/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports

/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports.

Right now Warski: JF and Spencer vs Vee and Arch about ethnonationalism

>Last stream: Sargon of Akkad, Bre Faucheux & Mark Collett Discuss Power & the State

>Ethnostate: Enoch, AltHype, Vee, Sargon, Cedarwood, Liberalists

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Check our own /IBS/ stream

>My wife's dinosaur

>Last night stream: Nick Fuentes vs. RC Maxwell | Civic Nationalism Debate

>Jim's new video about bloodsports

>JF analyzes the Sargon vs. Anglin debate

>David Shitrat talks about how blacks are dumb and violent, because they eat paint chips from the wall.

>Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

>JF video on how Peterson refuses to talk about the JQ

Old Links pastebin.com/H1cExJ1a

Bloodsport clips: youtube.com/channel/UCoCuOwpNQ39uaEU76cy_0qg/videos

Schedule for this week UPDATED
Today: Mark Collett and Bre Faucheux vs Sargon on power and state. RockingMrE channel 4pm EST
Today: JF Spencer vs vee Arch about ethnonationalism Warski live 5pm EST

March 1st Boomer faggot + some random kike vs David Duke + Mark Collet. Warski live 7pm EST
March 3rd Styx vs Fuentes about religion
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
Also Andy said that he has the rest of the week planned but he didn't want to give us any spoiler
After every stream ancap user will host our own /IBS/ stream

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.


Daww, how can people say this show is bad?

JF on the ball with the citizenship-for-votes schemes encouraged by democracy.

first for richard '007' spencer

>encouraging birth rates is authoritarian

Good post. Hard to read though.

JF and Spencer are a good team. The fags they are schooling had to turn their cameras off within 30 minutes, debate was over then.

Why are retards flagging Vee's channel?

>a quick and easy solution like an ethnostate


In a purely self defense situation, should Vee put his hands on me, I would fuck him up.


Aqua doesn't have a penis, heretic

I fucking hate this Arch so fucking god damn much.

He just said Norway has "salvaged" the demographic replacement. The guy is actually LYING and saying that they have completely stopped immigration.

what's that vee? something about pebbles?

How fucking high is Andy right now?

she just always has a penis in her though

andy is probs asleep

Missed the past 40 minutes? who's winning?

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Arch sounds like total asscancer

It's a no contest win for Richard


Holy fucking shit these faggot are so fucking stupid.
>Sure, we're fucking doomed in the long run, and whites are being oppressed, and immigrants are the problem, and they hate us and will destroy our society, but let's not try too hard to stop it or people will think we're mean.

>Unilateral executive power to close the border isn't authoritarian.
>An Ethnostate must be authoritarian.

Is his rational for this seriously, "its legal for the president so its democratic?"

iOS text replacement fucks with the spacing


But Sargon your'e not in this debate

We're all losing with these fucking retarded Liberalists lying.

This Arch guy keep saying that they have completely fixed the immigration problem in Norway. It's a straight up lie, Norway is just slightly behind Sweden.

Fuck I hate these ngigers when they keep bringing up their own tiny nations which no one knows anything about so they can just straight up lie to disprove shit.

Arch has no human value.

Vee is winning a good lesson about how the EU works from Richard

tell that to my wife's dinosaur

>Trap question on EU
>Spencer's argument is aimed at an american audience
>Arch has no idea what he is doing
>Vee's question leaks
>Spencer filllibusters for first half on EU
>Vee turns off mic in shame

This isn't bloodsports, this is a gangrape. Hosted by Adam Race Warski, youtube's leader in live streaming sexual violence.

Got that right. He also lied about second gen being on par with natives. He only got through with it because nobody knows a lot about nordic countries except for people that live there. Vee plays the same game with Romania.

I think the old outro is still better overall, but man dat walk

what the fuck is his accent even supposed to be? Some type of bongistani?

>integration has been shown to work

He sounded still drunk on Tonkas stream earlier but denied it. He was out till sun came up drinking with superchat money. He spent like an hour talking about sex and cocaine on kumite today.

Man thats some fucking hot art m8. la criatura de Rumania...

