Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Raws are out, and so is this cute image.

A little sneak.

















Why is Maomao so smug?



The other adaptation was pretty weak in comparison to this artist.




I'm still wondering who this series panders to.








Another one.




is this one serialised monthly as well?


Cute girl, like the artstyle

Yes, on big gangan




>yet another untranslated chapter
why do you do this senpai? Why must you remind me of plain cheeky Catcat?



Until a TL comes as well as a regular basis to remind people of this series.







That's it for this month

Cute! CUTE!

At least she's gonna be happy being with her beloved.

Obscure emperor now not so obsure.

Not seeing too much resemblance.

Who is the best consort?

Anyone knows whether the version which is being translated is the WN or the LN?

Ah Duo, no doubt.


Why is Jinshi such a touchy pervert?

I like Maomao’s disgusted faces better there, though.

That's what pretending to be an eunuch in mid-late teens does to you.

Maomao looks too shounen, though.

Because he's thirsty.

>Ah Duo
I hope she returns in some way, loved what little we saw of her.

Maomao sure is loved.

Can't recall a scene like that, probably from a future chapter. Maomao looks really pretty there.

Still waiting for TL.

I wonder why the author depicts themselves as a pig/boar?

Whoch prostitute would you choose in this series?