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he's not the voice of teachers everywhere.
He doesnt own any guns and is a lair
Aren’t most teachers women, therefore liberal?
That we should permaban these fucking low effort one word twitter screenshot posts.
>I suck so everyone must suck
That’s why the US needs a civilian defence force comprised of retired military veterans deployed into every school. Shoot assailants on site no questions asked. Like what Barak Obama wanted to do but without the communist takeover.
it would be nice if these asshole could drop trying to infringe on my rights
Imagine being such a shithole that your teachers have to carry guns
its not liberalism if youre not projecting
I was worried that this guy would offer some sort of solution. Boy am I relieved.
I wouldn't talk too much shit Paco
>Why would we expect teachers everywhere to bear this responsibility?
We don't you balding moron. We give teachers the options the conceal carry and provide them with additional training if they believe they are up to the task of defending their students. If you're too much of a woman to trust yourself to defend yourself, obviously we're keeping guns out of your hands.
>conducive to educating
High school teachers are babysitters. They all know this, or figure it out soon enough. They don't need to "educate" anybody.
Why? This is how most of the internet feels, whether you like it or not. Social media is overwhelmingly liberal.
Professional schoolings for teachers
Why are people so stupid about this? Having a gun doesn't mean you have to chase down the killer. You could just as well shack up in your schoolroom and use it for defense if shooter found you. People act like teachers have to be open carrying a gun 24/7.
A legitimate argument would be that teachers are not able to keep their inner city kids in line and they coudl risk being overpowered and having guns taken away. This of course has nothign tod o with school shootings but shitty kids.
>concealed carry leaves you actively looking for threats
what an absolute knob, also if he's been concealed carrying on campus he's probably been in violation of campus policy and liable for termination
>criminals kill other criminals
then there's me, never mugged, never seen anybody with a gun that is not the army/police, ti makes national news that some kids carry knives to school even if they did nothing.
Josh Grubbs
My hs just locked the doors during the school day for safety. Then again the students at my school weren’t all retards and actually went to class
PhDs are almost always the biggest soy boys. What a faggot
If he doesn't think he could do what it takes to protect children in any situation he should never have custody of them. Let him be a unemployed meat target.
teacher puts students in corner away from usually only way in or out, teacher locks n loads aiming at the only way in, not hard to defend.
>anecdotal bullshit
Guess what each red dot represents. Hint, it’s not the murder of a criminal.
Will American finally have to invent what every other country on planet has? The ID. Americans will have IDs in school before they get them as citizen.
Id say that the probability of successfully defending a classroom against a shooter is greatly increased if you have a firearm, with the added benefit of acting as a deterrent.
Soy is strong with this one
>inb4 he's full of shit and doesn't own a single gun
>What is paid armed security?
If this faggot doesn't want to keep a gun, then he deserves to be shot. Not every teacher is a cowardly soyboy like this cuck.
A drawn sword keeps another in its sheathe.
Why does this cuck act like someone if forcing him? If teachers were allowed to carry in the classroom its an individual choice. Let this faggot get blasted by the next shooter if thats what he wants.
I can almost guarantee he doesn't own any guns. Even if he did I don't give a fuck about his opinion, and neither do the scores of teachers who have recently been signing up to carry in class.
You're an absolute faggot. There are rules to any "image board". Rules of Sup Forums are stickied as first thread. You need to read them.
If the faggot ass mods did their jobs, they would be deleting threads like these before they get to 5 replies.
What is it with the need for these people to virtue signal?
Its always either an "I like or owned X up til now" or "My 6,7,8 year old said this" Kind of bullshit.
>Be Mexican
>Get beheaded
Kek what kind of shithole has to have armed teachers.
Sort yourselves out you pathetic mutts
Let our vets do it, I'm fucking serious.
Israel, Most countries before the great grabbing.
He has a vagina. That guy is the epitome of soy.
Okay l have carried a firearm for over 30 years, and never felt anxiety over it.
Therefore this guy is a cuckold faggot. I bet he is one of those people you see flinch every time they fire a round. Saying he is a good shot means he hit the paper on the target, since he did not state that he ten zoned his shots in a half inch grouping.
>thinks South Florida is America
>actually a Cuban/Haitian shithole
We are trying, but liberals keep voting against death squads.
scrolled down to make sure somebody posted this
>school shootings only happen in Florida
come on mate you don't even have to be 21 to buy a rifle/pistol in Australia, THE gun control country
Where in the rules does it say "twitter screenshots are banned"?
>I'm a good shot
>I couldnt defend myself against A (1) shooter
>I'd rather lie down and die in an attack than fight back
>I will protect our children.
The amount of projecting this cunt does... Jesus
Candy shops
Someone lights a firecracker sending him into a ptsd rage, flashbacks and pops every kid.
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
Since its so hard for you to understand.
Hell in my area they have only recently told students they can no longer have guns in their racks in their vehicles on school grounds. In my small town it is normal for people to have rifles, and shotguns in racks. I would trust pretty much every kid in this area with a handgun strapped to their side while at school. But then it is a rural area where people are something called sane.
It doesn't matter if you take away guns. Guns are for old women and children to protect themselves from threats. A man who is motivated can improvise a death machine. A gallon of gasoline is three dollars and they know which room your children sleep in. Fuck with someone truly motivated to kill you and the whole world becomes a weapon. I will do absolutely anything to protect myself, and I am not sorry about it. Fuck those kids. Fuck Florida. They have nothing to do with MY life. Why should they dictate who has the right to protect themselves? You are a CIA nigger, and I hope to be locked in a small room with you one day. Fucking Faggot.
If you cannot handle a mass shooter you do not belong in the classroom.
donkey shows?
The point isn't to shoot the shooter. It's to make potential shooters scared of getting shot to fuck up their fantasies so they won't go through with it.
