
>he doesnt like national parks or military bases

Anyone wanna tell me why the government owns so much of the west?

Unless you have actually been to the Western US and seen just how sparse and desolate it is, you can't really imagine it. There is just so much wide open, empty land that it's insane.

Wtf is up with Nevada? Does the government own everything outside Vegas?

Parts of it, sure, but there is some of the most beautiful land in the entire US about the midwest.

>t. top potato Idaho miner

Because they will sell it to the Chinks when the dollar collapses

Pretty much. Its just a giant sandbox that they test nukes and other ordinance at.

It's probably to keep assholes from mining and drilling it. A lot of national forests and parks there.

Aside from a few bombing ranges and small ranches there really isn't that much outside Vegas and Reno.

Nigger stole your land

I live like 10 miles away from picture related

>cuck country has big government


if the fedgov sold all that land, real estate prices in the west would collapse. you cant imagine the kvetching that would ensue.


its to prop up boomer real estate prices

Everything that could have been mined or exploited was done long before they were made national parks.

What happens there?

Whats closer to Texas than Texas is to itself

It wasn't claimed by settlers before the Fed was formed.

It's to prevent americans from building their cancerous cookie cutter neighborhoods everywhere and fucking up the environment.
And the deserts are sometimes used for testing weapons, and military bases

Isnt most of the west just testing grounds for nukes?


Indian nations are federal land ?

No one else wants that piece of shit out west. I'm surprised people actually live there. Bunch of retards

Yeap, so all these faggots wondering about "OMG how we gone pay off this national debt?" the answer is "Federal government sells some of that land to private citizens/companies".

>all that undeveloped wasteland
>even close to 19 trillion dollars

they arent allowed to sell national parks

In arizona its alot of mountains that arnt near cities. No one wants to live there.

That's fucking great. Thank land is owned by the American people, not some fat cat capitalist faggot in a cowboy hat who hoards oil like a goddamn mountain Jew.

>t. proud public land owner

>American people
>American government
pick one

For $725 Million, You Can Buy a Texas Ranch That's the Size of a Small Nation

Just consider it ok

are they not national parks, and indians have the right to live and build in them.
its some special permission shit

>NV is 84% owned by the feds
hurr durr, what you don't like bases and parks, fag?
(You) are an imbecile.

You own fuck all. Public land owner...what a complete fucking retard.

uhh most of that land is desolate desert and scrubla