An armed Sheriff deputy stood idle while school shooting took place
Armed Deputy did nothing to stop Florida Shooting
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“Took position”
>hid and figured “fuck it this will hurt drumpf”
Figured this was coming, when we started hearing about the need for 21 Jump Street to carry long guns.
They should have hired a real bad ass.
Parkland school cop likely spent his time setting up security cams in the girls locker room.
This is legitimately fucking huge. there should be 10 threads about this right now.
Wtf I hate cops now. I thought they were supposed to protect us?
Yeah, I looked and saw nothing figured some threads are getting slid hard
And yet leftist want us to give up guns cause the police will protect us
>students probably called him a rent-a-cop for years
>shooting starts
>he says fuck it im not dying for these assholes.
He probably wanted those fucking kike KIDS to die like any real patriot would.
I would have done nothing too sage this shit thread
I don't see any problem, The officer did his job.
>Go home to see his family at night.
Court decisions have openly declared that a police officer has no duty to protect any member of the public. We literally pay police officers huge salaries, to harass us and give us tickets, and then the one time we need them, he makes sure his safety comes first and he stands back, lets you die lol.
kys nigger
Cops don't have the balls or proper training. Social studies teachers armed with M-2s are our only hope now.
>Literally paid to protect and neither....
why would some $10/hr guy attempt to take on some glowing CIAniggers who were on an OP?
They told him it was an exercise and to stand down.
How long till the cop "slips" and cracks his neck?
leo are not required to protect life the SCOTUS ruled.
This is why it's so important to be able to arm and protect yourself. It's not a LEOs job to do that.
>getting yourself shot for a bunch of faggot kids who will still grill you even if you did something and ruin the country with their faggot whining on CNN
Country deputy Florida probably getting paid 50k salary per year, but you could argue why put your life on the line....but then why become a sheriff
Just to write tickets and be an asshole?
Well, he should have. That is on him.
Sup Forums will defend this
Cops just want to go home at the end of their shift.
Which is why they either do nothing or just cap your ass to be safe.
No big surprise there.
This thread again? I posted this in the other one. I might as well post it here. Its really informative.
Police are under no legal obligation to protect anyone or anything.
Because you're a gutless faggot too?
Checks out.
Never. This is normal for the police in US. Just be glad he didn't shoot a bunch of students and bystanders.
With overtime, super retirement plan and benefits, your description is innacurate, and misleading.
>students bully the resource officer
>students bully cruz
>one day the RO sees Cruz lighting up the shit heads
>RO nods and goes back to reading his Tom Clancy novel
But remember, the point is you DON'T need guns... we have officials who are trained and armed to protect us!
His literal job was to protect people except oops the scotus ruled cops don't have an obligation to protect people so I guess not
He'll be shamed (he should be, I don't even know if I could live with myself, let alone social shame from others) but there won't be any legal consequences for his inaction.
my sides
Seems like cops are only comfortable killing harmless people
You don't know if you could live with yourself after you trolled a bunch of kikes and let their shitlet spawn die to glorious hellfire?
In other words: you can't depend on police to save you from a mass shooter. Only yourself.
broward is a shithole full of niggers. israel is a kike.
What is a "resource officer", and how does it differ from a police officer?
>you don't need guns, just call the cops lol
Actually, he's not legally obligated to do either of those things. He's just paid muscle for the state.
correct answer.
I'm so glad democrats are going to make sure this is the only protection we get. and we get what we deserve. I know I'm ready to play twister.
Was the police officer a man or Canadi..i mean woman?
Must be his fancy title when hes on school duty to protect against mass shootings or try to fuck Ms White who teaches Holocaust history. But hes a Sheriff Deputy for Broward County
You think the resource officer can get a job at Taco Bell after this?
Yeah no shit. God damn it demorats are so fucking dumb.
If the Deputy had killed the shooter Jews everyone would be screaming about the Holocaust because the shooter is a Jew.
And at least the Deputy didn't have any toxic masculinity. He was clearly debate how to handle the situation with peace and tolerance and words.
>where they sit in shiva
lol, kikes btfo
thank you based resource officer
Nope. he will go back to his day job at the FBI.
>The responsibilities of SROs are similar to regular police officers in that they have the ability to make arrests, respond to calls for service, and document incidents that occur within their jurisdiction
1 out of 3 aint bad. I bet he documented so hard that night
he was paid to not involve himself in order to show that good guys with guns are not the solution trust me i am not a diagnosed schizophreniac
Wouldn’t have been a problem if each kid was assigned their own 9mm
And that is something you brag about? "Hey world, I'm a coward." "I would never lift a finger to help someone. Ever."
>You have no value to this planet.
I wouldn't bother putting my life on the line for a bunch of kikes either
He did nothing wrong
Cops aren’t bad, this is a bad cop
Police are under no obligation to protect you. Self-preservation at it's finest
who is with me?