I'm sure there's teachers who are.
What's his point?
I've been seeing this pop up a lot. The suggestion comes up that capable (as in trained) and willing teachers could be armed in schools. Not all teachers. Only those who are as just mentioned, capable and willing.
Cue hundreds of teachers going
>that's a bad idea because I'm not capable!
>that's a bad idea because I'm not willing!
Do they understand this doesn't concern them?
This is retarded. It's not about expecting them to be SWAT teams. It's about arming them to defend themselves. They're making a bullshit argument that misses the point.
If someone is shooting, do you want a gun or not?
>whoah, whoah buddy, I'm not a NAVY SEAL!
Okay, but would you rather be armed or not?
>Hahaha what do I look like? Some kind of commando over here?
Having no belief in yourself means I have no reason to believe your opinion.
I keep thinking about how in the early 80's we were told to stop bringing guns in our gunracks to school. I thought it was outrageous.
Shareblue's new strategy is to lie about gun ownership and veteran status. There are hundreds of them who do this every time, it's very pronounced, you can see it's a coordinated strategy.
Imagine being such a shithole that you walk 5,000 miles to get to a shithole where teachers have to carry guns
It's not about trusting yourself. It's, There is a gunman coming down the hall toward your classroom, don't you wish you had a weapon?
It's a bit more complex than that. Some people should indeed not be armed regardless of potential threats or not, because there's the potential they fuck up with that deadly force.
In other words, it doesn't matter wether the person would rather have a weapon in that case, if they can't be trusted with one the entire other time.
I wouldn't want your average libtard teacher to get a hold of a gun. I wouldn't trust some clown like that to carry around kids.
It's probably a good idea if the ones who are competent and willing to are allowed to be armed, though.
> Thoughts?
Better to shoot than be shot?
> to bear this responsibility
What defending themselves from being shot?
What the fuck are you liberals talking about with this bullshit?
If your house is on fire, would you like a firehose?
>Wow, I'm pretty good with a garden hose, bit I'm not qualified to be a firefighter.
Sure, but are you just going to sit there and watch you house burn?
>I'm not Smokey the Bear over here, lol, I was never trained for that!
If your car tire pops, do you want a tire iron and a jack?
>Heh, I'm not a mechanic. What do I look like? Some kind of gearhead?
But surely you can change a tire!
>Sure, but I'm not the pit crew for a formula 1 team. I don't need a tire iron and jack!
So you can change a tire, but don't think you're qualified to even try it in a life or death situation?
>Hahah, what do I look like? A grease monkey!?
Not a proper analogy because a garden hose and tire irons aren't deadly weapons.
bad things happen pretty quickly with guns.
I know huh?
Good luck on pulling off a massacre in those days.
>i'm a good shot
>i can't aim at one guy and trust myself to hit him
>I've been shooting guns my entire life
First lie.
>And own multiple guns now.
Second lie
>I'm a good shot
Third lie.
Fuck these kikes.
Just legalize concealed carry in universities
Where are the students?
School or barracks?
Is Trump actually arming teachers? That's too retarded to be true.
Imagine being such a shithole that your government is the one doing schools massacres
>bad things happen pretty quickly with guns.
Yes especially when you are stupid with them. Also affirmative action in full bloom.
Trump doesn't need to. This can be done at the state level, and my home state of Kentucky is doing exactly that.
Matt Bevin runs our state with the biggest pair of brass balls around.
Only those with concealed carry licenses, and trained to do so.
We protect our politicians with guns.
We protect our banks with guns.
We protect our nuclear facilities with guns.
We protect our pawn shops with guns.
We protect our nigger collision and other sporting events, with guns.
But we protect students with a flashy sign that says "No guns here!"
You bongs don't even protect your own police with guns. Which is why you'll be an Islamic shithole in a few decades ;^)
Sounds pretty cuck to me.
>Yes especially when you are stupid with them.
That's exactly my point. The guy in the OP literally admits to being too dumb to handle a gun.
Why try to force one on him? Give it to a teacher who's capable and willing instead.
I know there are places in TX where teachers are permitted to CC. I'm sure there are more throughout the country. It's really not that far-fetched of an idea.
One-word writing prompt one-posts are spam.
Rebroadcasting astroturf bot propaganda is spam.
I think spam should be saged.
he's a coward. according to his statement, he'd rather be completely unarmed and defenseless in a hypothetical shooter situation than armed and have a chance to save not only his own life, but those of his students.
if you were to ask any of the students from parkland, at the time they were huddled together behind a classroom door hoping the police would show up before the shooter did, if they would rather have an unarmed teacher or a teacher with a gun, i wonder what they would have said?
But nobody is forcing him is the point, he is just a part of the resistance to any solution, and chilling for the ban the guns crowd. This is why he was posted, as this garbage is being promoted to heavily.
I was responding to people who were suggesting he should have a gun even if he is uncomfortable with one.
And yes, the guy who made the tweets is a complete retard. He may be uncomfortable around guns, but he doesn't have any right or logical reason to speak for other teachers.
need help creating gun control and mental health memes in this thread
Imagine being such a shithole that you live in Mexico.
Answer the important question. Republicans have been slashing money from the education system for years now. Teachers have to pay out of their own pocket for even the most basic school supplies. Where exactly is the money to train and arm thousands of teachers with guns going to come from? Wait...let me guess. Republicans will pass legislation requiring teachers to now pay for training and guns out of their own pocket as well. Which will lead to an instant exodus of our best teachers. Great plan, geniuses. Holy FUCK are republitards stupid.
I am a republican because I believe in a smaller, less intrusive federal government!
Also Republicans:
> the US needs a civilian defense force comprised of retired military veterans deployed into every school.
Derpy Derpity Derpy Derpy Doo!