can you imagine tipping your poor mexican server only $11000? a fucking nigger, that's what he is.
Can you imagine tipping your poor mexican server only $11000? a fucking nigger, that's what he is
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In his defense, the standard for bar tabs is 10%, meals is 15%.
t. Emily Post
But how was it paid?
Its not like the server herself would have been given 11k in cash. Besides, when tips are cashed out at the end of a shift, servers in most cases have to give a portion of their tips to the kitchen. I've worked in enough kitchens to see servers get 500 in one night for tips and have to tip out half to the kitchen. They always seem to leave out this important information. Tips go to the whole restaurant staff.
Imagine how spoiled this cunt and nigger is.
Rich people deserve to be robbed and the whore deserves to lose her job.
Tipping is retarded.
I was in a car accident last month
Both my wrists got broken and a caved in cheekbone.
Thankfully I was in Australia where we have free healthcare.
In USA I wouldve had to sell the house of every single person I ever met to pay for the bill and have my insurance track down the other driver who was at fault and tip him 20% of the entire medical costs.
What a glorious nation the USA is, a beacon, truly, to the rest of the world
What a shithole America is where people expect to be paid it tips instead of being paid by employer.
I would probably never go to an American restaurant or bar because people there would expect me to waste even more money on already overpriced garbage.
Imagine how low IQ do you have to be to spend 90.000 in a restaurant.
Even as a multi millionare you end up being broke a few years after your career ends.
>waitress at a place where someone could ring up that kind of tab
>walk out the door with several thousand in tips every shift
Who cares what they expect?
this dumb nigger spent 90 grand on soda alcohol
No it is not cheap fuck.
>Driving Armand de Brignac (Ace of Spades on the receipt)
>Not drinking the superior-in-every-way champagne from Krug
>90 grand bill
How is that even possible ?
Spic whores were a mistake
I cant even be mad at their savage men for beating them, its probably the right choice, but to death
>touching and pouring an expensive bottle of liquid warrants being given free money
i understand that was correct once upon a time, but hasn't this become outdated over the years? i feel like the understood contract is that if front of house staff is visibly putting in effort to be attentive and do a good job, then 20% is fair.
Fuck tipping, this is why I do my best to avoid all kind of commercial human interaction.
Almost all of them do. Most are broke during their careers. They have gangs of 'friends' that will gladly live it up.
Bitching about only getting a 14% tip is the dumbest shit. That is an entirely acceptable level of compensation and the waitress should have blown him for the honor to receive it.
who /rumandcoke/ masterace here?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
15% is very generous for mostly drinks
all around disgusting
Shitty (...well, mediocre) and *massively* overpriced champagne.
>$50,000 bottle of wine
Without context, we don't really know how engaged and helpful the server was. Maybe she did blow him. We just don't know.
Hi uninformed strata count
I broke my wrist and the state paid off 80% of it because I am a non felon tax payer who makes less than 50k a year. Suck a dick
God damn why the hell do you have to tip at a restaurant that expensive
Besides being a cheap tipper the cunt paid like 5 times list on the already overpriced pisswater. Stupid fucking nig.
JayZ buying a lot of "Spades Gold"
I like how she acts like the 91,135 is what he tipped on when it was 80,035.00 that he tipped on. If going by what the one guy said about 10% for bar tabs vs. 15% on meals than Jay-Z tipped fairly and she should stop bitching.
He's also spending it on a champagne company he owns
People don't earn this much in a year over here...
nah in the usa that would make you a golden boi he would have to be your debt slave for the rest of his life.
>order burger
>burger costs maybe $4 for the stuff to make it
>burger is sold for $10
>expected to tip $2
>order the burger
>it is identical to the first burger, but this one has pure gold instead of a meat patty
>costs $20,000 for the stuff to make
>exactly the same amount of effort is put into making it
>expected to tip $4,000 for it
Fuck you I don't want to live in Africa. I pay taxes and fight for this country
Wow what a cunt.
