Based Iceland

Based Iceland

Fuck Circumcision.

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who the fuck's job is it to cut off baby genital parts? find that guy and hang him by his toes.

This is an American board, faggot. We mutilate dicks here.

If they want circumcision to be legal just make a compromise

You can only get circumcised after the age of 21 and you must decide for yourself, nobody else decides to mutilate your genitals without your consent like the current system

What the heck


lol even Breitbart was all kiked about Iceland banning circumcision and all the ol' boomers defending their mutilated dicks in the comments was hilarious


>Iceland’s parliament has initiated legislation to ban, effectively, the practice of Judaism within its borders. A law proposed by Progressive Party MP Silja Dogg Gunnarsdottir seeks to criminalize the circumcision of newborn males. In accordance with the biblical imperative, all Jewish boys must be circumcised at eight days. Muslim male children also undergo ritual circumcision.

>Iceland is not the only country that supports banning this ritual, which is so basic to Jewish life. In Germany in June 2012, the Cologne district court criminalized ritual circumcisions. Two months later, the Cologne district attorney filed criminal charges against two rabbis for performing ritual circumcisions on Jewish newborn males.

>The Cologne ruling marked the first time ritual circumcision was banned in Germany since the Nazis outlawed the practice in the 1930s. A major crisis was averted when in October 2012, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government approved a bill permitting ritual circumcision throughout Germany. The Bundestag passed the bill several days later.

oy vey!

Inb4 cutfags exceed bump limit in half an hour

By the neck would be better


Durn you, now I want some cheese pizza

But "muh religious right to mutilate non-consenting babies!"
This is finally happening because Europe banned FGM so they are starting to look a little hypocritical now.

Why do jew-hating white supremacists support circumcision?

I wish that was the law in germany when my mother had the doctors circumsize me for "hygene" reasons.

I wish our leaders had half as much balls as Iceland's. Or even a quarter the regard for their people.

I wish they had the law in every single country.

honestly, genital mutilation is the source of most misery on the planet, the usual suspects know it and that's why they're angry

too bad this service doesn't fix the brain damage caused by baby dick snipping, or chewing

At least you'll blend in better when your country becomes an Islamic caliphate.

Sorry to hear that Hans. You will still fight the circumscribe kike

It's interesting how Breitbart initially mindlessly praised Poland and Hungary, but when a serious conflict appeared between Jews and Poland, then without hesitation they call it antisemitism

Again this only goes to show that people who don't get to know some topic in depth but engage in hugging others, are simply naive fools

the ban is for children (unless there is a medical reason) and those who want one for religious reasons have to wait until 18.

>Jews don't just mutilate infants genitals
>They also suck the mutilated genitals

>breaking news: Circumcisions due to medical emergencies rise 10000% after ban is put in place

The ancient Icelandic practice of "Jarlmoot" is their method of crafting and approving legislation. It is a gathering of all the Jarls of every major Icelandic hold. They spend days within the Moothaus, debating the merits of proposed legislation over tankards of mead and roast puffin.

To say that a law is "mooted" is simply to say that it has been debated at the Jarlmoot, and found appropriate for adoption.

enjoy your gross look anteaters dicks and dick cheese

>muh mrrikan boured
Actually, it's a gook board nowadays.
Enjoy your mutlitated penis, house jew.


>roast puffin

0/10 shit bait

Nah, im cut but I think its a barbaric practice. If I have any sons I wont be having them circumcised.

here the jew pretends to be japanese with the use of a white created proxy

The White is a Jew-created proxy.

Circumsicion is a jew thing. Basically if you're cut you're a kike

What did moot do? I don't understand?

I was circumcuckolded and drugged with stimulants and antidepressants as a kid
i have permanent brain damage
what do Sup Forums?

>dick cheese
How does someone get dick cheese? You have to be literally retarded for that or just murican

>Assume NEET lifestyle
>Devote all spare time to lifting
>Get swole for upcoming race war

Its murican propaganda they use to justify genital mutilation


do you think us White people will win?

oy vey they didn't even give us a chance to kvetch and rally the sayanim

>be leaf tranny
>not snipped
lmfao you poor guys

Depends. It'll be a war of quantity vs quality. A quick, decisive war will be in white advantage, while a drawn out slog will advantage the negroid masses.

This is what it looks like when they remove the skin from your dick (the foreskin stretched is the size of an iphone 6)

Because they carry the mark of the jew themselves. They're their most loyal servant, and they don't even know it.

Mein Beileid, Bruder.

It's a Muslim thing as well. I reckon that doesn't make it any better though.

Blitzkrieg when?

Every. Fucking. Time.

Crying salty amerimutt christcunts in 3...2..

This singlehandedly dismisses the claims circumcision prevents disease since that tends to spread herpes

anyone have that comic of with animals and the last panel being jews thinking "must corrupt my host country"


Allowing infant genital mutilation is against the religious beliefs of Icelanders. The outrage against it is intolerant bigotry.

Meanwhile in Anteaterland libcucks will still pierce their baby girl's ears at 3 months old without the baby's consent.

Wish it was illegal here before I was born. :(
Fucking kikes.

kill the kikeoids

>White people will win?
The fuck you talking about fool? We have the Serbs, the Finns, the Ulster-Scots and the Mafia on our side. They've got some Pakis, Jackie Chan and Oprah fucking Winfrey

What even is an "Icelander"? You are a mix of people from all over Europe, Scandinavia, Britain and so on. When you think about it, there's no such thing really. Time to be more tolerant bro.

