Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Brandenburg Edition


>News in german
>#120db women's movement against migrant violence protest on a concert
>State propaganda
>even more State propaganda
>Bundestag talking about Antifa blocking saturday's women's march

>English language analysis
>Turkish getting butthurt by Poggenburg (AfD) bant

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0 [postimg collection should be Frauke-free by now]
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

Other urls found in this thread:

>duplicate image
Damn, I had this image in my pasta. You beat me to it, lel

My theme was "Morast des Tatsächlichen Edition"
t. Teflon Curio

we are here

fuck the Embed faggotry. OVER HERE with fresh OP

Germany is divided again, oh jeh its just like another mauer


Always the thread that was posted earlier.

mergel gehaengt DDDD;;;;;


pedo antimuds trying to be 57%

Great macro.

Kann mir jemand bitte sagen wie ich mich um die GEZ gebühren drücken kann? Zu sehen wie eine Ikone der deutschen Netzkultur zum Establishment shill bezahlt von Funk und der Hessischen Landesregierung wird ist für mich der letzte Nagel im Sarg. FINGER WEG VON MEINER BRIEFTASCHE.

Außerdem, fick coldmirror.

What is the bottom left pic?

Claim you moved and are now living together with someone else who is paying already, you need their number though.


You can't. I try to ignore it as long as I'm not getting into serious trouble though.
It works

reinstate prussia

it looks like berlin 1937

I'ld like to thank the user that brought Mr Bond to my attention a few days ago.
Thankee~ :3


Have some more nazi quotes.

Weidel live (she will join them later)


Hello German Brothers


Helo felow germanz

fugg :DDD
Didn't see this is still up.
recycle this one later if possible

True Warrior Spirit, if he was alive today, I'm sure he would have been a muslim.
And to you, brother!

Beeen looking for that one for some time, thanks!

I didn't realize FRA is such a important hub for TAP that they have permanent stationed cabin crew there or do you go for some long haul?

i want to fuck afd chan

It's all yours my friend

yup, pretty sad, coldmirror used to be one of my idols besides avgn & tgwtg when i started frequenting the internet about 10 years ago

but: wes brot ich ess, des lied ich sing
and coldmirror is no exception to the rule

Never thought I'd see the Green and Left party oppose a ban on Vollverschleierung in public
Holy fuck, what were they thinking, they're just giving the AfD more Steilvorlagen

Germans are monkeys. Nobody cares about your cuck banana politics.


Coldmirror war schon vor 10 Jahren links, da hat sich nicht viel geändert und sie arbeitet schon seit 5 oder 6 Jahren für den Öffentlichen Rundfunk

Only victory and achievement you ever had and will ever have.

That right there's you problem, friend.


that's good, wish the 'brave' wasn't there

Well, my evening is ruined.

Uma delicia

Here you go.

Modern Germans look nothing like fair skinned, light eyed monkeys that used to live there.



By that logic is Germany whiter than Poland

> 2018
> cuck cart problem not resolved

So many shills today

Only because of so many Polish immigants

ewww that's gross, cannibalism is repulsive

Why do Americans love ham, then?

Yes, the jew is a blight on the muslim believers.

Back to KC

Low blow, kraut.


>we're white and Burgerland is the whitest nation on earth

Well no Ronaldo, you see, if the USA *was* the whitest nation on earth, they'd have very low crime, top notch education, and Trump would be considered center-left. Pic related.

But that is not the case, because America is suffering from nigger and spic disease. You know, like Brazil, but a little less bad.

Yes. A shame for Kraut/pol/.

Banned by germ tranny mod for calling him a cuck, sorry. :^)

Also, nice argument


not an argument

play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

We don't like your kind here

Pic related.

Deal with it, monkey.

Don't forget the spread the word on your way, fellow believer.

You on the right

I got bafög and sent them a letter telling them that they can lick my ass for now.
Started working without telling them and i never got a letter again

Für Hassan nix zu Fressen in Essen.

>Degeneracy even in stone-age level Eastern Europe
Wonder WHY those who reject Islam behave this way...

You on the middle.

Wichtige Durchsage!

Wir machen es wie VW. Larper und Affen kommen als erstes in die Gaskammer.

Ende der Durchsage!

Are the kra*tcucks prepared for the next round??

>Dass die industrie und diese kasper ins land holen um divide and conquer zu spielen?

basically yes, they feel insulated, secluded and safe
it is the agenda, was on nat. tv yesterday, even if slipped clumsily
call it kalergi or the watered down semi public modernized agenda 2050

There's no middle. Did the crack hit too hard?

>ooga booga
>me want eat shit
>me superior all

>too autistic to understand irony

Typical macaco

Why is Brazil poster so rude?

Chill out my man. Kraut/pol/ is comfy.

Those racists.
I mean, seriously, how can a normal human being survive from 1000€ per person(+rent).
I mean that money alones is already wasted on drugs and lawyers so that you get away with raping children. And those are basic human needs.
God, i hate germany.

Talk all you want, the truth will stay what it is, truth.

>too autistic to understand irony

Typical macaco

Ich küsse deine Augen Habibi

No. Irony is when a brazilian calls you macaco.

That's what you are, a dirty subhuman with no culture, religion, history or achievements. everything you have is stolen and now that Muslims are doing the same to you as you did to others, you hate it like the hypocrite you are.

Halbaffen einfach ignorieren. Der neger will nur triggern.

Lol, Germans BTFO by a Brazilian.

>Muslims are doing the same
Muslims don't steal, it's simply repossession of what's rightfully theirs.

Losers follow losers.

Naja bumpt den thread immerhin.

You got the point. Robbers consider repossession "stealing".

Yeah but that is actually fucking retarded since the overall damage to the economy later is a huge loss in profit and lifequality. So if you view the industry as an entity and their leaders as intelligent, how fucking brainwashed do they have to be to advocate that bullshit?
They live in that country, the profit from the culture, and gain shekels the worst thing they can do is steer up shit. I dont understand that, and that isnt even the beginning of the 20ths century, automatization is coming which means even less people are needed.

not to forget the jizzia, muslim sperm in german pussy

Wenn der Thread durch nen troll am leben gehalten werden muss kann er auch weg.

sütterlin still here?

Wahlrecht is alive

>muslim sperm in german pussy

what was the name of the 'gr8 experiment' fag from yesterday @tagesschau again?
there was a stupid video edit, is there a clean version?

There are at least 2 turkish and 4 slavic girls on the picture

They're Germans now.

It doesn't matter, what matters is that they all will bear strong muslim children.
