What is your favorite liberal hypocrisy?
Okay Sup Forums
The one where they pretend to give a shit about black people.
>We Want Women's Rights
>We Want Sharia Law
Elementary school kids can pick their own gender.
Elementary school kids can not pick their own lunch menu.
>Jews deserve to live without fear
>Let those poor Philistines arm themselves to kill you, also let those Goyim from Africa into your country!
>We should treat Arabs like we treat eachother.
>But hey they can build wherever they want.
>Religious freedom should be the way of the land
>Why are women being discriminated against in mosques and Synagogues?!
I got hundreds.
>Political Action X is "humanitarian"
>it benefits the j*ws at the expense of goyim
case in point: liberals wanting to """""end the dictatorship of Gadaffi"""""" but not giving a shit about his ongoing Great Man-Made River project (more possibile abundance of food sources/water for them outside of getting "Humanitarian Aid" from the outside, ZERO support from World Bank/NATO/UN, lmao) cancelled or the thousands of libyan people suffering from the changes since his death
>Feminism is about equality/equal choices possible for all variations in the Rainbow
>Reality: kill off "cis" people and feminize the remaining masculine men among the homo/bi crowd so that everyone is equally Tumblrina
I'm using the word feminism instead of LGBTQ due to not reflecting on how their talk about gender and sexual policing """"""""""""""intersect"""""""""" too hard for me to even notice the difference (men coerced into giving up their manly traits in both cases, just as feminist women end up emulating aggressive male behaviors in order to "win" their fight against nature's oppressive bigotry)
>Trump is literally Hitler
>We must hand in all of our guns to Trump
I'm actually all for the mentally ill not being allowed to own guns.
If Democrats don't want guns legally so be it.
The rest of us can have them.
>She was supposed to win, Trump cheated by using russian haxx0rs
>ssssshhh don't tell anyone about Scott Foval admitting to having exploited homeless/poor people into acting as aggressive agent provocateurs at Trump rallies :^)
>Racism and sexism, and exclusivity are wrong
>Fuck straights, whites, and men!
I don't care if they justify it by saying the changed the definition.
>The police are evil and they are shooting people unjustly
>Citizens shouldn't be able to have guns, just call the police if you're in danger
>Sexuality and gender expression matter
>Bisexuals can't identify as that binary exclusive term anymore
>Teenagers eat tide pods because they're gullible and stupid, we should change the law to somehow make soap less appealing to eat
>We should listen to teenage tide-pod eater's, and their valuable opinions on firearm laws.
>We don't trust the government
>We want a world government
most liberals dont think that
They may not think those words verbatim, but most normie liberals subscribe to the Marxist line that white people and men are universally oppressors, and therefore discrimination against them is somehow excusable or justifiable.
>You can't hack elections.
>Russia hacked the elections.
Nice strawman.
But you're right i guess. We'll have to ban guns everyone. We shouldn't discriminate.
How serious is the left/right split in Israel? I’ve met some hardcore right winger Israelis and some seriously nutty lefties.
all of these "liberal hypocrisies" are what's known as "white help".
MTV's video on LGBTQ Muslims
These two aren't mutually exclusive.
kek. this
Most libs here think of and treat blacks as f they were pets
>They make it too difficult for black people to vote, the electronic vote is too complicated for them
>Only suburban retards voted for Trump, stupid people shouldn't vote
>police are all racist power tripping bullies
>you don't need guns, thats what police are for
It seems to be a weird alliance between strong anti-immigration and turbo feminism (the one that allows women to threaten you to scream "RAPE" if you don't buy her a donut so she can get fatter).
All I know is from documentary films so I might be wrong.
Niggers can say shit like pic related without punishment.
The second you say something bad about niggers, or god help you, something good about whites:
>you're fucked!
Whites move out of a neighborhood = white flight = racism
Whites move into a neighborhood = gentrification = racism.
In the end, you can't win with them. So stop listening to them.
>Assault rifles should be banned, they can enable a single person to kill dozens
>Why do you need guns, it's not like they'll protect you anyways.
Phil Fish came off as kind of woke in how he responded to entitled SJW gamers criticizing him over FEZ/FEZ II
until I read elserwhere that he is also a male feminist #dropped
Cops are all racist nigger killers but are the only ones who should have firearms.
>just call the police if you're in danger
That worked well for the Australian woman and the Sudanese cop, didn't it.
They should be treating them like pests
Total false equivalence.
How they pretend to care about the common man and the working class and then voice their disgust for anyone who lives outside of a city.
>OMG guys we need more workers for our economy
Only ever mention genetics when it's convinient for them. Like with being fat.
>thoughts and prayers are not enough! Gun control now!
>thoughts and prayers only! Muslims are not terrorists!
>Black people are 100% intellectually equal to everyone else
>Black people are too dumb to get an ID for voter ID laws
>What is your favorite liberal hypocrisy?
the entire platform of democrats is cognitive dissonance, hypocrisy and delusion of grandeur. No-one i could pick just one thing
Condemning police while at the same time wanting guns banned sticks out because its not only incredibly stupid and incongrous with logic buts its also an incredibly dangerous way to be a dumbfuck
This is gold. I will defenitly use this a lot.
Hey let’s forge economic drivers in Middle America.
>Its just more right wing conspiracy theories to distract everyone from the russia investigation
gets me every time.
>russia conspiracy theories to distract from right-wing investigations
Everyone knows it's just a dumb bait when it's posted here, but there are real people who believe in the whole "rural and suburban retards" thing. The total disdain they have for people who don't live in a dirty, crowded city is crazy.
I have absolutely zero issue with retards not being allowed to own a gun. In fact I'd be in favor of an IQ test, and the higher you score, the more and better weapons you get access to.
>we fight for freedom
>except when we face consequences
In England it's this;
>muh working class muh working class
>working classes vote for brexit and against immgration
>lol brexit was only backed by stupid uneducated people!
>What is your favorite liberal hypocrisy?
>racism is bad
>I hate Whites so goddamn much
The greatest irony of world history: that the fall of the west is caused by westerners clamouring for it, but without the west, those people and their ideas will be welcomed NOWHERE. No people on earth are as masochistic as westerners, and western "enlightenment ideals", postmodernism, and leftism in general will fall with the west. Utopianist neoliberals and/or socialists want a world where all cultures have no more distinctions and the concept of hierarchy in human society is diminished. This will NEVER happen without the west, but the west needs to fall according to these people.
we've already seen the drip drip of the conspiracies muellers been involved in leftypol.
Mueller's indictment listed a bunch of guys that started and funded the march against trump on washington.
Day of the rope approaches.
>If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from noose
Good work user,
>white liberals
>brooklyn, new york
oy vey
>Minorities and women are equally capable as white men
>Want to implement quotas everywhere otherwise almost only white men would be employed
>Homosexual behaviour is normal and natural because many animals also express it
>Patriarchy is wrong and a human social construct even if many animal species express it since the dawn of time
>want to save the enviorment
>globalism/ unrestricted economic, population growth leading cause of enviormental degregation
>want to feed and modernize the whole world
its honestly disheatening
I love trees, people can fuck off
the road to hell as they say
Yeah but try to ever argue with leftists about what really needs to be done to help the envoirnment.
>theres an intolerable level of sexual assault on college campuses
>But visible and closeted transgenders should be allowed to use any bathroom of their preference
Called "scrubbers " We are the cleanest coal plants in the world [Texas] Most of the admissions is water vapor. Seen it my whole life in Texas and we still don't have the same issues that others who produce so called clean energy nuclear power Cancer to the earth Clean coal is real. Nuclear power is 50,000 years storage is needed youtube.com