Serious question, how do we start marketing the ideas of libertarianism in a way that will reach the general public as a viable option and not just the morons on the internet
Get off my board greedy snake shill. Your shitty ideals never will find the liking of the public except in the retardistan known as the USA.
This is now an anti lolbertarian thread
>my board
Literally Hitler. Aren't socialists gathering altogether at reddit? You should go there too,
We Libertarians promote civil and religious liberty to all people. And would love to have you on board as soon as you shake of the socialist tendencies
I love that one, saved
ancucks are literally commies spelt backwards
how do those companies thrive and monopolise like that brainlet?
theyre in with the government
>Inb4 (((Sup Forums was always lolbertarian goy)))
this is the most retarded image i've ever seen fuck off glower
Wrong! Liberals hired to to a job will adhere to the free market principles of employer/employee relationships, and give labor and time for wages.
Are you retarded? Some monopolies are market driven. See Amazon. See Youtube. It's cheaper and more effective to have everything standardized and under one roof.
Now they have billions of dollars, enough to buy enough influence to subvert your citizens away from libertarianism. Checkmate snakes.
So why isn't anyone using a competing platform?
Bezos's maternal grandfather was Lawrence Preston Gise, a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in Albuquerque. Before joining the AEC, Gise had worked for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development arm of the Department of Defense that was created in 1958 as the first response by the US government to the Russian launching of Sputnik I, the first artificial Earth satellite in 1957.[18] Intended to be the counterbalance to military thinking in research and development, DARPA was formed, according to its official mission statement, to ensure that the US maintains a lead in applying technology for military capabilities and to prevent other technological surprises from her adversaries.
because the ((( government ))) doesnt support or fund any comping platform they want their good goys thats the point you commie retard
>grug mad stop taxing muh stones reee grug literate free market never leads to corruption and poverty look at based Somalia grug is always right grug knows basic economics tm everyone who knows advanced economics gets thrown out of imaginery flying machine grug wins yet another fight with evul statist tribe
did you just delete your post to repost it again? how fucking gay of you you CIA nigger faggot
>23 replies
>all off-topic
I swear to god ..
You don't, lolbergism is retarded.
>(((Shalom and hello fellow goy- I mean guys I as a based lolbertarian think we should kill all the nazi scum on Sup Forums 1% elitist corporate jews owning everything is the best kill the gobernment if you wanna be based goys! I mean guys. Trust me I have high IQ thanks to reading economics for elementary schoolers.)))
lolberg utopia 1
lolberg utopia 2
>Your shitty ideals never will find the liking of the public
>has Nazi flag
Pot, meet kettle
That is not how that graph is read....
In Brazil we're having massive adoption thanks, in no small part, to Mises institute, meme pages, a "grass-root" movement like MBL coopting the current Social Democratic party, and some youtubers.
Hahaha! Great posts. Keep it up! For race and fatherland. For a greater future and tradition.
freedom to do what you want, liberty, not paying a bunch of money
and just the usual, lie to them
On a more serious note though, libertarianism is a doomed path....turn away
Yet you people are getting all upset about how popular it is here? They may have tarnished the image of National Socialism but its a testament its greatness that 70 of the most negative propaganda hasn't stamped this movement out.
>he admits he is a just a greedy lying jew that doesn't give a shit about his country
Lolbertarians ladies and gents!
>iq range over 70
This was meant for you.
Sup Forums bought bitcoin when it was very cheap because Sup Forums understands that every other currency is kiked to no other degree
nazis were the pioneers of putting fluoride in the water you good goy
other way around
every single country has a law preventing racist libertarians from having whites only businesses
fucking japan gets to and no one calls them out
>He unironically believes the Chinese are still actually commies just because they keep coating sate capitalist imperialism in a red coat
Mutt education I suppose or was it (((lolberterianism)))? You decide!
All that fat stops their brain performing optimally, their is no way these tub of lards have an IQ > 70
yeah the nazis also masturbated the jews to death and fired rockets up their buttholes!
>seal your INTERNET
>not communist
you arent even a real natsoc I know thats for sure
well less lie to them and more make a buncha shit up like every other propaganda campaign that includes you nazi kike
>not just the morons on the internet
But that's exactly what it is. Why lie to the people about it?
>National Socialists are good goys reeee
Top kek
Alright that was enough libertaritard killing for tonight! See ya on /nsg/ bad goys.
That is literally a Nike™ factory you fucking mong. Also:
Friendly reminder that all ancaps get the rope.
>But that's exactly what it is.
