Peterson love thread

Daily reminder theres been no counter-arguments to Jordan Peterson and he's our best chance at redpilling normies. He even answered your fucking jewish question for all the larpers on here. Thats more said than 99% of all mainstream conservative personalities. And his answer is reasonable as well despite your negative wishes. High IQ+Haggling money savvy culture=your conspiracy.

Also funny is how a lot of you shit on blacks for blaming whitey then turn around and blame jews for everything.

Trust in peterson anons. The tallest trees catch the most wind.

No pro white = nothing

Is this the boomer faggot who can't talk about jews and doesn't know what a white person is?

psychology is a fucing joke and pseudoscience


Thanks to Jordan Peterson I actually have an idea of how consciousness and awareness may have came about for our species.

t. proxyfag
JBP is /ourguy/ and has been for years. Only butthurt trannies and ugly feminist trolls with messy rooms don't like him.

>redpilling teh normies XD
Fuck off newfag


>Also funny is how a lot of you shit on blacks for blaming whitey then turn around and blame jews for everything.

It's more like a game of rock paper scissors in which there is no winning move but I get your point.

Daily reminded that JP daughter posts her half naked photos on whole internet to see and this is men whos example we are supposed to follow?
Think again he couldn't raise his daughter properly and he himself with daughter was on drugs 10+ years and he is trying to sell you self improvement bullshit!
Don't fall for it, he just saw opportunity to cash on lonely autistic children he did and you all bought into normie bullshit advice : B ur self, find ur self, clean your room...etc

He is turning good money with selling books and doing podcasts

Exactly. All the faggots on here only hate him because he calls on people to take responsibility and these lazy fat shits cant compute so they call him a shill. He shits on the left (thank god) and tells kids in the alt right to start a family (the best thing for the white race). Love this man. (if you want him to talk about jews without completing ruining his academic career you're a fucking delusional retard)


>He even answered your fucking jewish question for all the larpers on here

what did he say?

he ran like a little wussy from that guy pointing out Solzhenitsyn's book

It took huge brass balls to stand up to political correctness in Hat. I for one applaud this man and his efforts to not be forced at point of gun to say made up pronouns to mentally ill suicidal maniacs.

Would you want to be associated with people like you?

No, of course not.

Now we wait for the NatSoc LARPing faggot to shill for his YT channel again...


Jordan "Jews are smarter than you, goy!" Peterson

is a Communist kike


His whole fucking family is mess, look at daughters room? Did she clean it? Nope but she sure is selling you self improvement bullshit herself, while she is using your money to make expensive trips with her Chad boyfriend and talk about her "struggles".

People are so fucking dense and can't see through obvious bullshit. Today everyone is self improvement guru just talk some vauge bullshit about interconnection and use non meaning and vauge words and people will desepratly latch on you to find end to their misery

OP is literally lying through his fucking teeth and saying that Sup Forums isnt against jews

Trying to frame the context of this board to be even further from what it originally was

You are such a disgusting lying piece of shit, i wouldnt hesitate to put you out of your misery


>His whole fucking family is mess, look at daughters room? Did she clean it?
That's clearly a hotel room you mong. You've never traveled

Why do you think Jordan always has such a serious stern expression when he's on with Moly? He's all smiles with centrists

>her second day in prag
>All mess around still

Yea whatever fucking cult drone, tomorrow she will sell you story if you don't have energy to clean your room for 5 min this is your cause why you are loser.


HAHHAHAHAH dude youre a fucking mongoloid

wow very intelligent response keep up with shitposts

>0,03 JP shekels have been deposited in your acc

Where is she going to put her clothes? Do you think hotel rooms offer drawers all the time? Go be poor you filthy croat I imagine you haven't even seen the inside of a hotel.

is that what you've resorted to? his daughter has a messy room and posts bathing suit pics?
she's married with a child and not taking a horse dildo for shekels so she's already better than 90% of western women.

>She is married to wealthy CHAD
Yep just as typical women can get.

You talk about me being poor and not be able to travel yet you say that hotel rooms that you visit don't have drawers HAHAHAHA in what kind of shithole do you travel?