No they fucking don't leaf.
>Niggers and Spics turning on each other
I see no reason to intervene in this.
Percentage vs merit tips already make little sense but once you get up to those number it's just retarded.
Do these niggers really think they're doing 10 grands worth of work just because they're bringing a more expensive bottle of wine out?
I sympathise with servers and think they have it rough but that's just BS.
What`s the fucking difference between tipping and not tipping? They can`t spit in your food after, right?
Appleby's carryout again.
You can treat employees like trash if you want to and if they step out of line you can report them and get them fired.
You're supposed to be at least 18 to post here kid
This is the kind of thinking why liberals are poor in the first place.
Entitled much? We only have one side of the story
here. Could it be this waitress performed poorly? We don't know, we were not there.
And frankly this is cancer.
Another day, another unsatisfied woman
I really doubt they were served by just one person anyway.
I have a $20 copay with my insurance. Thankfully I never have to use it.
IF something happened to me, Id be in great shape straya bro. I buy my own insurance, because I cannot trust the government to provide me with the best.
It is a capitalist insurance system with or without the state, so might as well play the game.
They do here as well but we're not tip-country
>>burger is sold for $10
didn't know University of Phoenix had a graduate program in driving
You understand wrong.
They can suck it if they don't like their 8% service charge.
This entitled bullshit needs to stop.
Complaining about an 11 grand tip? Fucking ridiculous
Overpriced goods!
He owns the company apparently. Seems he's washing one hand with the other here
my fuck do i hate the social norm of giving a higher tip because the food cost more. who the fuck came up with that shit
yes it is you dumb peasant
20% for services that require a lot of personal attention and time. think waiter at a nice restaurant, or a barber.
15% for services that don't require as much time or personal attention. Think waiter at a restaurant where all they do is visit once or twice to ask what you want/deliver the bill. This is also the standard for a delivery driver (though their tip should account for how long the trip was as well as how much food they had to deliver)
10% or even less, for "bartenders" who think they are entitled to money for handing you a beer. If they spend a lot of time crafting some fancy high dollar cocktail, sure, 10% is earned. But even if its a 15$ cocktail, that only comes out to 1.50. Im not gonna tip a bartender more than a dollar just for the privilege of letting me buy an already absurdly marked up drink.
11,000 on a 90,000 tab is extremely generous. Jay Z just made that bartenders year. And all he had to do was uncork a few bottles of absurdly expensive champagne, which is no more work than opening a beer.
>He's also spending it on a champagne company he owns
So... he gets the money back then, minus the mark-up.
>server gave 250 out of 500
This is the Marxist power loop. When these people do not have power and influence, they preach egalitarianism. But once they get into power, they exacerbate inequality with a vengeance:
"We cannot buy wine, tobacco, or salt without paying the tax. And a part of the tax that we pay is given by law — in privileges and subsidies — to men who are richer than we are. Others use the law to raise the prices of bread, meat, iron, or cloth. Thus, since everyone else uses the law for his own profit, we also would like to use the law for our own profit. We demand from the law the right to relief, which is the poor man's plunder. To obtain this right, we also should be voters and legislators in order that we may organize Beggary on a grand scale for our own class, as you have organized Protection on a grand scale for your class. Now don't tell us beggars that you will act for us, and then toss us, as Mr. Mimerel proposes, 600,000 francs to keep us quiet, like throwing us a bone to gnaw. We have other claims. And anyway, we wish to bargain for ourselves as other classes have bargained for themselves!"
And what can you say to answer that argument!"
