Society has not changed since 2007

Society has not changed since 2007

Let that sink in...

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Yes it has. You're fucking 18, you don't know anything.

It really hasn't nothing has changed.

Yes it has.

What is the last invention or discover that was made that benefits humanity?

Technology has the potential to make all our lives better but those in power (the kikes) use the technology in PERVERTED AND DISTORTED ways in order to control and shape humanity.

They aren't concerned with making the world a better place, they're concerned of shaping the world the way they see fit.

More sjw and gender identity bullshit, and also more people criticizing it

If you throw a rock into a pond gravity will compel it to the bottom.
Let that sink in...

Once Obama become president, everything and everyone got uglier, both literally and figuratively.

Well to be fair the world basically ended in the Global Financial Crisis. Everything you see right now is smoke and mirrors to give the illusion that things are still working. The Fed is hoping someone invents some ultra-technology before they have to admit literally nothing was fixed and as soon as they back off, everything is going to collapse worse than it did before.

Nah. I mean, it hasn't changed much, but there's definitely a palpable difference in the culture since 2007.

Consider that even the likes of Obama and Clinton weren't willing to publicly condone gay marriage in 2007. That was beyond the pale for the mainstream democrat party. Now, saying that you think marriage should be between a man and a woman would be treated as heresy there.

Also, mocking trannies was still very much socially okay. I remember having a teacher call them "chicks with dicks" once. Everybody laughed, and not one person in the class complained. Imagine a teacher saying some shit like that today.