My 9yo just crawled onto my lap and asked me:

My 9yo just crawled onto my lap and asked me:
"Daddy, is it true jewish people have infiltrated the highest positions in our government, finance and media, and are utilizing this power to further a supremacist Zionist agenda?"
I sighed. "It's true, buddy."
With tears in his eyes, he replied:
"Why don't we just gas the kikes, dad?"

That's it, America. It's time we listen to our children and do what's right.

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good thread

since this is fucking retarded how about a real question for Sup Forums, when is the right time to redpill your kids? I have a 7yo and 1yo but am thinking of redpilling at like 13 or 14

For the children.

If the first words out of your kid's mouth aren't "gas the kikes, race war now" you have failed as a parent


That is too late. Start with the 7yo right now but not too much, just small doses throughout the years.

think of the children

Best pasta I've seen all day

i cry evry tiem

i believe this post. keep it up op. you're doing gods work.

Teach your children the value of family, motivation, tradition and pride. Teach your children good morals but first and foremost the importancy of loving and preserving your own people and culture. That's what you need to teach them when they're young. Eventually you will teachc them who are the enemies of your people and ancestral homeland. If you start downright teaching them to become skinheads they will revolt, especially throughout their entire teenage years and grow to despise you. The school system and other parents will take notice and your child too if you teach them that he/she needs to kill all the niggers they lay their eyes on.

The way you change someones minds about politics or "indoctrinate" someone is by putting out tiny little seeds over a long period of time. Nobody will change or get a new political view overnight. It has to happen slowly and carefully over a longer period. For the love of god, don't go all in on your kids but also don't be a weak beta. Remember that we lost the 2nd world war and that the vast majority of people are indoctrinated by the zionist marxists into hating everything that make them European and therefore our views.


basically this
first teach them good morals though, our people and culture will follow by themselves if you raise them properly

So raise nazi children
Why not just them to be good people

your son is a genius

Theres no gameplan.
Gas the kikes doesn't mean anything.

I'm not interested in another World War that slaughters mainly white men yet somehow kikes end up as the victims.

Oi vheyyy

If you raise your kids to be hard working and responsible they will be red pilling themselves

Gave me a scare. But it all turned out roses in the end :3


You redpill your children through action. If they don't respect you or fear you, then teaching them anything will be useless. Be a good, stern, and strong father. Also, make them read books instead of watching tv or using the internet, and have more children so they can develop properly without you having to invite corrupted children to your house. Peer pressure causes more degenerates than anything.

Nice, user.

Yeah teach about hard work and if you live in a good neighbourhood about helping each other out. If you don't then shit on it.
But also go after the goverment institutions at some point in some way, the white man is designed to live free and by his rules without a jewish central bank over his head.

I want to believe


teach them critical thinking and how to collect and interpret data and information. and indoctrinated brainwashed right winger is no better than an sjw.
let them form their own opinions but show them how

lol no. We need to jew the jews out of existence. We know what happened last time. Don't be childish.

nice try rabbi

Bless his heart

The problem is consumerism i.e not controlled capitalism.
The jews are just a scapegoat. Vatican has more power

I'm...I'm just so moved.

Meanwhile...Oh *god* sob....My nephew Redditfag.


After their rebellious stage or better yet instill principals in them and not indoctrinate them.

You fucked up, dude. You're supposed to make her 8 years old.

We will son, we will

Son, you’re arrested

just make them read tom clancy books when they are 12, they're constant red-pills on government plots and terror attacks

God that image is so cringe
If you came from tumblr or reddit please an hero.
Matter of fact if you came to any part of this site after 2007 just remove yourself.

Or have them watch classic series, such as