VEE turned off his fucking cam


>unilateral banning of nonwhite immigration
>done by an executive without legislation
>done immediately

i am a liberalist now

Hatecrime, whatever its bloodsports.

>When you get Liberalists to constitutionally justify the creation of an ethnostate

>zionist shill peterstein top tier

audible laugh at that

>done in a white minority country

At least we're not authoritarian, right fellow Sargonite?

its going to be glorious when jf fucks andy over and jets with all the good guests.

andy is obviously the useful idiot.

also kumite is fucking boring lately.

>JF I don't know why you're smiling

Vee is so fucking retarded, this is great.




Andy vs. JF coming this spring.

what is the answer to the mulatto woman question in the ethnostate

He might as well have. Holy shit, this is why sargon ran the fuck away. He figured he'd be better off defending his wife's dinosaur instead of getting brutalized on this stream.
>Enoch and Spencer vs Sargon and Vee
Can you imagine?

Andy just has the verification and subs. At least he knows when he has no input and stays out instead of tarding up a debate.

>the drooling bodybuilding swede that high
>mastertroll tariq that low
Also, bump venti up a notch, she's just pretending to be retarded.

Depends on her hotness obviously


Dicky Spencer is a 10, no homo

>I could have been watching question tme this whole time
cya nerds!

Also it’s basicallly just Spencer vs arch+vee

JF need to get out of his moderator state and spencyneeds to Lear to share the speaking time with his team

Castrated the negros
Breed with the negress
Bleach the entire race for generations

>We haven't gone to the moon because we're spending too much money on welfare
Jesus Christ Richard Spencer is a retard

Don’t make me agree with a leaf, I’ll say 9.5

Depends on her ethnic makeup. Anything over a certain threshold, lets call it the Brittney Venti rule, can stay, provided they marry a white and have only whiter children.
Anyone below that, well if you love them, you'll leave with them.

Birth control for all of them. Their birth rate should drop to a point such that their numbers radically shrink with time.

they can get visa renewed 1 hour for every dick sucked

True, but JF got Arch and Vee to constitutionally justify closed borders, and got them to say that unilateral executive power isn't authoritarian.

Andy does seem like a druggie retard

What about sterilization?

He definitely was

Agree. Considering JF talking Time and his contributing this is fucking insane

140iq confirmed

has Warski discovered the best get rich quick scheme of all time?
>get a co-host that is smarter than you and will do all the work for you
>let him and another guy invite people that will smack talk eachother for hours
>let them fight while you step away to do other shit and rake in money, just be sure to pop in every 30 minutes to read the shitpost messages people pay at least $10 for

>110-120 iq
Brainlet spotted 110-120 is retard tier


Where's the lie?

>I thought you had a funny joke


He would be if he didn't have a spotty face

Spencer just used the works 'big firey rape fest, a bloodbath'. Dudes providing commentary on the stream from within it. IDK I think JF doesn't want to detract from spencer. JF doesn't want to be totally associated with richard spencer's ideology.

Feels good to be on the winning side.

Spencer needs to get his thick neck back!

It's called licensing your IP.

>i-it was funny mate

we need to meme chad spencer photoshops

fuck off with your e-celeb shit

sage and hide

Thats like provably true my dude.

>proving that the irish lack white reading comprehension
I meant the Swede should be lower you dummy.

Where's the fucking lie tho? Diversity tax

Vee is such a moron. Romanians would still be in danger to be replaced by the gypsies , even if you close the borders. And his civic nationalism is impossible with the gypsies, even a romanian normie knows gypsies refuse to integrate. Yet he thinks that he can convince the gyppos so stop having children and go to work for the nation's betterment, lmao.

tldr Vee's an idiot

JF isn't an alt right person.

>you're in the club and this guy slaps your gfs ass
What do you do?

>Spencer doesn't even need JF as backup

no, anime is the last stand of implicit white identity

Prove it then, faggot. Show me NASA has a vested interest in another manned Lunar mission and that they just didn't have the scratch for it.

not tricking us Vee

>french blowd spilled on american soil

Marion is cute

i would give that bitch the fug

vee finally gets to the meat of the argument


He is the biggest crypto-fascist there is