America is a shithole country that has a shooting every few days. The one in Las Vegas was even worse.
Why is this one gaining so much more momentum?
What is ((their)) plan, here?
America is a shithole country that has a shooting every few days. The one in Las Vegas was even worse.
Why is this one gaining so much more momentum?
What is ((their)) plan, here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Somebody post the DWS pasta for this leaf
The kids that got shot probably had i phone xes and they are upper middle class normie tier family. So, it's a big deal.
You get sent to jail for misgendering. Id live in any African country over that gay shit.
How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
What caliber of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
How comeBrowardschools.comwas created in 1996, while Browardschools1.comwas created last year?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Why is there no transparency?
Where is the footage from school cameras?
What part "We don't trust you" does the media, the alphabets, politicians and LE, not understand?
Why are they so desperate to blame Feebs for Mossad' actions?
Why did he stop shooting?
There was no one there to stop him.
What made him stop shooting and "blend in" to walk out with the rest of the students?
And why did all the students start evacuating at that point in time? How did they know it was safe? Where did he go between the time he stopped firing and the time the students started evacuating?
>Florida legislator's aide fired after calling Parkland students 'crisis actors'
It was a drill -
Drill -
David Hogg Supercut -
CNN Scripted Town Hall -
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. (
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (
>Why is this shooting getting so much more attention?
Because otherwise they'd have to focus on the vehicle trying to ram its way out of the NSA the same day
short answer: kikes
long answer: the kikes are pushing this hard using their media platorms and trying to pull on peoples heart strings using children, they know that their control is crumbling rapidly and they are grasping for straws to try and take the guns away before we get the opportunity to take back our country from them for good.
CNN has made an cringe circus of this entire thing. Asking these kids for input on gun control is like asking for input from Titanic survivors on iceberg detection and hull engineering. This is serious astroturf with gun control activists hiding behind these naive children with pre-made questions in order to suppress our human rights. My family has been disarmed and forced to flee communist uprisings twice in the past century. Americans enjoy such a fantastic quality of life they really have no concept of how good they have it, nor how easily it can be taken away. The part I don't understand is that these are the same people saying Trump is literally Hitler and that cops are racist are now demanding we disarm ourselves and lay ourselves to the mercy of the government. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.
isnt alex miednik actually 21? still at high school? either shes a retard or an actress
Its all an act. The entire thing.
Kids are dead and from the looks of things the whole situation was entirely preventable. Then a girl was plastered all over TV crying about it so it became very hard to ignore. The plan is to erode our freedoms further.
Too many people in Vegas were coming forward with stories that contradicted the official narrative. My guess is that it was more of an occult sacrifice, used to prep the populace for restrictions down the road. People like you are thinking
>why didn't they do anything after Vegas?
Which subconsciously justifies action now, especially since inaction resulted in children dying. Now children are calling for change. This mirrors the language of "common sense gun laws". It must be common sense if children understand, right?
Upper middle class school.
Honestly I think it's because (((they))) are really starting to freak out and normies just eat it up.
If they are as powerful as you say they are, why would they need to manufacture consent? Just pass whatever law they want, the people are to complacent and divided to ever organize a armed resistance to their plans.
They are not in the least bit afraid of Americans taking up arms. They want to have Americans live in fear, dependent on the state. An American who can defend himself doesn't need, or want, and armed officer to defend him. Take away his gun, and you've taken away his peace of mind, and fear is paralyzing when there is nowhere to run
Raise the long gun age to 21 they should do the same for military service (read: they would never have the balls).
Age of majority is fucked in the US
16 to drive a care
18 to get married, enter legal contracts, take out huge education loans, vote, kill sandniggers across the world for Israel
21 drink
26 Get off mom and dad's insurance
I wouldn't even be made at an age of 21 for rifle/gun checks if everything else was leveled off.
FEDs dont just kill a bunch of jew children and not shove it down your throat as much as possible for as long as possible
thats just how it is
i not actor
Kids innit.
"By way of deception we shall do war."
Come on burger this is day one stuff.
Take guns from the whites, genocide the whites.
That didn't really answer the question.
Diverting from the NSA incident.
>Look into it
>muh... muh jews
why are you waiting around if it's such a pressing issue? why do wait till the last minute to do something?
it's because you're a fat piece of shit that's not going to do shit
sit down and stfu
I bet you don't even know anyone jewish irl
search "protocols of the elders of zion"
They plan to use Goblinos (Drugged on Prescriptions) to commit their atrocities. Fear brings easy legislation like 9/11 did with homeland security act.
This is the vessel being used to launch America’s Color Revolution which has been in the making for over 60 years. This is our Arab Spring. It’s here anons. Buckle in, the ride never ends.
actually i do, ive met a couple jewish kids who are actually chill and i was friends with and were nice to me and we had fun together, another co worker who taught me alot, pretty normal middle class people that were alright, that being said that doesnt change the fact of what their tribe has done...i still treat jewish individuals niceley but im aware to keep my eyes open same as with blacks ive known a few who were cool and my friends but never completely trusted them
It's a school, ie school kids crying, not middle aged men.
expensive and time consuming to false flag kids
It's getting more attention because there has been an increase in school shootings. We have had 8 so far in 2018 and it hasn't even been 2 months.
Partially because the actor they used fucked up and now they are on overtime trying to cover it.
inside job
Debbie Wasserman Schultz home district.
Because the russia thing fell flat so the CIA and media is trying to distract everyone with this. Didn't you notice how they conveniently happened at the same time
Vegas was white middle class country music fans who if some theories are to believe was shot by a monkey loving antifa sympathizer.
