I'm an incel and I honesly think we need more representation.Jordan Peterson even said "they're low status men and no one cares about them, it's sad but true". So why can't their be some political party to represent us. I mean aren't incels human beings? No one understands us because they say JUST BE MORE CONFIDENT BRO
Should Incels Be Represented More in Politics?
Literally most of Sup Forums is incel
>inb4 not me, Im chad
First of all, Juden Peterson and kekistani are cancer.
Second, if you're ugly, just bang ugly women. Sure you can't bang models by virtue of your looks alone and obviously your personality is shit tier (see above) but you can still bang uglies, fatties, and crazies.
EWWWW Who would want to bang uglies and fatties and if im not wrong it's illegal to bang a crazy women since she can't consent.
Who'd want to bang you?
if you only have twenty dollars, and you want food, you're not going to go to a five star restaurant and expect a gourmet meal are you?
1, You labeled yourself incel, pussy. See yourself a way, so will the rest of the world.
2, Fuck your confidence, go start a routine, understand diet, head up, shoulders back, pick a fucking goal and work till you reach it if it nearly kills you, then pick a new goal.
3, Stop needing others to validate your identity and role in society. Claw, kick, punch, I don't give a fuck what, toward the role you want to have, and endure the mounds of pain that come with getting there pussy.
4, If you live to be a man, a real man, congrats. Now get back to work pussy.
I'd rather just remain KHHV in that case.
the dude on the right is gonna get a nice fat white chick, don't feel bad for him.
Shut the fuck up pussy.
Then it's not involuntary and no one should pity you. If you're homeless and I offer you a bowl of soup but you refuse it because it's not fancy enough for you, don't bitch about being hungry.
Do not reply to troll threads.
Report them and move on.
I was a KV until age 25. Can I still be part of the kool kids klub, or am I normie filth now?
Good start, now sound off like you aren't wearing your sister's panties to cinch your balls, and maybe I'll believe you.
Can't be an incel if you don't try, hence the term "involuntary."
What a faggot.
>Hurrr Durr try harder and you can be as alpha as me!
Hahaha cuck. Enjoy Tyrone's dick in your wife's anus while you slave away in a cubicle.
>Tfw constantly have to push away thots asking me for workout advice at the gym
Such is being so stunningly good looking.
How did you lose it, if you don't mind me asking?
uglies aim for average men
averages aim for top-tier men
Make something of yourself and stop expecting people to make something of yourself for you. Fag.
>> Tfw constantly have to push away thots asking me for workout advice at the gym
...file this under things that never happened. Please nigger, what gym are you going to, where you are making real gainz with focus, where cardio bunny whores are hanging about waiting to approach you? C'mon, at least try to make up some realistic shit.
>> Hurrr Durr try harder and you can be as alpha as me!
Go back and read what I wrote again Cathy Neuman, you illiterate pussy.
You just admitted you choose not to pursue women who are ugly yourself.
You're projecting.
You, the ugly, aim for average women. You could be perfectly happy married to a fatty or an ugly if you stop letting the media tell you what you're supposed to want to aspire to bang.
I’m not a chad but I’m not a fucking loser like most of these spergs
This is going to sound like a joke, but my mental health started deteriorating in my mid-20s. It was psychosis. During one of my psychotic episodes, I created an OKCupid account, took a selfie, and messaged a bunch of girls. I then went on a date with a girl across the country (Essex to Devon, UK). After we met and got along, I was finally diagnosed and put on anti-psychotics. I no longer have that ultra-confidence, but we're still together, so it all worked out in the end.
Stop being incel and become volcel. A paradise of gook porn cartoons awaits you.
80% of men are hideously ugly.
Only 10% are good looking.
That's worse than being incel
>Venezuelans have no right to bitch since they are being offered food from the trash
Enjoy your ban, troll again and it's perma banned
you're doing that
Holy crap, I wonder what percentage of Sup Forums are nerds like this.
What is an "incel"?
They don't even have that much, communism is a hell of a drug. They're eating zoo animals and shit.
Anyway you already said you'd rather be celibate. That's not incel. So the entire premise of this thread is garbage. Go bang a fat girl that likes anime.
funny both dudes are the same type.
right one just needs to be more confident.
is... is this actually pol? so diverse....
wow, beards and haircut really can fix anything.
You mean 20%
It's not the media, it's our genetics retard
Don't tell me what do do fag
No, i'd rather not and i hate anime.