What's gotten into him?
Trump pulling ICE out of CA
Pull ice out of California encourage illegals to run to California... encourage California to secede
Leave illegals an avanue of escape.. it’s literally sun tzu
herd them into a state that was gonna vote democrap regardless
Crashing this state, no survivors.
dobl checked
The big one is coming and he's pulling patriots out before it hits and wipes the western seaboard clean
Maybe they are too limited and being paid to do nothing. Cali is a joke and everyone with money will eventually take leave.
they got him
California has actually been doing better since ICE has been cracking down more in California.
This is actually a threat to Californian government. In the end, it'll make Trump look good and Cali look bad because they will be begging for ICE to stay.
I will forge an empire and take over these "American" lands for my own purposes.
The world shall see a King again.
North Korea ready to launch nuke to California. Get important people out of there...
>Cali is a joke and everyone with money will eventually take leave.
8 more years until that place is done, gives just enough time to prep NYC for their arrival after the next big flood
3D chess would be compiling statistics before, during, and after ICE crackdowns showing the net positive effect of them
Or he's a massive faggot
I propose that California adopts the name New Mexico.
Old New Mexico can choose a new name.
Wouldn’t you lose your nugget earning state and that would fuck up all US economy?
>pull ICE out
>have the army march in
It's simple, isn't it?
Ice should be focused on swing and future swing states like Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida etcz
Really no reason to be in California
Why not, Old New Mexico can now be called 'New California'
we would literally be better off if california was fucking nuked
>extends wall to the north
Fuck off we’re full cunt
>Cali is a joke and everyone with money will eventually take leave
Kinda the opposite. The rich will stay. They love having the poor serve them. I just hope they manage to split the state in 2, then the highly liberal portion secedes. Then if that happens, I hope the US refuses to let any back in once they realize the mistake they made.
>tfw californian
someone just end my suffering
This. Please NK nuke these fucks
>lose our nugget earning state
They can't secede or that's war on California.Thats US land and if they don't like it they can become refugees and move to your shithole island.
Don’t worry mate at least you can say you’re from California to all the cool and hip young women and use it as brag points.
Give ut a few years. The state is being run by a bunch of tyranical anarchists. When was the last time they attempted to fix any of their issues whilst not making it harder on the law abiding citizens?
Once it hits that boiling point, the tech industry will pull out, Hollywood, and any business worth a damn. Then we just put a wall around it. Who ever reamins will sort themselves out.
Never gonna happen unless Dennis Rodman vacates the area.
If California was it's own country it would have the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world. With that said maybe, but California would never succeed, to many people in the state want to remain part fo the U.S.
>Ramp up ICE everywhere but Cali
>Illegals flee to Cali
>Illegal votes are rendered worthless because they're all in one state
>Cali protects illegals
>Cali is now a rogue state
>Stomp out Cali fags and illegals with military
How long have they been saying that?
CA just continues to get bigger, richer, and more influential
The great Spanish-Native state Pueblo.
No Mexicans or Kikes allowed.
Thats the type of attitude that allowed 30,000,000 of these beaners to come here in the first place. You are a faggot.
It would, and it would also have to rely on the USA to maintain that economy.
Did you know a sea lion's life is worth more than a white woman's in San Francisco?
Old New Mexico: now called Breaking Badlands
>used to live in ABQ, but I escaped
California spends a 100 billion a year on illegal immigration and has a poverty/unemployment rate that is double the national average.
Pulling ICE out wouldn't change anything. Califnorina is lost. Pulling ICE out would just encourage all the wetbacks to go there, removing their influence from the rest of the country.
Most likely not because it wouldn't be land locked, China & Russia pulling protector as well just to spite America
Let California burn. Let it become a state of the liberal elites and their slave spic class.
ICE in ALL STATES except Cali is a great idea. Then promote that fact hard, and in spanish - or whatever the fuck those people speak.
Let Cali deal with the problem, and eventually they will say "we need to get these people out of here!"
This could be the best plan so far. The middle class is fleeing the state and all we have to do is watch the state collapse when they fail to meet budget after silicon valley stops getting those sweet federal contracts
>live behind enemy lines in California.