>average Croat salary is $600 a month
Oh god you're literally wasting your life. Get off Sup Forums, stop thinking your insignificant opinion matters, and get the fuck out of croatland

Women are children user, but considering she's not 30+ posting her asshole on instagram she's a bit better than the regular roastie

Can I get some context on that webm?

Thats exactly what she is doing, she is posting her naked ass over internet. Check her instagram.
Typical narcissistic bitch with instagram full of selfies.

Eh, you're reaching user

All these skeptic fags still rambling about "muh identity politics". Can't they see that if whites pretend they didn't have a racial identity, they'd get constantly taken advantage of by nonwhites who all have a strong racial in-group conciousness.

Such a simple thing.

What exactly is Peterson really doing?

Does he have a single original thought in his head?

Why doesn't he support open borders and individualism for Israel?

Why did he gaslight MGTOW?

Why does voluntarily using tranny pro-nouns make any difference?

He is a self-help guru at best. Beyond that I cannot fathom what people see in him.

therefore nothing her father does is worth anything? Granted if she was a mega whore fucking niggers and doing porn you might have a point. Clearly you're a bias retard with a hate boner if thats all you can resort too. You havent provided any substantiated claim thats isnt just "his daughter has an instagram and does what every 20 something stacy does"

wow bunch of nothing said.
You really enjoy feeling intellectual by this verbal masturbation with these sentances that don't have meaning.?

Look I can do it to:
You have to connect yourself with inner feeling of struggle to overcome the fear of rejection. This will help you in your journey through depression, now buy my book at amazon to tell you how.

>Beyond that I cannot fathom what people see in him.
I mean, that's more a sign of your ineptitude than his

Blog about it you pathetic loser


>peterson shill thread
Isn't this guy a lolberg that has a jewish wife and preaches selfish individualism? Into the trash it goes.

t. never read Peterson
I don't need his help, user. But there are a lot of soyboys who do. You could probably learn to be a little less of a cunt.

So you want to tell me to buy his book.
I knew there were paid shills doing this Markething shit all over Sup Forums.

6 months ago it was Molymeme.
Guess If I want to jumpstart my carrer I have to pay marketing comapny to shill me on Sup Forums for 3 months

I feel bad for losers like you who can only feel like they are apart of a collective group because you're a worthless shit who cant accomplish anything for themselves. Maybe one day you'll grow up and clean your room friend!

>46 replies
>22 posters

Shills are working overtime to shill this bullshit depressed man.

yeah but hitler.

>So you want to tell me to buy his book.
No, watch his free videos on YouTube.
>jumpstart my carrer
Unemployed, are you? Not surprised. Start by cleaning your room, faggot.

Why don't you boneheads realize you can be both individualist and still consider yourself part of a racial collective.

Reminder that anti-JP people are either shills or Kekistani fags

What do any of you even see in him?

I agree, anyone who just does one is holding themselves back. I think being a collectivist a worse then being an individualist for what thats worth


what's ironic is you communist faggots think individualism is somehow bad, yet it's what leads to greatness that can result in major societal shifts

collectivism leads to nothing but stagnation and mediocrity, it's pathetic and ensures everyone remains helpless and average with no chance at growth or progress. plus collectivism results in easy exploitation by whoever chooses to seize power, whereas individualism doesn't allow for this since the "next best" is always just a hair away from whoever's leading


the most exceptional individual will always be overwhelmed by the most mediocre of groups. in the face of an organized group effort directed against you, the only recourse is to organize yourself with your own group.
why is that hard to understand.

I'm on that corner often user

I think he's a pretty good speaker, and he's obviously very well read. The stuff he talks about is interesting, and he presents it in an entertaining way that makes listening to him enjoyable. He talks about things we all know, but can't articulate, such as our fundamental fears, nihilism, etc.

There's more to it, but that's the gist of why I like him at least. Also he introduces self responsibility, which is the first step in self actualization, which is the first step for a person towards individualism and liberty.

Just stayed in the Yotel for NY Toy Fair, much better than that shithole The Row

The Yotel is better than the Row? I'm surprised, but good to know

Why don't you and your faggot friends go back to ?

