Portillo in rare upset defeat by Galloway!



you're all racists on this webpage

Portillo having a terrible performance.

Liz is so fucking breedable.

must remind him of his university days

Portillo having a bad night.

Is Choo Choo Jewish?

eating KFC is degeneracy

George has SPOOKED him.

Liz on fire.
Portillo BTFO


probably, if not just a lackey with a jewish rating of 80% (out jews the jews)


Thrusting fisting

No ex-PM has been knighted since Major. Anyone reckon Blair, Brown or Cameron will ever get knighthoods?

Portillo thinking voters care about Corbyn's past. Is he always this badly out of touch?


Finally Neil is talking about the referendum hoax.

There was no plan before the referndum for the case in which we voted leave and nothing has fucking happened since. Nothing

Has Jezza really threatened the media?

It's not about state secrets it's about an MP meeting with foreign enemies of the British state surely?

Just like he's done with Venezuela, Cuba(?), Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and PIRA.

Why do so many people leave after QT ends? Do we really have this many normie hitchhickers?

because this week is absolute shite

He thinks Corbyn has to answer to BABY boomer old media.

Still doesn;t understand the game has changed.

Blair will absolutely never get a knighthood, I predict there would be huge protests

Theresa will probably get one in the future if brexit isn't a total disaster

It's late people have got work tomorrow or wanks to crank out


Yeah it's obvious the "conservatives" are just fucking gerrymandering the whole thing. Fucking farce.

Apart from LOTS of FUD

I don't think Jews are too fond of trains

Blair can't because wars
Brown can't because he was shit
Cameron caused Brexit then fucked off

If May manages to salvage Brexit somehow then she deserves a Knighthood.

Nah it's by far the superior fast food choice tbf

>Thinks Question Time is better than TW

Terminal case of dogshit opinions there lad.

>believing in the holohoax

it's too late for a wank tonight, I've had to sacrifice that to watch Michael in action

Portillo recovering with tuition fees

Who here genuinely believes that Brexit will ever actually happen?

>t. Suez

Im sure it will be BRINO for at least a year in the "implementation" period because we will implement EU laws into our own to allow a transition without any say in the EU with our MEP.

Vassal state basically

is there even a good political tv show in the UK?

It;s never too late for a wank.
Comfy sleep after.

>If May manages to salvage Brexit
This is incredibly unlikely

why couldn't portillo be PM he makes sense

because they have better things to do other than watch this shite, such as sleep

>watching a jew and some haggard gamon rat on with >le quirky bbc humour

You just have shit opinions tbqh

Upcoming comedian is literally based.

Check out his Daily Mash appearance.

That was a human?

Alright enough with the fucking chicken.

this KFC shit just makes the underclass look like dicks

>has le world gone mad

Sick of this shit. The world has never been more peaceful.

Not on TV nope

>It's not about state secrets it's about an MP meeting with foreign enemies of the British state surely?

You sound like a braindead yank when you say shit like this.

No one uses words like "enemies" in politics unless they are talking to useful idiots for votes.

What makes an enemy? who decides?

You come up with a better comfy political review show then you bumder

>Check out his Daily Mash appearance
i can't watch that shit

like QT, TW have some good moments like when Neil got utterly destroyed by the RT guy

Do whites actually eat at KFC? Genuine question.

>I've had to go to Burger King

Poor lass, nobody should ever have to stoop so low

Portillo isn't a jew. Also if you think it's shit then off you pop.

>muh grenfell


the world went fucking mad in 1945

dumb normies

there isnt, go to bed or do something else you downie stop watching BBC propoganda from neilbot

he probably still thinks the US of A are fighting for freedom and democracy

>Where mah gibs for grenfell

KFC is where middle class single moms feed there Chavlets
Pakis and blacks go to the smaller paki owned ones

He was good though
ripped feminists and sjw

its shit and he's a kike


Oh wait there is The Pledge on Sky news which is a little debate show with some people like Maajid, Nick Ferrari, June Sarpong and a few others but it's slow and boring because of the format and soundbitey

So we just gonna forget that Stormzy was ranting about faggots on twitter a couple years ago?

Citation needed then.

must be a parody


>At Michael Portillo's fortieth birthday party the same month, Thatcher greeted [Enoch] enthusiastically and asked him: "Enoch, I haven't seen you since your eightieth-birthday dinner. How are you?" Powell replied, "I'm eighty-one".
Portillo parties are best parties

Yeah US beckons ever more strongly desu. Stormzy ffs? What is the country coming to

The Pledge is cancerous and Carole Malhone needs to be melted

blacks trump gays. gay men are privileged, so blacks can talk shit about them.

>People actually base their political arguments on the words of a fucking grime "artist"

Why did Major get a knighted?

look at his nose

Don't be so heartless. Three British people died.

He's been on a journey.

"Whataboutism"- the word you use when someone calls you out on your inconsistent and compromised worldview

is grime actually a real genre, i thought it was just urban nigger trash contained in london

Stormzy is the McDonald's of grime


Wew really? I don't keep up to date with wog politics, any screengrabs or remaining tweets?

Because he's brixton working class son of Trapeze artists made good and probably kept some dark stuff secret

He doesn't look semitic at all fucking brainlet, provide a citation for him being a kike or shut up.

He's a fucking Deigo

it’s mainstream now because nigger culture has replaced British culture amongst the youf
>the whites have become black

But who is todays modern cultured Graeme le Saux brit footballer

>i thought it was just urban nigger trash contained in london
No also Bristol and other cities full of blacks.

Nice refs


This Week is acting like it's still 2016. Probably says a lot about how little has happened since then.

Normies get all their "politics" from Instagram Twitter and Facebook so of course

Is there a good one online?

because he's a lovely cricket-watching, warm ale-drinking, Maastricht-signing old chap

Touchy aren't we you little kike loving bastard, fuck off to kosher tv or something if you want to listen to some jew ramble on

Google it. He had a stream of offensive tweets that were exposed. He's since been forgiven it seems.