You'd be surprised how much people think is acceptable to charge for a burger outside of Murikah
i would have tipped $100 and i'd take it right back if they seemed at all put off by it
there's zero reason for tips to be proportional to the bill rather than actual time and effort spent by the staff
> Work as a server, part of salary is tips
> Super rich celebrity comes in and spend $100K in a single nighy. :)
> Realise he is a nigger and you will not get tipped a single cent. :(
>This is also the standard for a delivery driver (though their tip should account for how long the trip was as well as how much food they had to deliver)
Sucks doing food delivery in the UK because there is are no tips, and the basic pay is horrible, I used to lose money on long deliveries because I'd spend more on fuel than I was earning.
this. I watched a group of my ceo's spend $100k on a bottle of champagne in Moscow once. the champagne was shit.
Seriously if there's any one person that should be required to tip it's celebrities. Not only for being rich, but usually for being cunts.
>no food
>tipping at all
The fuck did you deliver for?
I worked deliveries for an Indian/Nepalese place for a bit and got tips occasionally, but also the company gave me fuel money.
>get payed 11k for one night of serving celebrities drinks
>complian that it's not enough.
Fucking cunts
I'm so over the whole tipping thing. I tipped my pizza guy $10-15 all the time, well over 20%, and he started getting lazy and either bringing me the wrong things or started coming later. Now I tip him 4 and he shows up on time.
If they automatically assume I won't tip well in a restaurant and give me bad service, they'll be fucking lucky I don't dine and dash let alone worry about a fucking tip. That's all. Give credit where it's due. If your livelihood depends on tips and the kindness of arrangers, don't fuck it up.
This doesn't work as well as you seem to think. If a customer is being retarded and the manager gets involved it's not like the employee gets fired automatically. The manager will side with the employee most times regardless of what you think is going to happen. Just because they admonish the server and discount your meal doesn't mean somebody's getting fired because you want to be a difficult prick. They just go in the back and laugh at you. I sincerely hope you don't go around acting like that because I assure you everyone involved just thinks you're a fool.
>insurance through my job costs $110/week
>they insist that the company is paying 50/50
>900 a month total and my deductible is still $2500
Im a little mad
Fucking entitled and greedy whore
They don't actually give a shit about the champagne. It's the hard on they get from being able to throw away that kind of money.
>t. deluded snob
tbqhfamalam, typical spic woman in America atm
Ay hol up. Is this bitch implying $11000 to pour some champagne is stiffing the server?
I'd get some fuel money at the start of the night but if there were long deliveries then I'd end up spending more on fuel than I was given, and it was classed as 'self employed' so no minimum wage, it'd work out about £2.50 per hour.
It's crazy. I love good wine and spirits, and am willing, on occasion, to splurge on a nice bottle. But AoS champagne is roughly on the level of young Doms: it's fine, competent champagne, but in no way is it worth $1,200 a bottle. You can get champagne every bit as good (and, depending on your tastes, better) for $80-150. As I said above, Krug is much better, and it retails for around $200. Restaurant markup might take that to $400-$500. An older and good vintage of Krug might approach 4 figures on a restaurant list, but it's going to absolutely blow away anything from Brignac.
>throwing a tantrum over being paid extra for doing your job
shows how retarded tipping is.
Has to pay tips, oh how hilarious
>20% tip
fucking entitled cunts
I don’t know where this entitlement came from but servers are the worst. I’m 27 and most of my friends work serving jobs and feel like they’re god’s gift.
It's ok because serving is a shitty job and I don't expect everyone to know this shit, but do you shitlords realize that she's gonna get taxed on the 90k as if she were tipped? Read the laws and how this shit works.
>he would let china colonize his country for free health care
fuck off
can you even afford a house there or did the gooks buy them all up
I could see if he racked up 90k in $5.00 drinks maybe. Looks like he probably bought bottles worth thousands of dollars. He's rich but shouldn't be obligated to tip 11k to someone who did nothing but fetch him a few bottles of champagne
She'll get taxed on the 11k she just made, yeah. It's income.
Entitled cunt, I never expect over 20 a table no matter what 20% is
Worked in restaurants for 20 years I've never seen kitchen staff get a cut of tips
Reminder that 15% used to be the social norm less than 5 years ago