>wow, she posted a pic in lingerie
you mean like literally every woman that's not ugly af?

When will people realize we need both individualism and collectivism for society to work? If everyone only acts in their own interests society as a whole will get no where. Also without society as a whole taking in individuality and individual needs our government would seize to represent our population accurately. Is it that hard to understand? Sometimes individualism is narcissistic and selfish. Sometimes collectivism is tyrannical. It's when collectives represent the will of the individuals and protect it that it's ok and not when it's not.

This faggot references Freud as a source of understanding psychology.

Freud was kike cult leader - and his theories were on the same plane as that of Scientology.

This guy is just a charismatic weird uncle to lonely autists.

Vice News SJW cucks hate him.

Stormfront mouth breathers hate him.

Perhaps this man is doing something right.

OP is right about one thing as well. Just as SJW idiots scapegoat all of their problems onto straight white men, so do bottom of the barrel genetic trash whites scapegoat all of their problems onto Jews.

Inb4 I'm a jew. I'm also clearly opposed to all of this open borders horseshit and the new left but some of you should get a grip.

I just wanna add I don't hate Jews. I hate Zionist. (And most Jews IK are)

Why is it so hard for you to understand that valuing individualism doesn't mean that you renounce all group identities and go off to live in as a hermit in the woods?

if she's going to talk about diet in the ways she has been then it makes sense to establish some appeal to authority and showing that she isn't just making it up

also she can do whatever the fuck she wants, she's married, has a kid, and is proactive. what's you're larping excuse

Just wait for Hitler guise XD

The jews are harmless goyim. They don't control the media, academia,
and finance. Our politicians don't bow before the APIAC lobby. We don't fight wars in the ME for Israel.

Fuck you OP - Rat-kike parasite.

Could we canonize this man as a Saint of The Church of Kek?

Never said there weren't jewish people who are clearly up to no good. Of course there are. That doesn't invalidate anything in my original post, however.

If you want to know what peterson thinks go watch his lectures, not just 5 minute snippets of him talking.

He formatted his book maps of meaning into a college course you can watch for free on youtube.

endless tears about the jews but you still don't realize that they rule you because they are wise.


the only way for the white tribe to have success is if they are lead by a wise leader. the wisest white man on earth is jordan peterson, he is literally your only hope and chosen by god to redeem your misguided race and you still won't take the gift he is giving you (for free) because you're jealous of the jew.

you're just cowards. you know deep down that the jew is better than you, and that even if you had all his tools he would still outperform you. better to just cry about how great they are and maybe someday the coward race really will pull off its mass genocide of their masters.

Well that may be you personally but most people refuse to collectivize in protection of the white race. I do say PROTECT not attacking others. Hating whites is pretty main stream and a good amount of Hollywood Jews hate whites. Until whites stick together (cause no other race cares) Jews and other races manipulated by them will spread an anti white agenda.

Spoted the Jew Zionist! Hello Rabi!


>in this moment I am euphoric

Jordan "I can't do it" Peterson is a self help guru at best. You do not see him travelling to SA and documenting what happens when you become a hated minority in your own country. Instead he buys hair plugs. Meanwhile Japan and other places like it are doing fine. Why is that?

But in all seriousness go read Carl Jung. Read psychometric literature. Be a true individual and think for yourself. When I say Peterson doesn't have any original thoughts I'm not just trying to irritate you, I mean it. Find out. You do not need this slimy little man to think for you.

Life is tragic and the individual in human history is not redemptive. Although this is not that same as powerless.

I grew up around rural white trash and they don't know anything about rat-kikes. Where do you get the idea its only white trash that blames jews? From the SPLC?

It takes a more sophisticated understanding of kike group behaviors to understand why they are menace.

And here we ago again with "some jews" are up to no good. They're an occupying group that need to be dealt with.

not an argument.

Kek you said a subjective viewpoint about Jews being wise and whites not being expect me to argue against it? You yourself expressed an opinion not a fact therefore it was "not an argument". (Also you wan't an anti-collectivist to be the leader of an collectivism? Boy you're a brainlet) Kill yourself kike.

