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I'm 31 years old and don't own a bump stock
This applies most of us
This actually makes sense though, I'm glad he's doing this. Why would I want some dumb nigger or psychopath to be able to buy a gun? If gun ownership can be "exclusive" to those who qualify, wouldn't the gun world benefit?
I can literally make a bump stock with a rubber band
After the next school shooting he's coming after yours.
Not really, what he is proposing isn't that radical.
If it stops the false flag CIA shootings for a bit, so be it.
Remember we are only in year 2 of 8, things change.
>implying this will stop niggers and psychopaths from getting guns
It won't stop shit.
Next shooting that happens, republicans and Drumpf will be blamed for not doing enough.
Wtf I’m with her now
There will be a few month lull, just enough time to shift the focus back to what is important, the downfall of the status quo.
The future is ours user, remember that.
No but it's somewhat of a compromise. This country isn't only filled with underage edge lords who think the Jews are responsible for every bad thing in their lives.
>if you saw a doctor for adhd you cannot get a gun, if you saw a doctor for depression you cannot get a gun
Fucking kill yourself. Fags like you will be the death of the 2A.
If the NRA doesn't back it' it'll die in committee or on the floor if they're lucky.
I don't think he's going far enough. I think the 2nd Amendment needs to be repealed. They've done it before and they will again.
We’re talking people with no life experience, and zero prospects. Raging about “niggers and jews” on the internet is all that they have.
No not really. This is something everybody is fore. Hahahahahaha?
Yeah like the revolutionary army volunteers were all over 21. This is the program for a future of soboys, afraid of nasty loud guns and completely PC or they're off to the mental camp.
>Everyone on Sup Forums has some level of mental illness and will be prevented from getting a gun
People have been saying this after every single shooting my whole life...and nothing has ever happened. So it shouldn't surprise you when I say that I don't actually believe that this will happen, and if you think it will, then I think you're an idiot.
my dad already owns 30+ bump stocks and plans on giving me at least 5 of them.
KYS op
I don't understand why he's doing this. It will not placate anyone on the left, even if it is definitively more than Obama did.
>year 2 of 8
>thinking this retard is getting reelected
Major problem I have with this is that mental health is too subjective. Background checks are just too limited to be any more effective than they currently are. Here are some solutions that may have an actual effect;
1) Limit social media to an appropriate age.
2) Higher punishments for people who don't take enough precautions to limit access to their guns.
Also, this isn't a perfect world. There is no solution that will completely fix the problem. Taking away guns will just increase crime, which has been proven time and time again.
This is Jews playing up a tragedy to take our guns. They know something is stirring and need to disarm us fast.
It was the NRA who pushed for background checks to begin with.
I am not a trump supporter but even then I don't see the problem:
>Unstable retards wont be able to have weapons
>Young and hotheaded teens wont be able to have weapons
Don't know much about guns so cant judge the bump stock thing, but overall it's not a bad thing
Bump stocks: Vegas shooter could have killed more if aimed with a standard stock due to lack of uncontrollable recoil.
If anything you Leftist assholes should be requiring bumpstocks so we end up spraying the room and hitting nothing, aka nigger-tier aiming.
But if a commie faggot doesn’t want me or a fellow patriot to have a given item, then I will support everything I can to make that commie faggot unable to ban said item.
Gun owners: We need to stop saying “I’m over 21, doesn’t matter” and “I’d never use a bump stick anyway” because ANY victory for these cocksuckers will further encroach upon the things that DO matter to you and me.
Like the NRA isn't politicizing shootings at every turn. Is it really that hard to believe people are getting sick of getting shot in the face in a mall, at school, at a concert? This epidemic of violence has to stop.
All memes aside, is anyone else disappointed in such a flip flopping faggot he ended up being? I was a huge supporter until recently. What a joke.
You'd better stop if you value the life of your dog.
How did you not see that coming? He flip flopped during the campaign as well? He was pro-abortion and pro-life, for gun control and against gun control, he just says whatever the idiots in front of him want to hear, the definition of a populist.
Trump's competition was a man who thinks everything should be free and a blatant criminal. If the democrats keep up with their nonsensical nominees, then my guess is it will happen.
Suck a dick moar faggot.
