Actually makes you think

actually makes you think

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Now do one about police pay.

How do you walk into a school with a rifle and it not be noticed?

They're not even trying to hide how they just use niggers as political mouthpieces. "AYO fellow blacks /r/BlackPeopleTwitter here, dontchu niggas think [NWO talking point]? Haha right my niggas yeeee get dat"


Teachers' jobs are so easy and most of them still suck. They get what they deserve.

I also find it funny how literally no one is asking this question, because from my understanding this guy just walked right in and started shooting into classrooms

Teachers get way way way way more than 40k a year when you include the benefits package

does 3.3k$ per month considered small wage in america?

Don't become a teacher if you're not up for it, it's that simple

>public schools

humm my child's teachers make 6 digits

Teachers work only 8 months out of the year so that's hella good pay.

I have to do twice that to make 35,000$ a year.

I mean police officers only make 35K a year, I was an EMT who got shot at several times and only make 10$ an hour.

Friends dad has been a music teacher for about 25 years. He makes close to $120k without accounting for benefits.

>3 month paid vacation
>bonus for "packin"

Good to see music is still valued in 6ix9ine's America

$40,000 a year? Fuck, with all their bitching I thought it was more like $25,000. That's a lot for a 9 month job

What state, and how long have they been teaching?

There are only about 3-4 states worth teaching in to ever reach that kind of salary.

Rest of the united states is absolutely awful to teach in.

t. a teacher; 7 years

also, AMA, taught in city and rural districts in two different states.

teachers make $95k a year in New York

Tits or gtfo

Don't forget that tasty public pension they have(probably, if anything like over here).

It's what you need to put in, and your responsibilities.

You have to remember that when a child goes home to a broken home, you're still responsible for them learning.

It's easy for people to say the teaching profession is paid too much, but never setting foot into an actual classroom and having to deal with the education system is ridiculous.

There's a teacher shortage in the United States. The attrition rate is 5 years. If you guys think they're paid too much, then why isn't anyone going into teaching?

We're in Alaska. Don't know for how long they've been teaching tho.

some what true.

People on NYC area will start out making $55k.

I can tell your head is up your ass, and you have no clue on understanding cost of living and years of service.

WNY, has a starting salary around $40k depending on content area. Teachers who put in 20+ years could find themselves in the $80k-$90k range upstate. In NYC, it would probably be around 10 years.

I m a dude. But that's pretty good of you to assume all teachers are female, lol.

All you need to do is look at the faculty parking lot. They're doing quite alright.

Well, we have a shit ton of teachers already, so if you wanna be laid off...

You couldnt pay me enough money to try and teach a classroom full of mexicans/blacks.

I believe it in Alaska. No one wants to move there and finding teachers in certain content areas is tough.

If you want high pay, special ed, AP math, science, or Vocational. Alaska will pay a premium for these teachers.


Thanks for this comment. Someone understands.

Just hire vets from now on. Teachers are over marketed anyways.

Just put it in a bag and walk in.

It's that simple.

You fucking retarded teenage conspiracy theorist.

You are now aware that airline pilots make less than that.

Rifle sizes can vary
I can build a tiny AR with a short barrel and basically non existent stock and easily hide it in a backpack
Also, if you know how to assemble and disassemble, which anyone can learn in 2 minutes
Then you can store that shit in a medium sized handbag

Try to think of yourself as a teacher in philosophy, when your base authors are people like Nietzsche and they shit on you with marx.
Perhaps hs and such but it must be aids to compose with these retards all day

thats because your an ass hat shill. He shot two people outside to start it off you illiterate fagget.

I agree, Athletes should give up there money and give it to teachers


5 year vesting schedule.

Says the multi-millionaire who gets paid Big $$4 to play with leather balls.

You guys do realize that if teachers would get paid a lot males would return to teaching?

No to mention summers off. And this meme is just retarded because the other scenario is that you'd rather be a $40,000/yr employee who is just a human target should shit go down.

not only that but they get lots of vacation and sick time, platinum-diamond encrusted cadillac health insurance, pensions, and consistent raises as long as they occasionally take grad school classes that would be remedial tier education in other countries

Nah, fuck that. Not even for $100,000 a year would I work a job where it's so easy to be accused of being a nonce.

Your friends dad is either a dealer or a smuggler.

Don't forget tenure.

have you literally never walked into a school hallway when a classes are in cessions?

Did you really think you were make an insightful question? Like what a stupid question.

i don't think proper tenure is a thing for primary and secondary but i guess it's de facto the same thing since it's impossible to get fired unless you say something mean about jews

I know in Florida they have it. I think it's after 3 years. They call it a "continuing contract", but it's tenure.

Most cops and significantly more then nearly all enlisted military...

Gear up pussy

Who is buying all of these guns? Who is paying for the ammunition? Who is paying for the training?

Well I mean, it's not like an every-day occurrence, but I'm sure they'd prefer defense to death should the occasion arise.

So are you saying you are willing to pack heat?
Because if so, yes i don't mind paying more for my kid's protection.

My mom is an elementary school teacher.

She makes about $66,000 a year (after working for almost a decade)

She lives paycheck to paycheck, almost never has money, is at risk of house foreclosure, has over $150,000 in debt, horrible credit rating.

She's basically fucking retarded with money and dug herself into a hole of immense debt.

