How do we kick these cringy little shits off our board?

How do we kick these cringy little shits off our board?

How do we kick your faggot little country into the ocean

Anonymous is always made of the same age groups (12-100). They will only leave when they're too old to use a computer. New people are being added to anonymous every day.

I enjoy the clusterfuck they bring, let them stay.

They will mature. Worry more about kicking kikes out.

Yes we should divide our numbers that will make us strong!
Fuckin kike faggot OP

>matt got triggered

Lmao you lost against rice farmers and are barely holding the line against goat fuckers. We would push your shit in.

As much as how i hate how shit they made this board, they are on the right path. Just being cringy fuckwits about it.
If i could give them advice i would say "Stop replying to bait threads you new bastards. Oh and read some actual political foundation so your arguments are based on good foundation"

calamitous, more shills than memers, brace amatuers, they play their part

More mutt threads and more mutt posts in every other thread
This is the exact person who gets triggered and reports them


bring back /mlpol/

Dem digits

you don't if you want to prevent certain kind of people maybe reddit is the place for you

gore and scat

delete the board and let the cancer disperse.

Wow look at this mutt invasion in this thread

Shut up jew

>They will only leave when they're too old to use a computer

So much this and I wish I could quit.

t. 2005fag. I'm too far gone by this point--I even mutter memes to myself in public like a fucking schizophrenic sperg. For example, if I see an interracial couple, I'll mutter "good goyim" to myself.

They're too busy trying to force other boards to think like them

They can't read.

We turn Sup Forums into a red board so that way we can post furry and pony porn.

So what said.

I report them because you faggots keep spamming the board with threads either dedicated to this Sup Forums meme or bitching about this Sup Forums meme. If you niggers wouldn't create 30+ threads about it at any given time, I doubt they would be deleted. Keep your autistic bullshit to one thread.

Exactly, /mlpol/ but with /trash/ thrown into the mix as well.

I feel ya muttbro. Even tho I'm a borat and we have no niggers here I'd sometimes call someone a fucking nigger irl.

Keep pretending that you aren't the biggest meme of a polity in the history of the world

Delete this

wtf Protestant books? Fuck them, they ruined christianity

>right nationalist nativist isolationist identitarian
it's like i'm on tumblr

Most of what was posted in this post and the one which proceeded it are outdated concepts and ideas. Many of these were written for the societies which they were written in and are no longer relevant today. A good example are the outdated economic books like The Wealth of Nations and The Republic. Ground breaking at the time but outdated today.

cringe as fuck but at least he isn't a lefty

you can't get rid of the 56%ers
they are like parasites

Matt, you have to do your homeworks before shitposting here. Be a good boy and go study

I am not Matt


You can try, but my gore folder is bigger than yours =)

Dude your woman are ugly and your country is peice of shit. You literally are going to be the next Venezuela because Chileans are Retarded

step 5: read the ego and his own and realize you've been spooked this whole time

I don't know how, but they need to fuck off

>Otto Von Denmarck
literally what

this is the embodiment of 56%

t. Denmark

>our board
Kill yourself faggot

Is this spiclet serious? AHAHAHAHAH

Fuck Trump and anyone who supports that orange kike loving piece of shit in 2018


fuck off cuck we own this board and you all no it don't like trump leave you are no longer needed here.


its not possible to be president without loving kikes anymore

Underrated post

why did we let mestizos have the internet? I'm seriously asking

By telling soyboys like Matt to stop playing video games. Nu/pol/ chimps out whenever you criticize about their cuck hobbies.

President of what?

Muh freeze peach of course.

butthurt goblins are so funny
keep raging muricans



Lmao at chile niggers trying to tell us what to do

We should just nuke your pathetic excuse for a country