Literally this is an epidemic of tumblersque virtue-signaling “caring”.
Yes he did, so he's lost my vote along with the rest of the Republicans
>heh, it's cool if they keep taking things I don't care about, this will never negatively impact me
>like who cares guys, let them take it, 4d chess
>why wouldn't the gun world benefit if we took away accessories for bullshit reasons and prevented many from owning firearms?
>I don't like my rights anyways
Guess the tension of the election clouded my judgement. I hate this country sometimes
Tell that to the families of people falling victim to these things, things that happen nowhere else in the world as frequently as with you.
checked and this shit is the nail in the coffin. I've been voting Republican for over 12 years, today I'm done
This. Old Sup Forums would say any sort of background checks are an attempted infringement on your second amendment rights.
What are bump stocks?
It hasn't happened because people keep fighting against it.
I would literally tell any family of these kids that wants to take away my rights that they can fuck themselves and I wish it was them and not their kids since maybe their kids would grow up to not be fucking idiots
too bad we're stuck with nu-pol, the rtd faggots that nimbly navigated to our precious board
You faggots said this about DACA too. He fucking played you like a damn fiddle, and he's playing you again while we clap and stomp our feet in amusement as you dance.
>Oh look, things that make fucking sense
He would lose a lot of money from the NRA though.
NRA does not support your gun rights, holy fuck how new are some of you. NRA = faggots, GOA = our guys. Spend some time on other boards like /k/
Oh look another disgusting austrailian faggot, what a suprise. we need to change the name of australia to "Faggotland".
our guy the other day purchased his weapon legally
>I would literally tell any family of these kids that wants to take away my rights that they can fuck themselves and I wish it was them and not their kids since maybe their kids would grow up to not be fucking idiots
>Why do the left call us rednecks and morons?
Keep talking like this and you lose your guns for sure.
if you dont want to live in a country that has firearms ownership as a fundamental right
there are plenty of other countries where that is not the case
move to one of them
that said this shit will just bolster gop turnout in the midterms and none of these proposals will actually go anywhere anyway
4D chess
Read the black letters and then arm yourself.
This does totally makes sense and should also be applied to the presidential election voting system.
21 used to be the real age of majority, kikes have lowered it to 18 in order to trick incompetent underaged goyim to vote for their liberal parties and policies, and now they're trying to push it down further to 16.
Nothing someone says before he reaches age 21 should be taken into account.
>Unstable retards wont be able to have weapons
Either this has to be restrictive enough that almost every citizen doesn't qualify to buy a gun, or this can't catch all the psychopaths. Hell, I have some unsavory qualities about the way I think, yet I'm logical enough that I'm probably safer to give a gun to than almost all gun owners.
Anyone here know what bump stocks are?
None of these things sound bad to me. Especially the mental health checks
Didn't betray me this is what I wanted as well as armed teachers oh and Sup Forums is not one person faggot retard
>be American kid
>get shot
>Heh heh muh 5D hypergalactic yahzee
an MLG-tier meme that Trump is happy to ban because gun owners do not give a shit about it and it'll make the dems feel like they did something
>OH NO! Trump is actually doing some presidential shit and making hard decisions.
He said there would be a way for DACA to be worked out during the campaign. He never advocated for deporting those spics.
And this gun shit still has to go through congress, so they are just brainstorming. Bump Stocks are stupid, and for faggots. You don't get to nigger-rig your gun to be automatic. That law is already in place. I knew they were going bye-bye the first time I say an edgy faggot's video promoting them.
Is he raising the age to buy rifles or for bump stocks? Because if this cunt raises the age for rifles I am going to send him very strongly worded letter.
>He never advocated for deporting those spics.
rtd braindead faggot detected
rifles/long guns, to 21 from 18
handguns are already 21 afaik
A loop hole that's always been a giant liability for the rest of us, essentially. FA bans are unjust, but circumventing the ban with this crap only gives them a foundation for targeting semi-autos
How many fucking times did he say "They've gotta go back"? Dozens? Hundreds?
Before he won you faggots thought he was going to send back 11 million spics.