Idk how do other muslims do it but here the albanian muslims eat the cut skin.
They basically keep the skin for some time and later they make a soup with the penis skin as an ingredient and give it to the women of the family to eat it.


Children don't have any rights.
Except when wanting to have a sex transition.
Or when debating on taking away gun rights.

they will give in eventually and it will be the begin of a muslim migration to Icelan


Jesus christ...

Just an anecdote, but one of my older relatives was never circumcised as a kid and he needed to get circumcised when he was past middle because of a medical problem, and it was very painful and even dangerous. That's something you don't have to worry about.

By the penis would be best.

Ne si znael?

based iceland

There is no hope for pol, threads like this remind me you are all autistic virgins.
I got circumcised around the age of 3 or 4 i think, on doctor's reccomandation. Nothing religious.
Long story short, best thing someone else ever decided for me.
I love how it looks, how it feels, it's a great succes with the ladies. I am disgusted by the mere thought of the alternative timeline were i pull back my stinking foreskin to clean out the gunk. This is not mutilation, it's hygene and quality of life improvement.
All of you agitating for the retarded anti-circumcision meme are useless autistic virgins and this is ehy this board will go nowhere. Go clean your disgusting rooms and stop worring about other people's dicks. It's my body, my choice, and my parent's choice if I am fucking three. I will definetly get it for my sons.

Someone redpill me on the exact ritual meaning and beginning of circumcision. We all know it's a pagan jew ritual and that your son's dick will be used for cells and wrinkle creams. But I'm very sure it goes back to something farther and darker than that, as do quite a few silly little rituals if you bother to look at them closely.

It's no less painful for infants. In fact, infants are more sensitive to pain, and it's potentially traumatizing for them because they don't understand what's going on.



Good goy

>because there is a 1 in 10000 chance there could be a medical problem circumcision could solve, it should be commonplace for all 10000 children to be circumcised so that the 1 child does not face a painful operation later in life

Even if that's true, they heal much faster, whereas older people are in pain for a long time.

>I'm glad all my teeth were pulled out, now I don't have to brush them.
>t. kike

They're not white supremacists. They're kike-loving boomers who deny that the Jews killed Jesus and rejected their faith.

Anyone so proud that they have to mutilate their children to justify the fact that they were mutilated themselves deserves the rope.

It's higher than that, especially if you don't have access to bathing for a long time. I think soldiers in the trenches during the world wars had problems if they weren't circumcised.

>Just an anecdote, but one of my older relatives was never circumcised as a kid and he needed to get circumcised when he was past middle because of a medical problem, and it was very painful and even dangerous. That's something you don't have to worry about.

Oh goodie. I'm glad 99% of cocks are painfully and dangerously mutilated instead of just the 1% that actually need to have it done.

Sure is worth being painfully robed of better sex (jerking off) because of kike enabling logic like that.

The legend has it being a symbol of the covenant between the lord and chosen people. Later theologians like Philo and Maimonides claimed it helped remove "excess" pleasure and kept men's sexuality under control. In all practicality it probably just continues because it's a very psychologically invested ritual, and it's hard for a culture that practices it to realize what they're doing.


Depends on the age of the person. A 20 year old will heal quickly, but an 80 year old will heal much more slowly.

Massive retard

everything you said was downright retarded. youve never experienced an orgasam. and you fell for american kike propganda to defend your pathetic dick

I assume it was just a hygiene thing, same with banning pork to prevent trichinosis. They enshrined everything with the God stuff just to get people to follow it.

jesus christ wtf is that and kikes fucking suck on that shit .....

Enjoy getting raped by sandniggers, swedecuck.

The hygiene thing is unlikely, seeing as creating an open wound on that part of an infant's body when you don't have proper sanitation or medical care is probably the stupidest thing you could do.

Based fucking Iceland.

Fuck genital mutilating Jews, Muslims and Americans

It’s explainable why the women wants men to have a foreskin so sex from both will have amazing pleasure and longevity.

I want to kill myself because my parents cut my cock up.

>Idk how do other muslims do it but here the albanian muslims eat the cut skin.
>They basically keep the skin for some time and later they make a soup with the penis skin as an ingredient and give it to the women of the family to eat it.

I think some kikes eat it too like the organ-harvesting, cannibal ghouls they are. A large motivation for (((doctors))) to not stop parents from mutilating their kids, (aside from the massive lawsuits that would follow admiring fault) is that the severed foreskin is used as raw material for ulcer skin grafts on boomers.

It's used for Apligraf, and it's a large profit center for (((doctors))) and (((OBGYNs))).

You do realize he is in fact Jewish. Just gas him as is appropriate.

The modern medical procedure, which has nothing to do with the jewish ritual, places the subject under anesthesia. There is no pain and no memory of the procedure. There is indeed a need to keep on some bandages for some days afterwards.

>Fuck genital mutilating Jews, Muslims and Americans
And niggers.

Mutilating penises, and especially the penises of helpless newborns, is jew-tier, muslim-tier, amerigoy-tier and nigger-tier.


ahahaaha the lengths you go to to try and justify your own mutilation

They don't even last a week

Infants can't handle general anesthesia. It's dangerous for their hearts. If they get any anesthesia, it's a shot in the groin.