Should women have equal rights as men?
Should women have equal rights as men?
when they can meet the same physical requirements as men, then yes.
only if they are married with children
Classic slide thread sage
More susceptible to propaganda. No.
Not a foot guy but I would lick those soles
Sure. its men who fund women's degeneracy. men should get their shit together and stop dumping money into whores, stop making that a financially viable path
Not until they take upon equal responsibilities and perform them equally.
Which wont happen, women can have all the power, rights, help, everything... its still going to not be enough and its still going to be your fault.
Truly loving women means saving them from themselves.
>Not a foot guy but I would lick those soles
got news for you, fellow leaf
Women have the minds of children. No.
cute feet, who is she??
Only a retard would say otherwise.
this jej
Big if true
Are men and women the same?
Yes, they should have 75% of their rights removed and be brought back down to the level men exist on legally
Equal rights?
Entitlement complexes, narcissistic messiah complexes, snarky attitudes. A society that caters to their delusions?
Lock her up
Came here to post this. Worth the read.
OP is a faggot
Sex is just a social construct, goys.
Is this Reddit for ants
Anons who think women shouldn't have equal rights as men, so you're basically saying that women are inferior to men?
Then what incentive is there for women to join your movement?
anyone have that pic of women boo hooing about having to potentially be drafted? something like "equality.. but not like this waaaah"
Women understand better than we do how irrational and unfit for political thought other women are.
Hell no!
Are you serious? The pic is fine...
yes, but people should have different rights based on possessions and capabilities
No, obviously.
There are anons ITT that said yes? dafuq happened to you /pol ?
No and they should be held to different standards than men also.