Maybe it was just the room I was in at The Row but it was dingy compared to this one.

>argue against your own foolishness
no that would be futile. and i said "not an argument," not the stupid straw man bullshit that you pretended to dismiss.

i don't need jordan peterson to lead me. i understand logic and philosophy and wisdom. i'm jewish. white people though seem to have a very hard go at it. they don't grasp simple logic, and they are not wise. i have never seen an example of a wise white person in the flesh until i saw jordan peterson. not one ever. and i have even seen wise blacks!
no your race is scourged by god and by luck you get one wise man that can help you and the self-proclaimed race prophets try to destroy him. you pigs deserve no better i suppose.

Peterson hasn't really changed the way I think, most of my thoughts were already established 5-10 years ago on these subjects, it's just nice to hear someone as eloquent and vocal as Peterson confirm what I already knew to be true - it's nice to hear my own beliefs propagated by Peterson on public and far reaching platforms.

I've read the bulk of Jung's work already!

>Peterson doesn't have any original thoughts

Peterson haters always seem to level this criticism against him and I'm not exactly sure why. Most people don't think or claim he's completely original and that everything he says is some ground breaking revelation. What's appealing about Peterson is that he's a voice. That's it, he's a voice, an intelligent, powerful, measured voice with a talent for public speaking and concise expression. We live in a world with more vocal, charismatic individuals outside of just the political realm. We need philosophers and psychologists who can spark debate among the masses. This is also why guys like Sam Harris have a large following.

David Hogg is his illegitimate love child

>logic, intelligence, wisdom. Got the lot me.
>your race
>because white is a race

>the only way for the white tribe to have success is if they are lead by a wise leader. the wisest white man on earth is jordan peterson,

Read this. Realize what you've said Jew. Why if white people need wise leaders would they not choose the wisest as their leader?

>misguided race
>still won't take the gift he is giving you (for free) because you're jealous of the jew.

Ok let's pick apart what you're saying then?
You are implying whites are fools.
You are saying we are misguided.
You are saying we don't have wise leaders and Jordan is a god given leader to lead us. You are saying that a pure individualist uncapable of seeing society as a whole would be able to lead us.

The Jews (as a whole) is not better than us. America was way better until the Jews got involved in our politics and we got involved with Israel. If it wasn't for Jews getting aid from others and using the fact that they are Jews to make themselves seem better they would be nowhere.

All (((Peterson))) threads will be subjected to sage treatment.

peterson is a dead meme

Jesus Christ this faggot again? Why do Sup Forumstards suck the cocks of these attention whores?

>why wouldn't we chooe wisely?
b/c you're fools. wise into wisdom fools into foolishness. look what the bible says about counselors. what do you think jordan peterson is? what are you doing to him?
the white mind in action.

Also now that I know for sure you're a zionist I have no reason to argue with you. I had no bais against Jews. I had a bais against zionists. If you read this
you'd know that. You're obviously anti-white and the exact type of people we need to collectivize against thus proving my point that sometimes collectivism is necessary. I don't even have to acknowledge you anymore than that.

>being this much of a mangina faggoy

which means having Jordan Peterson as our leader would not work because he would not be able to see the ant-white shit you Jews spread and act on it because he's a pure individualist at all times never capable of seeing the greater whole. Sometimes individualism is good -sometimes collectivism is. Being able to switch between the two is necessary to adapt. For the white race to exist we must continue to adapt and you are advocating a man who would look down on us for doing so.

you called me a kike and it's in the text record and now you're backpedaling and saying you're just a philosphical anti-zionist. so along with coward, you are a liar. and i bet you think you are the at the vanguard of your race and i won't even deny you that. you represent the very best, lying coward.

And implied whites were inferior first kike. You wanna be offensive I'll be offensive back you snake.

I'll say it again. Kill yourself Kike.

You don't get to imply another race is inferior to yours and expect no backlash you kike bastard. I would never say that to a non-Zionist Jew and compared I made that statement first which one do you think holds more truth? Not only are you a projecting, lying sociopath, but your an idiot as well.