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making the world better, one dead commie at a time.

Our fucking guy!

Good, Communists should be killed.
Communism isn't a mere economic system. By definition Communism is a totalitarian ideology that wishes to create a society without individual economic expectations and without hierarchy (literally impossible as society in of itself is little more than a set of hierarchies) by making everyone equal in agency by distributing wealth evenly between every single individual despite their productivity. This is an ideology of greed as it comes from the ultimate notion of greed that is equality of outcome. To be rewarded without having to fulfill any societal exceptions, to be exulted despite producing little of value for your fellow man. These are the core motivations of Marxist Communist and it basically boils down to the right to be an utter degenerate and yet be rewarded for it. Not only is it bad enough that this ideology boils down to degeneracy but it also inevitably leads to the very thing its advocates so often love to preach against; an authoritarian state. Because Communism is a totalitarian ideology it needs to be enforced strictly upon all individuals in society and the end result is a life of moral, cultural and economic slavery. Communist states will see freewill crushed and removed and the will of the Marxist revolutionaries raised above all. Everyone classified, labeled and ultimately trapped in the roles these Marxist has chosen for them and yet it is the opposition to this that is so often painted as evil. Marxist ideologues forge their own chains and shackle as all.

Is it time brothers?

>Communism isn't a mere economic system. By definition Communism is a totalitarian ideology that wishes to create a society without individual economic expectations and without hierarchy (literally impossible as society in of itself is little more than a set of hierarchies) by making everyone equal in agency by distributing wealth evenly between every single individual despite their productivity. This is an ideology of greed as it comes from the ultimate notion of greed that is equality of outcome. To be rewarded without having to fulfill any societal exceptions, to be exulted despite producing little of value for your fellow man. These are the core motivations of Marxist Communist and it basically boils down to the right to be an utter degenerate and yet be rewarded for it. Not only is it bad enough that this ideology boils down to degeneracy but it also inevitably leads to the very thing its advocates so often love to preach against; an authoritarian state. Because Communism is a totalitarian ideology it needs to be enforced strictly upon all individuals in society and the end result is a life of moral, cultural and economic slavery. Communist states will see freewill crushed and removed and the will of the Marxist revolutionaries raised above all. Everyone classified, labeled and ultimately trapped in the roles these Marxist has chosen for them and yet it is the opposition to this that is so often painted as evil. Marxist ideologues forge their own chains and shackle as all.

Time to join a mercenary agency to the Philippines when?

kill all communists. deceitful rats.


>This is an ideology of greed as it comes from the ultimate notion of greed that is equality of outcome
someone needs to tell this to the South Africans destroying their country

inspiring af desu


Rodrigo Duterte also said the communists are easier to hit than birds because they have bigger heads.
His latest crass remarks, which the government issued to reporters yesterday, came after human rights groups condemned him this week for saying troops should shoot female communist guerrillas in the genitals to render them “useless”.

Fuck duerte but fuck the commies even more


>Fuck duerte

His past anti-American statements and letting himself get cucked by China in the South China Sea.

Link won't work for me, what's it about?

fuck america you israel retards

He is a murderous despot who turned his country into a shithole

you mean he is a based guy who fixed his country

he's a murderous despot who is trying to clean up the shitholes in his islands.

we need some of that here.

Except he's not letting himself be cucked by China, and his anti-American statements are aimed at baizuo and not at the God Emperor.

Duterte is a fucking psychopath, of course all of these edgelords worship him. Grow up.

Does he have helicopters for proper physical removal though?

>not a single Filipino commenter

get in here, flips.

Helicopter rides.

Communists are not people.

A patriot who understands that sometimes to remove a cancer, you need to simply kill it. If only Trump would start.

fuck trump tho, hes a zionist shill. this whole "alt right" is a zionist chess game.

fuggin duterte
love thatguy

Good way to fuck up his defense agreement with the USA.

Cool it down with the Pinochetian remarks!

Alt-right is a kike invention. It doesn't exist just like Russian collusion.

You're living in a delusion that Trump or Kushner and Miller are zionists.

Looks like my birth country is become by at least safer one at a time.

Retard spotted

Save your country, kill a commie !

You're Colombian. You invited some FARCers to helicopter rides yourself. Don't play innocent here.

Journey fan?

Trump is proIsrael so a Zionist by definition, as am (((I)))

I feel honoured living near the philippines.





What a madman.









He's a true patriot who is saving his country

He knows what needs to be done and he's doing it






I was born in the Philippines.


Getting really fucking tired of these "human rights" groups. The only people that have "human rights" to these people are shitskins, degenerates, and commies. Don't hear much from these fuckers giving 2 shits about all of the white farmers being murdered horrifically in South Africa.


Wtf I love Chile now
Commies BTFO

The media has always been saying that simple solutions never work. This is an excellent chance to put it to test, for science.
Isn't it weird that you start shooting druglords, and suddenly ISIS and Commies begin fighting you?


Not an argument

I need a Pinochet, I need a Pinochet to free up all the markets tonight. Privatize Industry, open up trade, and sentence the leftists to die.

One of the great men of our time. He understands that either we kill the communists or they kill us. There is no other choice.

Killing the cancer is the only thing that works. Too many cuckservatives even here on Sup Forums that don't understand that.

fuck your fantasy land utopia you fucking pipe dream loving faggot turd.



You can only be a murderer if you kill people. Commies are not people.

Based Duterte.

I'm happy fucking their women while in Dubai. :)


>Killing the cancer is the only thing that works. Too many cuckservatives even here on Sup Forums that don't understand that.
They'll figure it out before all this is over, user.

>implying he isn't right about amerimuttland
>implying it's not a shithole because of ISIS
reddit, please leave.

You don't understand the role of human rights groups and why they're important, especially when countering things like communism. Duterte is an idiot who will ensure the Philippines never overcomes this problem

Is this offer just for locals? I'd love to get paid to shoot commies.

The Absolute Madman

He actually did it!

Communists can move to Venezuela or North Korea and live the paradise they so much yearn.
Duterte is not killing Communists because of ideological differences, he is doing it because they are fucking armed terrorists trying to destroy the country to create a new pol-pot regime.

Duterte should be briefed on how to win against an insurgency from someone in the USA

If anything ever happens to Duterte, unfortunately the poorly bred Philippino race will just revert everything back.

Doubtful. It is the USA the one that brought the terrorists there, to begin with.

Not if we can pump some Anime and Video games into the Phillipines.


[Citation needed]


holy shit, based as fuck

ISIS is USA, CIA are the world-wide drug cartels.
Also learn about who invaded the Philippines in recent times and murdered half the population, forbidding the rest from keeping their culture and language.

>Rodrigo Duterte also said the communists are easier to hit than birds because they have bigger heads.


Wake up faggot America does suck. Controlled completely by yids and nearly 50 percent of the population isn't human.

With jews you lose user. Trumps whole family is married to jews and most of his staff are jews. There are no good jews.

Got more patently false conspiracy theories?


learn to play global politics kiddo


