with vetting
no trannies you're not girls. fuck off mentally ill degenerates.
Are you also tired of your nazi larping always being full of men? now you can play nazi in the safe space of other girls.
talking about how to save the white race or learn to cook from other girls.

we would like mostly girls that are from holland, no 56% pls and thank you.

link ----> ugGUnxk

>discord full of the dutch
Synonymous with a circlejerk, no thanks

you didn't even post the invite link you muppet

There are real females here?

>being anglo

I dont know if smack a bitch or tits or gtfo?!?! I would be aroused definitely if "women" like OP were en masse. I smell yeast infected fat neckbeard though.


we're trying to create those kind of women en masse by making this discord, show flag mutt i can smell your shart in mart from the other side of the ocean

Is this a new meme?

Not a femanon but I'd like to ask:

>western feminists and SJW's glorify Shia Islam as the epitome of diversity and tolerance
>mandatory female circumcision without anesthetics
>if a women is raped against her will, she is hit with adultery charges and stoned to death; not the rapist
>women caught in public not wearing traditional head attire get stoned to death
>age of consent in many of those countries is often sickeningly low, or doesn't exist at all
>"marriage" there is about as romantic and prestigious as buying a new smartphone is in the west

If I was a feminist, I would be spitting at, and denouncing how these countries treat their women, not sucking their fucking dicks.

Show flag? I live on Watts Bar Lake in Tennessee. 3 miles from the nuclear power plant.

that's what we're here for user, by creating a place for girls where they can be redpilled by other girls. see it as a lady academy

I'll bump, you ladies need to get organized. We've been working in almost every major American city. I've met with ppl from 5 different states. You need to step up to the plate. It will be hard but you'll always have your men to back you up should you actually form something worthwhile

have fun with your 3 members lol

thanks mutt, you're an honorary aryan. fight the good fight. a group that has their women behind them is unstoppable

we started literally an hour ago

please join!! it is going to be a very nice discord!

if youre serious about this then its an honorable effort and I wish you luck but realistically you're barely gonna get any people on board. that was my point


a fight not fought is always a loss, i already met one girl and she made me believe there are other spergs like me out there

Should have added that newlywed 8-9 year old brides are often force-fucked by their greasy husbands until their vaginal tract splits open and they fucking bleed to death.

This is why western women who complain how bad they have it deserve to have ghost pepper puree force poured down their snatch.

>Tits or GTFO



Back to the kitchen


Good luck, OP. What you are doing is needed. Gonna give you a bump.

thanks argentina

Good luck. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a porn discord in the end.

I thought this tread is a tiddies galore

nah we can ban, this is a pure discord

>Female Discord
>Filled to the brim with betá orbiter virgins

>Talking about niggers

gg no re

Just make sure the thots in there are aware of the anti-white women/mgtow shills and bots who are consensus cracking this place and making us look bad.

men can swarm in general, they're still handy to spread the word of this discord.
the rest is all blocked off and only accessible for girls through vetting.

ever met a Sup Forums poster irl?
I have once, but he claimed to not be red pilled, idk if he was telling the truth or not

i did, very autistic but funny people. shittalking jews irl is the best thing ever

Based natcos Dutch girls? I rhink i'm in love!
But ey, good luck!

>women on Sup Forums
There are exactly zero women on here.

Wtf is this shit

We do want to keep it a pure discord..! The name it posses is a name worthy of honor and justice. Thus, it is truly requested to behave in a respectable manner! Hopefully the slowly blooming stigma surrounding this young server will wane at the same pace, thanks to this short notification...



Sup Forums and Sup Forums would be the last thing I talk about in the company of other people or a girl. I'd be open about my beliefs since they strongly reflect my personality, not popping unfunny color pill memes. Fucking autists.

There's like a few dozen and I met one at my uni but she was a 5. Fact is a lot of women want in, but if all they see is aspie rage towards white women and MGTOW on this board, instead of tribalism, networking and seriousness then you're just going to see more racemixers.

Post feet.

why not have a guys section? then you can at least turn it into a Sup Forums dating service too

because it's not meant as a Sup Forums dating service. if these girls wanted a Sup Forums bf they'd go into the thousands of Sup Forums discords swarming with them. this one is for girls that want to have right wing conversations with other girls. it's to have girls find other girl friends with whom they can make hitler jokes with withouth being called a racist.

bump this thread and let more girls see there is a place for them to be themselves!

I think this is a great initiative. Have my bump.

thank you frenchie!

Nudgy nudgy.

Like I landed right in the middle of a Guy Ritchie movie.

Come join us! I know there are more women here.

>tfw no qt Nazi gf

when will we reclaim the holy land in the name of god and taytay?

I know a couple of girls (my sister and her best friend) who have been on Sup Forums since the Sup Forums days. I can't imagine a girl who hasn't been on Sup Forums forever liking this place. I think a girl has to have grown up here to get it. Plus, normie girls on the internet are used to getting special treatment because they're female. They shit up the board (like OP). Girls who actually belong here just pretend to be guys and blend in with the crowd.

Soon, brother, soon. \o

>with vetting
nice try schlomo

OP is Turkish girl. Not Dutch.

Big if true. OP, post feet to confirm/deny.


Turks are white, toothpaste.

t. Algerian

"join" kek


Intregued! Enjoy lady anons. Will give you your leave.




Femanon here. Anything all women turns to shit almost immediately.

I'll keep wading through the MGTOW threads with the boys.

I would appreciate it if you use our chosen pronoun of national socialist.

Though, might have a point, this still seems important to start doing, moreso irl.

as a HUWHITE male. i Support this. You are doing Gods work user.

hallo, 4chims, join our discord, give your IP plx



OpSec user, anyone catch me browsing I am on Sup Forums ONLY because I was linked there from Sup Forums cuz "some debate got a bit too political lol".

Gotta stay safe