Stop playing video games and seeing movies.
Stop playing video games and seeing movies
Fuck off let me enjoy my life.
>Implying politics don't cause more brain damage
Yeah, mind your fucking business.
I kind of did. Not because I specifically wanted to man up but because they're so shit.
Being manchild in current years sucks. There is nothing worth obsessing over anymore. Escapism is becoming fucking worse than reality.
It's the only activity I do other than masturbating to porn regularly.
>Sup Forums made its own Gamergate by elected this cuck
Holy shit best timeline lmfao get fucked roastie niggers
>he just said games and movies need a rating system
>I kind of did. Not because I specifically wanted to man up but because they're so shit.
conservashits want a nanny state just like libs
>proposing a rating system
>banning videogames
Though i must admit the talk of a rating system is retarded, but DJT’s a boomer so he probably doesnt know ESRB exists
BAsed trump
What about Celebrity Apprentice?
What about Home Alone 2?
Fortnite wins are the only thing keeping me sane
Blumpf doesn't know that his base is sociopaths who play violent video games all day.
Wait this is like an actual thing?
Same. I started reading again instead of being online obsessively and it's nice. Ive been reading shit like The Black Swan, Farenheit 451 and next I'll finish Uncle Ted's books.
Stop taking things out of context. He was talking about how sexual content almost guarantees a harsher rating where violent content does not. He then says there should be a rating system that takes this into account.
I disagree, but at least I'm not a lying faggot like OP.
When did this go down?
To be fair, was there a time when movies/video games weren't trying to push agenda? When was it?
Last few days
>“You see these movies, they’re so violent. And yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn’t involved, but killing is involved. And maybe they have to put a rating system for that. You get into a whole very complicated, very big deal but the fact is that you are having movies come out that are so violent with the killing and everything else that maybe that's another thing we’re going to have to discuss.”
Bring back Jack Thompson!
>he plays video games and watches movies
Good goy
Stopped gaming circa 2000, stopped seeing movies a few years after that. I’m long out of the kikery game.
They have a rating system for games and movies though? What am I missing
You mean its worse than reality for you and your twisted Altard mind. Good.
He worded it poorly but he thought having a rating system that treated violence like it does sex is something worth talking about.
Also read about how the MPAA works, it's a total amateur shitshow.
Haven't seen a movie in years. Only game I play is cs.
>Also read about how the MPAA works, it's a total amateur shitshow
That's no surprise. But was it meant to hint at a gov mandated system? Or is this just a pol sperg out?
Rating systems are though a secret panel of super bias shit heads. I saw I doc on it once and it was fucked up for it was done. Not done very objectively.
Rating systems are though a secret panel of super bias shit heads. I saw I doc on it once and it was fucked up how it was done. Not done very objectively.
>Implying I play video game
Neat it double posted.
Is he the ultimate troll?
>what is the ESRB and MPAA
Everytime Trump opens his mouth, he proves to everyone what an ignorant jackass he is.
He didn't present a solution, just said people should discuss it.
I giggled.
either way then he's stupid because that already exist
>He worded it poorly
You mean he said what he said but you're doing damage control.
Seriously, keep doing this. Make shit up. It will just make a reelection more likely.
It's almost like your campaigning for him ;)
Stop posting on Sup Forums
Protip: you won't
>tfw god king blames americas past-times instead judaism
>tfw god king loses the respect necessary for a diety
I haven't been to the cinema in like two years and video games are a special occasion for me these days.
I don't appreciate the damage movies and vidya made to my social life, but I still enjoy games(from non-pozzed parties). Does this make me degenerate?
checked + true. he’s literally just extinguishing liberal flames so a riot doesn’t start.
games and movies that promote white heroism are good for masculine health. positive escapism exists
Keep crying bitch.
You got caught trying to polish a turd.
>metro releases clickbait article #1359
>retards comes back to Sup Forums to regurgitate the content of the headline instead of the content of the article
can we be honest here for a minute? the movie rating system/youtube/netfilx/etc makes it way too easy for kids to watch adult themed content regardless of violence. I welcome this. too much degeneracy. for instance.. mr. robot seemed like a cool hacker show until I saw two gays fucking. imagine being 14 and seeing that shit. they are getting away with too much and it has effected our youth. I'm behind conservative values. I would also say games like gta shouldn't be playable by people under the age of 18 but that doesnt stop dumbass parents from letting their 10 year olds play it. so I see this as a step in the right direction if for no other reason than to give conservatives a platform to speak on. because everything else is for liberals.
conservashits want the federal govt to regulate video games but not wall street.
thats all anyone needs to know , really.
>implying democucks wants to regulate wallstreet and not simply control what the retards who comprise their base think, so they can short it and crash it to make billions and fund wars
kill yourself brainlet
>Tipper Gore
Tipper Gore
Lrn 2 history, fagit.
other countries play same video games and watches same movies yet we dont shoot ourself weekly basics like you americans.
I already have. Now I just need to stop wasting my time on /pol!
You're both right. At the end if the day both parties push for bigger government, more censorship, more surveillance, more war, and expand the military while militarizing the police.
>the man who watches tv more than we do
we already knew this after Obama was supposed to be different and just ended up being a turbo kike satan worshipping that annihilated not only any remaining privacy rights we had but also allowed for the extra-judicial murders of U.S citizens and unrelenting propaganda and psy-ops against citizens
Maybe gta will be bumped up to ao
I did stop watching movies.