This looks like it could potentially end American conservatism, what do we do now, my lads?
Even Top Republicans are furious over Le Pen’s CPAC speech
>Egg McMuffin
Pick one, RINO.
He's the old wing of the party and a former cia pencil pusher. The younger generation like her
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Good. The way things are are not worth conserving, must go full reactionary.
>URBAN youths
>city people
You can do better than that goldberg.
The sad thing is newfags will think this means LePen is based. There truly isn't any political solution.
He means urban gays and niggers.
When did McMuffin being a top republican become a meme?
>Trump's white nationalism
Lost it right there
The United States still has not properly avenged Mountain Meadows.
Goodbye McMuffin, should've run on the Republican ticket
It amazes me people still think about McMuffin. I realize McDonald's breakfasts are a bit constipating, but this is too much.
Get a laxative already.
Look at me. WE CPAC NOW
Woah bald gay CIA Republican McMellon who has 12 million frothing Left-wing twitter followers.
It’s no secret that niggers vote Democrat
>The only people who voted for Trudeau were gays, the mentally handicapped, lazy and stupid people, and western value hating temporary migrants.
Under rated as fuck
McMuffin should shut up already.
If it means ending neoconservatism then it's a good thing.
>Egg McMuffin
I literally can't think of anything else whenever I see this tool's name.
Did anyone tell him that politics and that name may not be a good mix?
Also. Le Pen. Noice. Nooooooooooooooooice!
t. rural and suburban retard
we keep being conservative. They'll move or get run over
Why is Evan McMullin alive? Probably because he is surrounded by armed cultists who woupd defend him if he was attacked.
>Top Republican
>Effin McMuffin
>American conservative
Shove McMuffin up Glenn Beck's ass and toss both in the Marianas Trench.
>couldn't even win Utah