANAL but i would think if he and his defense faggots were that confident they'd win at trial they wouldn't be constantly delaying this shit

Lawyer said fuck that shit nigga guilty.


So you've never gone to court before

they are accepting a plea and its going to put Clanton into the slammer for some real time, hence the stalling

Proof that even communists attorneys don't work.


>how many times.
Until the judge calls BS. He’s had to waive his right to speedy trial by now, but as long as the judge allows it, it can drag on for a long time. I’m guessing at this point nothing will happen until a year from his first court date.
I’m no lawyer. I just spent a couple of years wrapped up in the system. Bail is a contract between a bondsman and a client. When you can’t afford the amount the state declares for your freedom, a bondsman assures, for a percentage of the bond, that you will appear in court. Not contacting your victims, is the law. It’s not conditional at all. It isn’t arbitrarily applied to some people, it’s a universal truth. Therefore it’s not a condition. Learn to English language, idiot.

I am not a lawyer?

He never bonded as far as I know, so he's been in county, which could be arguably worse. Folks in the big house are settled in, but constant flow of new faces may harbour psychopaths that don't give a fuck. They're filtered out to high sec for big bids typically.