I haven't gone to any of my lectures since the start of the years,almost 6 months later i haven't done shit,after wasting every single day shitposting on Sup Forums.Is there any way out of this except suicide?
I fucked up
You're getting a better education here.
Just learn the material a day before the exams and you'll be fine.
That's how I aced my university masters in Pharmacology.
Just get a fucking job.
where in a fucking supermarket and deal with normalshits ?
Get diagnosed with depression and then request an extension from all your professors
bost fem dick and twink boi pussi and ill tell you how to get out of this situation
I rarely go to lectures I learn most of the modules on my own anyway and do better than most. So just work hard for the exams and your 1st year usually doesnt count for an undergrad
I got kicked out of every school I ever went to and it didn't stop me from getting a good job because I still learned everything on my own and was able to do the actual work.
I'm a teacher now btw.
do you sexually identify as a country or why should pol care u stupid nigger monkey
drop out
chill there with your autismo buddy
>Is there any way out of this except suicide?
If you think that's the solution.... you might as well do it... since you are that dumb
Just go to class. You'll thank yourself when you're 25.
to be honest i am lazy and despondent o function in this society as a productive member,i guess i might as well do it
Sure. Learn the business, learn the industry. Rise up and become an executive.
It's literally as easy as I just stated. Especially with the internet. Plus you get paid to learn from people who are already doing it, instead of paying to get brainwashed by kikes.
Holy shit go to class get that piece of paper which says you should earn 6 figures. College in america is basically highschool 2.0 but you shouldnt be a bum. Just dont fall victim to the brainwash.
Become British Hitler.
A week-long adderall binge would save that no problem. My roommate learned the entirety of his physics course during deadweek that way and got an A on the final easily. And I was able to pass my programming languages class without ever attending lecture since I had to commute 5 hours to take my midterms/final. As long as you have been doing the coursework and following the material well enough you should be fine with enough cramming.
top kek. i went to class, got my degree in mathematics along with coop experience and lots of volunteer. almost 30, im working hard labour just to pay bills and no jobs to apply for or if there is thousands apply.
university is a scam.
> basic degree in math
> calls it a scam
Unless you specialized in statistics or got a master's in teaching then what the hell did you expect from a maths degree? Only people I know who went for that were trying to become high school teachers. Such high aspirations..
I did the exact same thing as you. Just make sure you get your degree (very few care about grades), learn good people skills and then go into corporate/technical sales. You're welcome.
I did the same thing as you 15 years ago. You need to go and do some growing up. You need to work some really shitty jobs. After you've seen what your future looks like without a qualification, you'll have no future issues with motivation.
Fuck are you me? I have 60% attendance in some subjects. I have ascended Sup Forums and hate now though and understand life.
I'm getting my shit at Uni back together.
just go to fucking class man, it's not that bad. the worst part is just memorizing commie statistics and shit. do what you gotta do.