I'm done with the shitskins and their amerimutt meme, every time I enter the board I see new and higher effort mutt memes. GO FUCK YOURSELVES, MUTTPOSTERS SHOULD BE SHOT ON SIGHT
I'm done with the shitskins and their amerimutt meme...
>t. Insecure shitskin who DESPERATELY wants more free memes
Kys nigger
murdoch murdoch killed the amerimutt meme in their last episode user.
its funny tho senpai
you need some distance, i find memes about poland quite funny
Is there a new one out? What's the site they upload to again?
This is what you get for calling Slavs not white. Now appologize
Your post is why it will be the meme of 2018
You make this too easy
Oh hi JIDF.
Well you would cause that Poland meme is fucking brutal
You sure you want to do this?
we just had this thread you fucking mutt
have some decency
dios mio
its actually mostly brits and dutch niggers who pride themselves on their lineage . because mutating from a nig is better than enslaving them i guess idk.
the brits are currently incapable of accepting that they were nigs like 6k years ago so im sure they believe they came from the stars as white people and colonized earth
Anyone who can’t laugh at themselves is probably one of the worst types of people.
>anything I don’t like is JIDF because of one (possibly) Israeli shitpost
Get a hold of yourself man
So you say as an excuse to start yet another fucking thread.
Do not reply to troll threads.
Report off topic and troll posts.
Fresh from reddit eh? Better get used to the banter, you're not special. lardhead
Le 56% face is funny when it's rightfully used to mock the filthy mongrels we have here, but it's annoying and stupid when it's used as "UR NOT WHITE" d&c.
i am a real white person living in america. one of the last. i can 100% tell you that most of the posters whining about the amerimutt meme here are doing so because they're not fucking white. period. end of story. they're like at least 10% mixed. everyone here, aside from boomers, is like 10% mixed BARE MINIMUM and you can see it in them. most are way more than 10% mixed obviously. very very few exceptions among younger people.
i hate it, i long to be with my own people, but sadly europe has problems too.
as America slides in to >40% "white" population, the mutts will get bolder in their incredulity at being called out for what they are
>The Mutt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
this is now a poland rape ball thread
>murdoch murdoch killed the amerimutt meme in their last episode user.
>be amerimutt
>slavs are not white, italians are not white hehehe
>get amerimutted
>crying please stop this meme
that is what you get for chosing who is white or not.
no-one listens to that trash you e-celeb loser cunt mutts
>I'm done with the shitskins and their amerimutt meme
This shit is just demoralization. Forget about psyop threads and help make memes about gun control:
your whole country just begs the question why you're holding on to the current state of things. Why not found a new, white-exclusive US of Aryans?
>average American by 2020
whiter than you, pablo
I watched the video. It was funny but he didn't kill shit.
>You're still mutts
Accept the Amerimutt. We are the superior race and we must conquer the world to spread the seeds of Mutt.
>t. mutt
when you also try to hide your flag because you're a faggot. Only mutts get offended,
This thread was started by an argentinian faggot from Sup Forums
hes trying suck off the mutts so he can get a pass through the border
Continue denying it retard. An ex-JIDF admitted it.
You were the ones who said it. Suck a dick retard.
560% mutt every day until you like it. You're just mutthurt deal with it senpai.
>I'm done with the shitskins and their amerimutt meme
jesus this is forced
We can't say much
Brazilians mutt are much worst
>An ex-JIDF admitted it.
He was a fucking troll you dumbfuck.
kek kys memeflag faggot I think they're hilarious. Makes me even happier about who I am.
If 56% amerimutt memes bother you, its probably because you're a mutt and you know it
whiter than you mohammed
>people actually watch that garbage
Nice almost digits pleb
Fuck sake lad, get a grip. It's all a bit of banter in the end. You don't see me making a thread saying "Stop calling us brits muhammad reeeeeee".
You just go with it and have a laugh.
>Israeli slave cant handle the bantz
It only shows that amerimutt hits home, and it hits hard. Imagine spreading meme like that about nation which is secure about purity of its blood, they'll only laugh at you and not screech like La Creaturas who have been brought to the light.
Theres something deep down in Americans to completely lose their shit at little things that increase overtime. Our history will always be full of Boston Tea Party moments where we just see red once the straw breaks the camels back.
I'm also an ex-JIDF and i can promise you we didn't do shit.
Show us you're not a mutt
I'm South Brazilian and whiter than you, El Ogro de Las Americas.
Jewish nose. Nice try.
I am half Sicilian that's very likely
But I was raised Lutheran
What the fuck does that have ot do with you being an albino mutt? When the guy in pic related removes his goggles, yo uare a mutt.
End of discussion
not a mutt
>curly hair
>hides his nose
Here comes the mountain Jew
My Opa warned me about your kind
nose unhidden
Guaranteed (you)s EVERY FUCKING TIME
still looks kinda jewy
nice chin
thanks vlad
>MFW canada is 49%
fuck canada
Cold war is getting hot I see