< extreme North Eastern California.
tfw you will not see a California flag flying in front of any businesses or homes. It is all the US flag and the State of Jefferson flag.
>oy veyitos, the gringos left us one state we can go to and still collect our benefits
>40 million illegals swamp california in one year
You usually withdraw all personnel from an area before taking military action against it
California retains the industry it does because of lobbying against other competing states. The country benefits from California losing its status as there are plenty of states ready to swoop up each and every one of cali's top industries.
Even Hollywood business is moving away.
Exactly, just because ICE is gone doesn't mean companies can't be punished for hiring illegals, same thing for cities that protect them.
He's turning California into a honeypot while cleaning out the places we actually care about. It's glorious.
I'd like to apologize for trolling Trumpanzees so hard this past year. The last few days he's really proven that he was /ourguy/ all along.
Why does ICE telegraph its plans? Trump reengineered the military not to do this..
Not trying to be a chesscuk here but I honestly think he realized Cali isn't worth the effort to try to save.
>retards talking about Sun Tzu
The man also said that "Throw your soldiers into positions from which there is no escape, and they will choose fight over flight."
In this context it's obvious that your quote refers to leaving an opening so the enemy will attempt to flee.... and then they are much easier to cut down than if they hold a defensive position. Yet every moron quotes this as if Sun Tzu implied being merciful towards the enemy.
All of those industries have already planted seeds on the other side of the country to prepare for just that.
Although it's pretty weird thinking that Austin and Atlanta are future tech hubs of the US.
They held that spot for awhile, they are no longer up there. I think they're around 9th-10th now, and still falling.
Are you kidding? Trump is "them." He played the same games that he is pretending to fight against now, for his entire business career. Still better than the Democucks, but don't fall for the trick. There are maybe 100 people in the world more elite than Trump is. Out of 7 billion, that is one hell of an accomplishment.
It is fine to like Trump for giving a voice to people who had no voice. It is foolish to think Trump will simply abandon his cushy lifestyle for brownie points with the Plebs. Use the Trump Era as a stepping stone to a better tomorrow. Not a place to build a home. That better tomorrow won't come if you don't get off your ass and make something about your current living space better. Not later, not tomorrow. Now.
>Illegal votes are rendered worthless
Fucking this. Thanks to the electoral voting system, shoving more subhumans into california removes possible democrat votes from all the other states. And when Cali is full, it will "suddenly" hit by a NK nuke.
Bring them to Washington State next
For the love of God please
Just means Texas and Atlanta will be voting blue in the near future.
>fuck up all US economy
Far from it. If anything, the US's net worth might drop, but its expendable income would increase. Instead of taking a limited amount of taxes, which a portion has to go back into spending on California, the US would now be able to get a bigger chunk in the form of something like tariffs. That is assuming any major industry, besides Hollywood, even stays in California before they break off.
>That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
-Declaration of Independence
He wants the beaners to congregate there. Duh.
>Cali somehow is able to leave the union
>one of the world's largest economies
>all US based businesses forced to pull out (Hollywood, Google, etc)
>all thats left is local farming
>cant sustain itself on local farming alone
>goes belly up within a year
>pleas with US for trade deals
>get sanctioned
>get walled off
>federal military is pulled out
>federal owned equipment returned
>National Guard left with out any equipment
>foriegn enemies move in from then water
>gets ravaged
One of the world's largest economies indeed.
Fuckin' weasel words bro.
>instead of prioritizing your efforts where affects can be more quickly seen you should focus all your effort on the one place that is doing everything it can to bring in as many of these people as possible.
California should be blockaded and allowed to burn.. And at any rate... Those ICE agents are good people, patriots... It would be treasonous to not pull them out of california before it sinks into the ocean
No one cares memey
He wasn't perfect, but he was right most of the time.
Eh I can see how it's a smart move to do temporarily. Instead of illegals hunkering down and hiding in the shadows across the whole country they'll get calls "ayyy homes come to CA no popo man it's safe", get them all concentrated in one spot for easier removal. Their legal family members might follow them west too, taking their democrat votes out of the midwest to a state that is already permanently blue
ICE got the intel on california mexicans, barron is gonna collect it and cyber it into databases n shiet then trump will send in the MUHreens to clean house.
