AR15s Government Buyout or Exchange

Seeing as how all mass shootings are conducted with this assault rifle, but most right wingers aren't willing to give them up, I propose a compromise. You must either turn over your AR15 for a compensated ammount of money OR exchange it for a less dangerous hunting rifle like pic related.

What do you guys think?

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>What do you guys think?

I think that's an M-1A retard.

This weapon has nice aesthetics.
7/10, would bring to the shooting range.

Sure, I'll trade some ARs for an M1A

>Seeing as how all mass shootings are conducted with this assault rifle

false. sage

Fuck that. Come and take em

I hope someone kills you OP. Faggot.

I bought a long time ago. In fact, it was during the "assault weapon ban". Got 20 round mags and everything. Everything was available, it was just more expensive. 7.62x51 is very versatile. I would reccommend.


>less dangerous
depends who's using it, innit? cho did 32 with a glock and a p22

no way commie, in fact im gonna buy another ar today and name it after you, im gonna call this one faggot


>less dangerous than a memeR-15
well, you've twisted my arm, i'll reluctantly trade my babbykilling salt rifle for that nonthreatening peashooter, i have no other choice

I propose you go fuck yourself with your unicorn dildo, you fucking pinko commie faggot.

I will GLADLY exchange my AR15 for an M1A

>What do you guys think?
you should die

In 2016, only 374 people were killed by rifles in the US, of which the AR-15 is a fraction. This is a pretty admirable record for a tool designed to kill people. If the anti-self defense crowd actually cared about saving lives, there's a long list of causes of death in the US for them to work on.

From the CDC, US death statistics for 2015:
633,842 Heart disease
595,930 Cancer
155,041 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
146,571 Accidents (unintentional injuries)
140,323 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
110,561 Alzheimer’s disease
79,535 Diabetes
57,062 Influenza and Pneumonia
49,959 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
44,193 Intentional self-harm (suicide)
(From FBI 2015 Crime Statistics)
6,569 Murder by handguns
1,589 Murder by knives
659 Murder with hands, feet, etc
450 Murder by blunt objects
258 Murder by rifles (THIS INCLUDES THE AR-15)


tldr: This entire campaign against the AR-15 is bullshit. If they really cared about reducing violence they would first outlaw knives and martial arts schools.

The libtards would probably go for it. Trade a $500 AR for a $2,000 M1A. I have 5 ARs but only 1 SuperMatch M1A. I would do it.

>for a less dangerous hunting rifle like pic related.

>higher powerd ammo
>same magazine capacity

How is it less deadly now again? I mean I guess I can see how it recoils more and does not have the same amount of tacticool but thats about it

does anyone make a wood ar-15?

Go bungee jumping with a noose

I think OP is a faggot.

good joke

I know I've seen them - ask on /k/, you'd have better luck finding where to get one there.

U r dumb


>Photoshoping a m16 into hillbillies hand

Great going user


Can't handle this gun timeline, it's too embarrassing. It's like hearing people who don't know anything about football arguing for the NFL to be 2 hand touch, can't take it.


Yes, there is wood furniture made for ARs. Expect to pay three times as much compared to regular synthetic furniture but it's available.

>Seeing as how all mass shootings are conducted with this assault rifle,
This fact alone makes it incredibly transparent that these "shootings" are staged events.

Sage these stupid threads, btw.

im gonna get a more powerful gun right now after seeing this

Yes, the AR15’s typically pictured by the media have pistol grips, 30 round mags and sometimes forward grips. In my state, these mods are illegal. I can buy a wood stock AR15 with no grips and a 10 round mag tho

Islam is the AR-15 of religion. It is, in fact, not protected by the United States Constitution and needs to be banned. Yup, two can play at that game.

Pic related.

>less dangerous
This is bait.

I'm not going to buy my fucking guns twice when I should be able to buy two guns.
I would only pause for a moment if the answer was: A tax for not owning a weapon to pay for this program.
And then I'd still grip my rifle harder.

>$800 AR
>for a state issued $1,600 M1A
That deal is too good to be true!

the dude shooting it looks like your average pol user