True but the ideas have potential. If the kikes could sell (((progressivism))) to the masses god damn it we can sell libertarianism
oh my fucking god so communism is just state capitalism now
kek i never said that
They have this romantic view that most individuals in a libertarian society will live freely for themselves and be mostly self reliant. In reality most will struggle to make a living and so will be forced to move where there is work and end up in these factories.
>testament its greatness that 70 of the most negative propaganda hasn't stamped this movement out.
100 Year’s of Communist failure hasn’t stamped out Communism. The fact that national socialism is popular on an anonymous image board is because it’s so vilified. Forbidden Fruit
Nike tm that makes deals with the government you faggot
>tfw the word libertarian was coined by anarchist socialists in the 19th century to distinguish themselves from marxist authoritarians who wanted a huge state
>now it means domination of society by capitalists
Can you go back to calling yourselves liberals?
>private company "makes deals" with government
Jesus Christ m8, the absolute state of lolbergism....
When are you gonna grow up?
If libertarianism is founded on freedom of choice how do libertarians deal with the fact that freedom of choice is an illusion?
You fuck off too you stupid worst-square faggot, you've already got the term anarchist socilaist, lolbergism is theirs now.
fucking strawman i never said it was full communism
Libertarianism is a garbage ideology.
Sadly I don't think the current situation allows for a peaceful transition to Libertarianism. Democracy is the mean by which the 50%+1 fuck over the rest. The welfare state has millions upon millions of people feeding from it and it's a great incentive for 3rd world immigration, if you add the huge amount of college indoctrinated soyboys and sluts that constitutes a big section of the votes.
And a remainder, if you hate the free market that only means you deep down know you can't compete there.
Chile speaking the truth.
The Chicago boys did their job right
Libertarian = cuck
Libertarianism is a stillborn ideology that will never be relevant because its fundamental assumptions about reality are flawed.
We were really saved by president Pinochet and the economic reforms, almost in a biblical way I might add.
But man we needed more caravanas de la muerte and helicopter rides to get rid of all the commie scum, these rats are still breathing today.
Libertarians need to get in on the collusion action in order to compete. I think this guy might have the right idea.
This is exactly how it feels to be a Libertarian in these threads. I unironically want the future to look like all the ridiculous ancap ball posts. Why does the Government have a right to stop me or anyone else from privately developing nuclear weapons?
I hope that you're not serious. Pinochet wrecked chile's economy in order to please globalists.
kek sums up this thread
libertarianism requires mental effort, so its inherently less appealing than the collectivists found on both political poles, where you can embrace the ideas with just "other people will sort my shit out for me"
Option A - Everybody is happy and prosperous
Option B - Earth is reduced into a nuclear wasteland
Hmmmm I really wonder why would someone choose A instead of B.
If the earth being reduced into a nuclear wasteland is the product of choices made by free individuals in a free society then so be it.
>being this deluded
You are clearly clueless about what happened in Chile between 1970-1973, and no, the fairy tales your leftist professors told you in school are not true.
>libertarianism requires mental effort
I would say not any more than any other ideology, it can be boiled down to "don't force people and don't steal their shit"
hurrr vote for change
hurrr vote for strength
hurr vote for nazi
hurr vote for equality
And this is why nobody reasonable should be ancap.
but silly goy how to road?
That's not an argument. You fail to point out how my belief is unreasonable.
It requieres less effort than calculating the economic problem that's for sure.
kek i'd assume there'd be MAD treaties in ancap
yea but it requires an understanding of why its important to sustain the maintenance of individual liberty & decentralized power structures that ensure the government doesnt become tyrannical (while remaining strong enough to protect us from the tyranny of other states/individuals)
even what i just wrote is too complicated for some retards
thats pretty easy
Your argument originates from insane moral relativism according to which nothing matters. However if we accept said premise to be true then you cannot justify why we should be ancap. Furthermore it's in the interests of 99.99999999% of people to avoid that and politics is ultimately a popularity game which means "us" which means reasonable people can force option A into this world.
>not just dogmatic faith that the market will sort everything out for me, perfectly
but in all honesty it is very simple, its just the political establishment has their talking points they use every time to try to discredit and people dont know any better yet
What happens if I do thread on you?
you are mistaking libertarianism for anarcho capitalism. libertarianism acknowledges state involvement in trade, particularly with, for example, natural monopolies. so even the fact that you fail to effectively summarize the libertarian position on a singular subject shows that libertarianism is too complicated for retards like you
>What happens if I do thread on you?
>becasue endless layers of bureaucracy can fix everything
The free market is not a problem solver, it's not an utopia, it's the possibility for prosperity.
try me you fucking commie.