Jewish people

What is Sup Forums's general consensus on Jews and why?

What the fuck am I missing so much?

I never thought that the Jewish community did anything too awful which would affect me nor have I ever had any bad experience with a Jew. Perhaps I'm not even certain of which type of Jew Sup Forums usually refers to.

As far as I'm concerned, a Jew is just a religious nut that shakes their heads at walls and screams at non-kosher food aisles. Is this accurate, if not, am I not looking at it from the right lens? Is it not just a religious group?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews rock

Go fuck yourself you wannabe Brownshirt fuck. Make like your buddy Ernst and choke on cock until Nacht der Langen Messer.


Not all Jews are religious. They may dress religiously, assemble religiously, etc. Jews are following the evil one , no matter their belief

Remind me, when was the last time Portugal mattered?




Go fuck yourself evangelical cunt. Grab a snake, drink some strychnine, and pretend that your not just a retarded catholic.

lurk more faggot

Stormfront faggotry.

way more that chekoeslovaquia

Sit on a dick fat kike.


>Perhaps I'm not even certain of which type of Jew Sup Forums usually refers to.
Just think about everything that you hate about modern American culture--that's what we're referring to.

for (((you)))


Let’s count it up:
- Domestic Tech
- Foreign Tech
- Light Manufacturing
- Heavy Manufacturing
- Auto Exports
- Locomotive Exports
- Weapon Exports

Oh, and not on the fucking Euro.

You fuck’s have...hmmm...chorizo, port wine, and getting repo’d by Germany.

That same leaf faggot that keeps getting detained anytime he leaves beaverland. You’re a friendless, useless, ineffectual faggot. You can screech and scream kike all you want jizz jockey. Your cock craving ass is all fucked out.

Fuck off homo. You’re not even blue eyed and even if you were you’d still be shoveling shit under a whip.

There is a reason why an innocent Austrian painter ended up hating them so much that he kickstarted a world war.

Yeah, Ernst Rohm made him bottom after NSDAP meetings.

Feisty Jew.
I've never been detained, what are you talking about dumb kike. Go get your cock sucked by a rabbi.

You’re even less important than I thought. Just another craft dinner eating, beaver fucking, faggot.

> Is it not just a religious group?

it's not just a religious group.

cry more faggot

Other than attempting to destroy every facet of our culture and society, they're not doing too much.

Oh, right. Those tears aren’t sad. That’s laughing my fucking balls off at the fact that your country is basically the shit parts of Spain and that the only reason people know about your language is because of Brasil.

Keep kvetching Shlomo.

It's true. We are part of Spain. I can't see why that's an insult.

A canuck faggot squawking about cocksucking?

Because you suck. Spain doesn’t suck. You suck. I can repeat it some more if it helps.

I can’t resist sticking a few more up your evangelical christfag ass:

- Almost no one does that shit during a Brit Milah anymore. That dude has wine in his mouth. The idea was to disinfect after slicing off the foreskin. We’ve got better stuff now.

- Schlomo is “Solomon” dickshit.

Now take all that back to your christian identity shithole you quavering pile of rotting santorum.

fpbp. Jews rock!

pol is jewish.

>normie memes



Jews are smart and noble people.

Everyone hates jews if you give them enough time to think about it

Not bait, was genuinely curious. Don't come to this board often.

Only white trash faggots.

I guess all those non-white countries that kicked them out were just completely nuts
>Kicked out of countries 359 times but totally innocent

>we only suck baby cock with wine

They killed the prophet and saviour of mankind because of their own power tripping ego. I don't have the best opinion of them

Please go take a shower and leave us alone


Fuck yeah! At least this shithole did something right

>cringy simpsons pic
>cringy ridiculous question