>filled to the brim with spics
Why does pol like Texas again?
Filled to the brim with spics
Becuase it went red for Trump.
We don’t. Only alt liters and r the Donald immigrants do.
How much are the Mexicans giving you for Texas? More than you got for California?
You Americans ought to start selling cities and states to the Chinese like us and the Canadians. They pay much more than Mexicans or Negros.
>selling it to the Chinese
Chinks are just as bad as negros and spics. We ought to have a race war.
Texicans are awesome
The leafs got over 200 billion for Vancouver and we are going to get nearly a trillion for Sydney.
When Texas is 25% white in 2050 how much will you say the Mexicans gave you for that state?
Like said, genuine Polacks don’t like Texas, only alt lite dweebs and spics themselves do. Without Texas, the Southwest, California and the south the 56% meme wouldn’t exist.
Texas keeps itself safe by making sure that its state legislatures make dick and actually have to work a second job. Then they only meet once every two years for not that many days. This is like a Ron Swanson type of situation that keeps idiocy at bay.
How is being 41.9% white awesome?
most of the non white areas are places that you don't want to be anyways. Like the Valley and Brownsville.
i kind of like spics. you should see them go after blacks, its pretty great. we have hispanic nationalist skins here, we get along just fine.
spic detected
because they blew up a nigger with a robot
texans are based. Too bad they're getting outsmarted by kikes, used and abused by their officials and are replaced and bred out
Your right. Its just fine. In 2050 when you arer 25% you will be even more 'awsome'.
>filled to the brim with spics
And we're still deep red you fucking nigger
Lmao I remember you from another thread
I don’t
Between the California and Texas, I can’t decide which has the most shills on Sup Forums.
yea but none of them can vote
Fight me irl faggot
>Hurr durr the most important thing in life is towing the line for the Republican platform
Kill yourself you stupid fucking mutt apologist.
You won’t be in a decade.
Only loser memebertarians and fucking "civic nationalists" do.
Texas is a steaming pile of garbage.
If we're still having elections in a decade I'll be surprised
Devuelve Texas.
Where does this happen? I haven't seen one Mexican/Black altercation up here in the north
>that intense jealous from peasants in lesser states
>tfw when newfag anti-texan poster forgets that white texans ethnically cleansed mexicans from texas after the revolution
What part of invasion do you not understand?
Honestly the greatest thing texas has ever done
Where are they all coming from?
Along the ol' rio grande
Mmm feed me more of your tears
I lived in Texas but up north in one of the yellow squares. And then moved to Colorado Springs.
This town seems like mutt central compared to where I was at in Texas so go figure. I swear everywhere I turn there's a brown face staring at me.
>When you get called out and can only resort to low IQ defenses
New Englander here. Even with leftists and heroin addicts this region will always be infinitely better than Texas.
Enjoy spicland, though, I suppose?
>New Englander here
Lel I stopped reading here, was all I needed to hear
Care to elaborate why, mutt?
Just to point out:
>Higher standard of living
>Better wages
>Majority white
>Most historic area of the US (actual culture)
>Four seasons; not hot nigger/spic weather
>we're all white! And proud cucks!
>shit gun/self defense laws
>goes blue all the damn time
>fuck snow
And the fact you referred to yourself as "new Englander" is very telling.
>fuck snow
Non white confirmed
>>Majority white
I went to New England back in 2014 and I don't think I saw a single white person the whole time I was there. It was literally niggers and asians everywhere.
>And proud cucks!
Texans are literal civic nationalists spic apologists. Those are the real cucks.
>Goes blue all the damn time
And (((Republicans))) are so much better, honestly?
You probably just went into inner-city boston and thought you saw "New England" didn't you?
I'm white as fuck.
I've been around Yankees complaining when it's 80 out. We call that a cold front. Fuck anywhere it's below 50 on a regular basis
>much better
>Texans are literal civic nationalists
This is our main problem
Then you're an honorary spic and I hope you stay in that shithole. Might as well be non-white.
>This is our main problem
Your main problem is EVERYTHING. Texan culture, civic nationalism, weather, consumerist/individualist ideological haven, and your non-white population.
What's there to like? The fact that Texas is a red state? That's about the only point I can hand out, and that will likely change with the racial shift.
Obama overruled the state government and wouldn't let our governor tighten up border security. Then he allowed programs to distribute illegals all over the state and to other states.
>What's there to like?
Literally all that stuff you mentioned as bad. Except civ nat, needs to be ethno. It's objectively the best place in the union