My friend thinks that the only reason that Africa is a shithole is that white colonials "enslaved all the people and raped the land for its resources". I need sources that I can use to prove him wrong, pls help.
Africa Redpills
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>I need sources that I can use to prove him wrong, pls help.
Open a history book you fuck. What kind of piece of garbage demands that research be done for him?
I'm just asking for recommendations on books, documentaries, etc. Not specific instances.
>africa redpill
the half of africa riddled with HIV is the christian one while the muslim half is doing much better
Africa sucks because the African leaders sell all the mining to foreigners, so China, India and West become rich, the africans get only shit payment. Another reasons are extreme tribalism which divides the people so they can't unite, civil wars, very corrupt leaders, laziness and low IQ.
>he can't even use wikipedia
Why am I bothering to help you?
>My friend thinks that the only reason that Africa is a shithole is that white colonials "enslaved all the people and raped the land for its resources".
He's right. What we did to those poor people is unforgivable.
You're not you stupid cunt
Remind him of how much use africa has always had for nickel, zinc, gold, iron ore, copper...
Oh wait.
Just look how happy they were when we finally left, us evil europeans.
The African populace brings it ENTIRELY on themselves, with their inherent lack of foresight and massively corrupt governments. The combination of these two things specifically is why things like foreign aid are just one gigantic scam. Whether you poured billions or trillions into it, or left them entirely to their own devices, nothing would change.
Stop being worthless and read.
> Economist and author Dambisa Moyo responds to her critics, explaining the long-term impact that charitable HIV/AIDS programs will have on building sustainable economies in Africa. She theorizes that **such financial contributions allow African governments to be dependent on other world powers.**
alt hype's website
oh wow a me me image that's like the best source imaginable
Listen to some talks by Dambisa Moyo and Andrew Mwenda about the dangers of foreign aid to Africa.
Just link him this
Long, but worth
The proof, is africa today. Or of the past. If they were just naturally superior they should have been able to fend off the colonization. They're a failed culture in terms of empire building that's just the case lol.
Do you get some kind of a hard on when you are being an insufferable knowitall cunt?
If you are not willing to help just keep scrolling and jerking off you fat faggot.
Educate your buddies with this, Negros in Negroland, the glorious paradise of Africa before honky arrived.
dude, help a brother out, I got shilled this gem on pol on day. Could have never found it out myself.
Your friend is a moron, cut contact and get on with your life.
It's hard to say what would be without colonization of Africa + it's hard talking about Africa in general since it's huge and there have been good civilizations like the egyptians (who weren't black lol) but probably without white colonization they'd be were all the uncontacted tribe people are now, totally useless, no government at all, shit like that.
Also it's basic human evolution that Africans are inferior due to Africa basically being the Garden of Eden in Ancient Times, where you had hunting possibilities, no very dangerous climate, except for well Northern Africa, which explains why Ancient Egypt evolved so well in comparison to the rest of Africa, while stuff like Asia and Europe were hard places to survive in(which made it harder to survive obviously), so through natural selection, Europeans and Asians managed to evolve properly, while Africans did not have as much natural selection, hence why they are now basically in the state "shithole".
I hope I managed to be of assistance.
Let it be known that Tiny-Spain was delivering the goods on this day
This is what I'm interested in looking into, the ecological changes in Africa and the evolution of the African races. Do you know where I could read about this in more depth?