She took a $130,000 home equity loan before the 2008 financial collapse (largely caused by companies giving out these predatory loans on retards), and lived off it for years.

teachers have to buy their own supply, also any brainlet can become a cop and the military is so desperate they are constantly lowering their standards so they take in any one that can do 20 pushup. meanwhile teachers have to go into debt just to get an education.

if you want cops with guns you are gonna have to pay for their guns and their education

Maybe starting pay, plus guaranteed pension, time off, essentially no chance of being fired if in union and your day to day is dictated by the gov’t assigned texts. It’s like dictating an instruction manual with annual bonuses and no chance of being fired.

Easy, offer a pay raise for teachers who volunteer to go through firearms training. I'd gladly pay a slightly higher tax for this.

Teachers do well in CA...

And coming from a family of teachers, they work way more than 40 hour weeks, but get a shitload of vacation, benefits, strong union protection.

Not the worst career path if you can stand kids.

Lmao do you know how much an Article 1 teacher makes? Aside from that, I'm guessing this 'source' doesn't control for age.

That $130,000 isn't even part of her debt anymore, it got expunged in bankruptcy.

Student loans.

House mortgage (originally would have been paid off this year, but due to interest and loans, she will now almost certainly die before she ever pays off the remaining balance)

Car not paid off

$10,000+ credit card debt (who the fuck gives her these credit cards? She doesn't even plan to pay them because it's unsecured debt)

Women in general are fucking retards with money.

Well no shit, it's not the job of a teacher to get involved into shootouts with autists. High risk jobs all come with high salaries

most teachers aren't going to want to carry, only certain teachers. and you know cucks who have power fantasies of being a good guy with a gun will become teachers just for the possibility of being the good guy with a gun, pic related

I hope your kid is good at playing Simon Says

They make upwards of about 100k on average, faggot

Gym bag

Most teachers are leftist faggots, don't give those cunts guns. Maybe have armed guards patrolling the schools instead.

Even if the teachers are buying them themselves, they'd get a tax deduction for those expenses, so they'd get a nice discount.

only in some states, see my previous replies.

of the 3-4 states I states, California is one of them.

>lower standards for niggers
>teachers effectively get paid to do nothing
No one is complaining about that though

But I thought he pulled the fire alarm to get everyone out.

LMFAO! It's better than being shot?
Derpty fucking liberals I swear to God.

I get payed a lot less than 40k a year and i still carry at work.

No, I want to abolish the property tax and public schools altogether because they've failed at doing any of the things you mention despite the fact that we spend more per-capita to educate our children

we do with banks, but I guess legacy of our kids are not a very good investment.

>walks into school while hallways are empty
>pulls alarm
>sudden crowd
>bang bang

Why am I having to walk you through this? how fucking dumb are you

>$40,000 a year.
That fake news. My highschools teachers were being paid $100k plus a year and i live in a poor state.

why are you pretending like there weren't armed guards in the last school shooting

and guess what, you may not know this, but the US has a serious teacher shortage, and enrollment rates in universities is dropping significantly.

So your advice has merit. I also tell my students to not ever choose teaching as a profession.

I believe in order for people to get serious about education is to kill the system where it will hurt the most-- qualified teachers.

that is the perfect teacher for high school, no bullied soy boy with an AR 15 would dare to go against him.

thanks for the discerning answer, I really don't know a whole lot about guns.
as for the other cretinous rude answers I have nothing to say.

But making sure they're trained?

A good solution would be to just allow teachers with a CC to carry in class rather than try and arm every teacher or stick police teams in every school.

...or try and find out why America is producing fucked up young men who feel the need to gun down classmates.

Some schools don't, and I am aware that some schools do have a designated police officer for schools.

Was not aware of this one; I'm not pretending.

Police officers make that as a starting pay. And if teachers are giving it their all now, then it isn't showing in world wide education rankings.

But that is a bullied soy boy.

>also any brainlet can become a cop

So why doesn't the Sup Forumsice/ happen? literally zero work and can shoot everyone without consequence.

fake news. What state?

So let's say a teacher who has had some comprehensive firearms training and is carrying a firearm during school hours. Say a school shooter situation starts in a hallway with students running amok. With bullets whizzing, bodies dropping, you say they will precisely aim at the threat and eliminate them? Hardly..

I carry a gun to work everyday to save my own ass and nobody pays me extra to do it.
I also carry several TQ's and other hemorrhage treating shit.
Yes, I'm fucking trained. Paid for the training myself too and retrain every year.
My job has nothing to do with it. Keeping my ass alive does.

??? I seen a posting at local police station. Was 19/hr.

Of course not. The teachers who carry guns to school will get a bonus for their service.

At least they’ll get to do something besides sit on there ass while making kids read from a text book.

Better than letting some blacked out faggot murder people indiscriminately.

kek, this

It has already happen, the FBI has warned about white supremacists in law enforcement, google it. But you probably also like to pretend there isn't any racial discrimination in law enforcement despite just now advocating for it.

maybe you should be inform more on the issue before talking about it then

that guy is the type of man bullied cucks grow up to be

Still got tits though faggot


can we just start gassing people who use this word please?

The national average police officer salary is 65k, but many departments have starting salaries upwards of 100k

It seems as if the majority of people that become teachers these days are retarded sluts. Its bad enough they're teachers, we don't need them carrying guns too.

>But making sure they're trained?
They can just approve certain gun courses and a certification that the teacher has completed them verifies that they are trained.

My wife is the highest paid teacher in her school and she only makes 46K. And she said she'd quit before they made her a security guard. The union will never go for this.