>The United States Department of Justice defines SROs as “sworn law enforcement officers responsible for safety and crime prevention in schools”.
>responsible for safety and crime prevention in schools
No sir, they are not meant to Protect and Serve legally, that is a false advertisement to take our Tax Dollars. Only Peace can be had when we arm ourselves and Kill everyone who stands between the State and Citizen
>fbi ignored tips
>police called on cruz 39 times
>cruz threatened people with guns but never got arrested
>shooting happens and on-site deputy just hides
Seems like a bunch of failures from top to bottom, but lets just ban guns and dependent on the authorities to protect us.
>pic related
Sup Forums absolutely btfo
Hang the Authorities first, then we will talk.
You really need to come down from Jew mountain.
The kikes are winning because of how much da jews trigger you.
We start in the hero phase, where we want to help everyone no matter what. We move to the anti hero phase, where we won't help anyone, no matter what, then we finish in the pragmatic stage, where we render help if it will help us (which includes increasing our public opinion). Then you ascend from that and you add a clause to put your life on the line if you ever need to defend your family or your honor.
tl;dr cop prolly did the right thing
This is how it plays out:
Cops: We aren't pussies collecting a check for having a license to bully, We are outgunned
Public: So you're saying we should ban high capacity weapons, or make sure you have more of them?
No your right, if it had been an armed civilian he would have confronted the shooters like we saw in my Home city of Sutherland Springs. You cuck faggots BTFO, the police won't protect us, only we can. We are coming for the Lefties now too, be aware, because I give no shits about courts, or caskets.
American cops are cucks, how is this news?
Actually they're not, supreme court concluded and I'm paraphrasing, their job is to uphold the law, preserving life saving people is unrelated. They can if they want but won't be repromenaded if they don't.
That's because you are a pussy, its okay.
^ Listen to how police talk their #1 priority, is to
>get home safely to their family.
Maybe they're in the wrong like of work if they have so much on the line.
Trainning has nothing to do with it, back in the day trainning was a kick in the shin and ppl running the street beat had the biggest balls you ever seen running into burning buildings single handedly taking out mob bosses, we're just not made of the same stuff anymore, USA unanimously soft Americans.
>pic related
4000 years.
They look the taste of cock in a uniform.
Good vid.
Is this not a good reason that you can't rely on the police like the left keeps saying. Minus them saying we should abolish the police, their argument is we should only rely on the police yet he didn't act.
>the authorities
Maybe we need another "patriot act".
It's not about protecting us. It's about total control.
You realize the Left will just spin this as "proof" arming teachers won't work.
What coincidence.
Only cops stand armed outside of the conflict.
The rest of us are dangerous.
Anyone remember draw Mohamed day in Texas?
This latest events seems just like it.
An armed society is a polite society.
They should have hired the killer as school security
He would have had a sense of purpose and he wasn't afraid to shoot
Remind me again why conservatives like police?
No it's okay Coach Jeff would have taken him down
>I'm not dying for these jews!
This is Drumpf’s fault.
If my kid was one that was killed I would hunt that cop down and hang him form a light post. That is fucking disgusting
Hahahaha even in a fake shooting this pussy got too scared to act the part ahahaha
he had some 30 or so years of police experience and was probably soon to be retired and didn't want to die
t. rent a cop
He should die now.
The fuck is anyone afraid of Death for? He signs his life away when he puts on a badge. If not then he has never once truly worn the Shield.
Cop was his ROTC instructor, and they spent a lot of time camping and hunting together. Makes sense. Also explains how the kid got in the building.
Cops jobs are not that deadly
Truth. Cops should be banned. Fucking pointless.
Sauce, please
>Boomers will defend this
Anyone would feel this way. there are theoretically 17 families that feel that way. Pretty big mob, right? Watch nothing happen. Know why?Because nothing happened.
Why not just arm every student with a gun???
he would've probably shot more students than the shooter
>then we finish in the pragmatic stage, where we render help if it will help us
You have done nothing. You have never faced death. You have never had to save a friend, or watched someone die. You speak from the mind not the heart. You know nothing of honor. You have never taken a oath, or lived up to the expectations of people you don't know. Your statement is a disgrace. Its an embarrassment and you don't even know why.
Fucking pathetic. Cops are garbage humans. It’s the same at every mass shooting, cops hunker down and wait for backup, rinse, repeat until there’s like 200 of them by which point the shooter has killed himself or escaped. These things never end with a heroic cop lol.
"He said he knew suspect Nikolas Cruz was troubled and had a thing about guns — but he’d never suspected Cruz was capable of this kind of savagery."
It's a job title for officers on sick/maternity leave they stick in schools to do paper work and claim to be on hand in case of something.
Fuck me. MK programming maybe?
"He said Cruz always had an excuse for being out of uniform. Worried Cruz would get kicked out of the corps, Ciaramello asked what it would take to get him to wear his gear.
His request: a Snickers candy bar."