Chess OP chess, just be patient and MAGA, we gonna be starship troopers n shiet soon
ICE agents are just more leeches who want easy, cushy government jobs. Next you are going to tell us Laqueisha who works at the airport TSA checkpoint is a brave patriot warrior out there defending our country on the frontlines.
They could be used elsewhere more efficiently. California does not help and actively hinders federal agents from enforcing federal laws.
The better question is what options are available to bring California to heel complying with the law. The federal government not California sets immigration law.
Sources say to ignore shit like this because there's a 99% chance it'll peter out into nothing by next week.
well? couldn't you just assassinate someone on your way out?
i don't see why everyone cries online and when they say "hey try getting active in your community" it's just a call too far
>August, 2018
>Autistic screeching from the UN
>"This is genocide", they say, "Literally another shoah is upon us!"
>Trump has just declared California a Sanitarium State
>After months of spics fleeing to California and middle class whites fleeing to be anywhere but California it turns out that all that remain are mentally ill communists, spics and a whole bunch of jews
>The economy of California has completely crashed
>The jews will have to live in poverty or work
>the kikes lose all leverage to organize the spics to work for them, money has become worthless in california
>the spics start slaughtering them
>literal genocide
>so the US has to send in the army to protect the jews
>US Army crushes the spics but oops.. too late the last kike died
This is OUR timeline!
It makes sense honestly. California will be a one party state due to mass immigration for years to come.
Better off focusing your resources deporting illegals out of red and purple states. Fewer illegals and children they pop out in those states, the longer they stay Republican.
If true... sure, I support it. I feel bad for the non-retarded liberals stuck in that state, but it's time. ICE isn't allowed to do their jobs anyway. Let California become a containment state, move ICE into other areas where they can take out the trash. When California becomes a third-world hellhole, only then will they maybe, FINALLY, take immigration laws seriously and clean house. MAYBE. But the only way these retarded liberals learn anything is the hard way.
>85 years
T-minus ten-seconds till California completely browns out.
Get out of there, lads, before La Creatura is released!
>raiding and arresting criminal spics is the same as monkey work at the airport
donkey flag
gas yourself
This. I'm in Mississippi. We're overrun. Illegals came here after Katrina to steal jobs and never left. They shit out babies yearly and are all on EBT. Oh, and they still haven't learned English yet.
California is 45% federal land. Much of that is large, very strategic military bases. The whole concept of Calexit is retarded; the US would never allow it, businesses would flee like rats, there are no upsides to it at all.
T. native Californian
The fuck is happening here?
>If California was it's own country it would have the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world
Why do Calitards constantly repeat this while not knowing what the fuck they're talking about? In pure GDP you'd be top 10 but that doesn't mean shit when you're completely broke and your state is literally a shithole.
Whites are already sub 50% in CA
One generation to go from majority to minority
If Democrats start winning elections again you can forget about ICE doing its' job anywhere. Best remove those potential blue voters now. California is lost
Nah. Nearly all of Cali's high gdp comes from industries that can pick up and move the second things get too dicey or cali stops giving them massive tax breaks. Tech industry is already setting up to move into Georgia and Texas and Hollywood is looking into Idaho and Wyoming. Cali will be a dead wasteland within a decade.
She fainted because she has Graves diseases
Replacing them with national guard I hope.
Theyre not anarchists theyre just leftist corporatist multiculti kike lovers
Let CA burn.
Seems to be a negro having a stroke. I can only assume by her reaching for her earpiece she thought God was telling her that she was, in fact, not decended from kangz n queenz
Weird shit, fuckin walking zombie looking bitch.
Yep, upon further investigation I have concurred with this, the thang is not a kang or qwang
>tfw Commiefornia is a containment board for illegals
No this gives the Lords of Sacramento a victory or so they think.
>ice leaves
>illegal beaners drunk drive, murder, rape citiizens at a high fun rate.
> they walk
> after the 1500th muh dreamer crashes into a bus full of austic niggers the out rage is to much
> trump floods the state and uses catapults to fling taco niggers back home.
> Trump then arrests the lords of Sacramento for various felonies.
> California turns red
holy fuck thats genius