Maybe he killed a few jews
They were conservatives so they agree with arming maniacs. These kids are liberals
Cameron Kasky's father is a child trafficker via One World Adoption Agency, they pulled Cameron out of the spotlight because no one nees to find that out
> They locked Cruz's brother in an asylum becuase it's a psy op and the handler lady controls the dead mother's money now
> Kasky (father) is a reserve policeman and well connected DNC / establishment creep
> Scott Israel is a statutory rapist who somehow was re-elected Sheriff
This is yet another psy-op, perpetrated by a bunch of human traffickers within government. Hang all of these idiots and their hellspawn.
5 of the 17 dead were Jews. That is why.
He killed Jews.
BEcause they are desperate to attack trump morethan ever
They will make a big fuss over ANYTHING only to spite Trump.
just check them bois
Is it not obvious OP? The shooter is white. Hence the medis will talk about nothing else to further their EVIL WHITE PEOPLE narrative.
Were he of any other race, they'd be in full damage control mode.
tfw only Jewish shills respond to Kasky stuff.
Holy fuck, more info on that?
Partial credit, the real answer is jews died.
Was no one wounded?
No one died in the hospital, they were all killed instantly?
No one was grazed in the arm or leg?
100% lethal boolets
because he shot up a school full of upper class jews with deep government/media ties.
A leaf talking shit about another country. Go help Trudeau pick out his gay pride socks for next week you moose fucker
Yeah that little incident got memory holed so conveniently didn't it.
Kasky Elsagate
>Bumping for that one leaf you wont kill when rake day comes
This guy died later, making a total of 7 jews killed.
Russian Research Agency Bots on here...
because of this?
They couldn't make a big fuss about school shootings when Obama was in charge, because there was a risk of political cost for him and the media's job was to protect him.
So the stories died down in a few days.
But with Trump there's no reason to change the subject.
It's a good thing, America you really have to do something about this situation. Hiding it under the rug to protect Obama wasn't helping you.
because the MSM thinks they can use it against Trump and the left has absolutely no fucking plan for the upcoming election. The result is going to be the Republicans not only not losing seats in Congress (as usually happens to the president's party), but I am betting dollars to donuts that they gain seats. I'm going laugh. When they do lose, I am going to send Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and basically all the democraps Tantos so the can commit seppuku.
Cuz he shot up a lefty school?
Las Vegas was supposed to bring about new gun laws and implement higher security measures, metal detectors and scanners from a Jew owned company that starts with an O, but it had to memory holed fast in the media when the evidence and inconsistencies of (((their))) narrative was picked apart relentlessly by anons and some insiders. Now they are in phase 2 and poor little Goblino fit the bill when it came to needing a crazy nut to carry out another mass shooting, this time in a school so more reactive feels all around that it happened to children. He was receiving (((mental healthcare))) at a clinic for around a year, then his mom dies and the family (((friends))) who took in him and his brother are now fighting over his $800k inheritance. I dont doubt that the kid liked guns, liked being called crazy nik, but why on earth would he do this knowing he was about to get all that money when he turned 22? He was bamboozled I say!!
>Why is this one gaining so much more momentum?
Because the survivors are shills. There's no way the media is passing that up.
that pic look like its 1989
Kid should have 400k to pay a lawyer and hire a couple of defense investigators. Think (They) will let that happen?
Someone update me on the israelis in vegas? Are they safe?
This you can't fuck with talented upper middle class people with resources
Social media has developed to a massive proportion of all media and is now more accessible than ever since Sandy Hook, combine that with the hyperpartisan political climate and you've got a massive shilling campaign and pseudo intellectual battle grounds. Basically expect this to be the norm for the foreseeable future anytime a school shooting happens.
So next week?
becuse every group is trying to get there idepligy through with fake stuff about the kid. ike fake gun statistics and fake information that he was a dreamer or apart of the alt right.
Jews make billions every year by selling guns to stupid mutts
No but seriously this is the gayest and lamest attempt to try gun control.
It looks like a last ditch effort before things go to shit HJAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
The Deschaump lady that had his brother locked in a mental facility on false info was the first to try to lay claim to the money, but it seems the Snead family who took in Nikolas are going to fight that on his behalf (ok sure) and then you have the courts that might argue for paid defense in lieu of public defender since he's a rich kid, and then there's the victims and the anti-gun ZOG kids, so who the fuck knows what will happen, but everyone wants that money.
Oy vey
Being ugly is timeless.
also (((Kasky)))
Dems are desperate. They know Russia story is nothing, people are happy with the economy and numbers under Trump and are coming around to him. (They) need something to paint him the bad guy because they don't have anything else to use against him
You talk about shit hole nations, but you live in Canada.
>russian shillsat it again
Because angsty liberal teens with social media want attention. At that age they also lack guilt which is why instead of blaming themselves for bullying the kid, they result to easy way out.
Because Jewish kids died you dumbass
Notice how nobody cared about the 2nd amendment after country loving patriotic Americans were killed in Vegas?
Wake the fuck up
What about this
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county(Shooting happened in Florida's 23rd Congressional District home to DWS).
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Something causes Cruz to show up on campus(not sure why).
6) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills some kids with Cruz present.
7) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
8) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
9) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
10) Cruz decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
11) FBI/Police arrest him at his home after he finishes eating as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
12) They spend the night MKUltraing him convincing him that he has done the crime.
13) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to MKUltra.
14) To be continued......