Why the fuck haven’t you fags done anything about this shit yet? Niggers feeling all superior and shit.
>Niggers feeling all superior and shit based on a fictional movie made by Jews to push a political agenda.
Here is the truth amigo
It's literally a marvel Disney movie.
That is to say it's objectively garbage and the best thing you can do is simply ignore its existence.
Honestly they are genetically superior. Let them industrialize and they'll enslave all the whitebois and colonize space.
I'm guessing nothing could dispel this myth like a group photo of the Marvel CGI team :)
No doubt they had to scour the earth to find at least one barely qualified token though to help with the feels.
"Genetically superior." LOL
Genetically modified for labor maybe. Subsidized in all other aspects of life.
this is a dead meme now friend
>Let them industrialize
Even if one accepts the bullshit that they're physically superior, it's pretty fucking hard to industrialise when the average person is literally retarded.
It's an advantageous position, if they want to return to Wakanda let them. If they try to create Wakanda in US then race war. The more blacks will accept any ethnostate then the closer to a white ethnostate we get. Reason: if leaving to get their black ethnostate is easier than fighting then they'll take the easy way out.
perhaps all the blacks will move to Africa to make wakanda great again. Give them another 1000 years, they might even invent the wheel!
Wish more Amerimutts was smart like this guy.
All you need to do is spam picks of nogs publicly burning other nigs for being suspected of witchcraft, and cannibalism, and other savage things with, #ThetrueWakanda on twitter
Why would I care? So they are jerking off over a fantasy land in which niggers are capable. That's all it is. Fantasy. Let the stupid nogs have their fun.
>Niggers feeling all superior and shit.
Let them bask in the moment. Soon enough they'll realize there'll never be an african utopia.
I want to go watch it, cause even when I realize that it's nothing but a jew ruse, I still like the comics.
why would I want to. let them have their fun.
it's still capeshit.
>implying I care that normies watch capeshit
fuck off to
and their tight boipussys, cant colonize space without some gf (male)'s
>a movie where niggers literally run around with spears, shave their women bald and hoot like apes on white people
>being superior
lol ok
>Why the fuck haven’t you fags done anything
nypa, insecure faggot