ITT: sum up Sup Forums with one image

ITT: sum up Sup Forums with one image



hey good job, this image is pretty funny....which is more than I can say for this board these days....christ.















My personal favorite



that's reddit you dumbfuck


>implying that the majority of Sup Forums isn't also browsing reddit.











But niggers are ugly monkeys so this doesn't make any sense?



Goddammit the site won’t open!

Hello all, just want to post some shit on Sup Forums and join the circlejerk of redpilled white males against libtards and cucks.

But user, you are a nigger.


it's not up anymore, that's an old image I've had for a while

You have to go back.





And sorry about the EU flag, just wanted to show European ethnicity, not this fuckin flag I hate.

Russian bots...

- to McDonald's.



Hello /leftypol/,

I assume that this is a part of your midterm project for your social studies class, so i'll give you just a bit of advice. don't make one thread and post alone in it. make sure that you shill in groups or it won't work as well.
also for the rest of the sane people in the thread, this is a perfect example of why /mlpol/ needs to come back.


Oh hey, it's that faggot that couldn't argue against Project Veritas. You know it isn't safe being this transparent, right?

>Sup Forums is one person




Your image is pretty spot on already


Do not reply to troll threads.
Report them and move on.

Think you got me confused with someone else bud, I just logged in.





>Hello fellow Sup Forumsacks.




Good post.


sensible jej

Não seja bruto tisk tisk

but both men in this picture are jewish

Pick one.




What kind of sorcery is that ?




wow, someone actually put some thought into this one, nice.

Niggers can't look like that unless their whore mother got bleached hard.

Holy fucking shit this is amazing.

There's a history board on Sup Forums? Fuck pol I'm outta here

soccer logo needs to be updated soon
gonna have a star in a few weeks


Is that a polish flag behind after-pol harry potter? What is the context of this

the actor did some skinhead movie

have discussion on Evola, mods delete thread after 100 replies. some filthy abo is shitting on the board with strawmen, yet mods do nothing. faggots


man the jews really hate trump



There's literally nothing wrong with being a new or a POC