>This applies most of us
>[typed in heavy russian accent]
I love how the far right has become so extreme in regards to guns, and so successful in shifting the narrative, that this legislation could even be seen as betrayal
Look it up nigger. He said it multiple times in interviews and on the trail. There was always going to be a pathway for citizenship for the DACA spiggers. You fucking hardliners just heard what you wanted to.
>He never advocated for deporting those spics.
Does a machine can feel shamed of their own shitposting?
No betrayal would be rounding up all the guns, something i can promise hillary would have started long ago
This is just common sens
>Why would I want some dumb nigger or psychopath to be able to buy a gun?
Because I dont care
If they are such a danger lock them up
>Tell that to the families of people falling victim to these things, things that happen nowhere else in the world as frequently as with you.
Anytime, anyplace
Americans are uneducated in math and cannot see how irrelevant these numbers are if you filter out black gang violence (no guns purchased legally, no background checks) and death suicides (which would use other means if no guns were around)
Keep trying, commie filth
Oh Moshi...
you sir, are not a degenerate!
--- Illegal Bump Stocks
+++ Guns permitted in schools
The art of the deal. It's his way of bartering.
He was talking about illegals that overstayed and the ones that sneak over the boarder man. When asked about the "dreamers" he specifically said he was for finding a way for them to gain citizenship. Not the murders and rapists, but actual immigrants that are here being productive.
>oklahoma tornado bait detected
>Tell that to the families of people falling victim to these things
Do you think these kikes whining on CNN phases me at all?
>he seems to be a right winger
>obviously mentally ill
I'm with you. You give an inch they take a mile, and for what? Does he thinks this makes liberals like him now? Eroding the rights away piece by piece. Hell we hardly have the 1st amendment in America. Be a conservative and speak out on a hugh social platform like youtuve or twitter facebook. Sometimes i wish HRC did win so we could accelerate this shit to a fever pitch
>brags about being a criminal
What will the background check look for?
Why do you idiots always take things into extremes? It's either all good or all bad with you retards.
This is the last straw.
I fucking hate Trump now.
I used to believe that he would be the one to save America, but it looks like he's as crooked as the rest of them.
Fuck this and fuck the corrupt system that enables it.
And then commence with the shutting the fuck up.
As much as it pains me to disagree, Oprah would be a great candidate for niggers and cucky anti-white faggots (both neo liberal gop members and progressives).
She has a reputation of helping the community by giving them gibs. And this will happen if she is president. And she will cater to this mindset, basically being Obama 2.0
And I can see her easily running in 2020. Trump needs to start on the wall ASAP.
On the 2016 election, a lot of democrats/progressives/liberals were split on Hillary. Some Bernfags voted for her because muh drumpf, some Berns voted third party and some berns didn't vote at all.
>Sometimes i wish HRC did win so we could accelerate this shit to a fever pitch
Bernie would have been better for that
Aren't you glad we're now flooded with faggots from the_donald instead of those racist losers from old Sup Forums? Fuck racism, black guys are fucking BASED. We agree with whatever Trump changes his opinion to! Bombing/invading Syria? Awesome! Offering Amnesty? Fucking BASED! Enacting more gun control than fucking Obama? #MAGA!!!
Fuck off blackpill larping proxyfags.
How likely is this shit to pass? Like, they hear his proposal and go "okay". Could it cause a snowballing effect all the way to the 2nd?
>He never advocated for deporting those spics.
How far does t_d's cult of personality fucking go?
all very reasonable, and i almost agree outright, with the exception:
>1) Limit social media to an appropriate age.
while noble in intent, as a freedom loving, God fearing american, i have no right to tell other people how to raise their children, nor do they have the right to tell me how to raise mine.
if we are gonna take a hard stand for freedom, it needs to be the whole fucking enchilada, and not some weak-kneed capitulation to constitution-hating pinheads, nitpicked and piecemeal
When is he going to do something about Tide Pods? I can't live I'm a world like this...
It seems like he doesn't know it was fake.
This is wrong. They specifically asked him this, and that's where his famous "You've gotta go back" quote came from.
pretty tame and will freeze all further discussion for the next 8 years.
If he betrayed you, then you are under 21 and/or mentally unstable.
You aussie cunt where is the fucking source. Dumb emu whore. Archive it and give us a source