Lgbo - smarter than whites
Afro arabs - similar to ethopians
>Certain tribes in zimbabwe close third
Lgbo - smarter than whites
Afro arabs - similar to ethopians
>Certain tribes in zimbabwe close third
The smartest African tribe is inferior to Bulgarians.
What about the Yoruba?
Says the burger mutt lmao
>Igbo - smarter than whites
This is twice now that I have seen you tell this lie
Not an argument, nigger.
Truth all around
It is burger mutt
Arent Igbo people colonized by ancient white sheepherders?
They have de R1A genetic marker
They are lactose tolerant and shepherders instead of hunter gatherers btw
Aren't Brazilian barely white and mostly deformed mutts worse than burger mutts? No mutt 100% African
Sorry for my stupidity i meant R1B
u got some problem with bulgarians?
Ha got ya, You have no answer in ya
Aren't Brazilian barely white and mostly deformed mutts with a 7 race mixture worse than burger mutts? No mutt lgbo are 100% African
no shit retard. lactose tolerance is formed from thousands of years of herding and relying on goat milk for nourishment.
having some white genes>having no white genes
how fucking difficult is it for you to understand this?
My butthurt detector is catching fire
0% ers, we have them.
Easy too understand it's better too be a full white,asian or African luckily my ancestors didn't fall for the mixing meme like south American lmao
>Aren't Brazilian barely white and mostly deformed mutts worse than burger mutts? No mutt 100% African
Brazilians is mostly mixed, but the mixture is majority white, due to Iberian culture.
Aryan master race***
The Boers
TF are you talking about they are literally 50% tops the rest is negro,asian,native animal etc
How triggered do you have to be to post the same response twice?