>President Trump: Year One youtu.be/gFXcLi85cQY

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump w/state+local officials on school safety 2/22/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady @CPAC 2018 2/22/18
>Marion LePen @CPAC 2018 2/22/18
>FL AG Bondi after meeting Pres Trump 2/22/18
>AG Sessions on Elder Fraud 2/22/18
>AG Sessions Elder Fraud Roundtable 2/22/18
>USDASec Perdue salutes Natl FFA Week 2/22/18
>WH Press Brief (Raj/CEA Chair Hassett) 2/22/18
>DoD Press Brief (Dana) 2/22/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/22/18
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania visits Children's INN @NIH 2/22/18
>WH Video: 2nd Lady in Music Therapy 2/22/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec Devos host students & teachers @WH 2/21/18
>Natl Space Council full meet 2/21/18
>VP Pence @Natl Space Council meet 2/21/18
>UN Amb Haley bitchslaps the UNSC some more 2/21/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump awarding Medal of Valor 2/21/18
>Press&Presidency (Sarah, some clinton stooge) 2/20/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



stfu awoo poster

Join KekistanTM Today, Alt RightTM PedesTM


Largest City in each state to vote for Trump

I love that awoo kid in the cat costume

>h-he won’t ban bump stocks!
>i-i-it’s just fake news!
>i-it’s alternative facts!

Okay I usually hate being assigned here, but every once in a while you retards “level up” your delusion and I can’t help but laugh at your retrumplican tears. How many times does Fatty-Five need to betray you before you realize he’s a conman? This is a guy who literally bragged about being good at going bankrupt and even called himself the “master of bankruptcy”.

Is there a point where delusion alone qualifies as a mental illness?


>frogs clearly help win the election
>pepe should've been crowned king
>instead some weeb reddit dog bullshit is used as the mascot
why is this allowed?



>We lost some rights what are a couple more
People this moronic are in this thread right now pretending to be patriots


are you bored user?


Come Suck on a B A S E D Civ NatTM Cock Like Me, Fellow Alt RightTM PedesTM


*whack, crunch whack*
dead fucking awoo


>94% Hispanic in Florida
More of these please!


Is that...is that a shout out to us?

Lemme try...AWOO!

>reddit dog

Can you guys redpill or blackpill me on Trump’s gun push, especially the mental health aspect? Is he just picking up where Obama left off, ready to suck Schumer’s circumcised cock and their overlords?

Anyone knows when a new Trump rally is scheduled?

You may not like it soyboys.
But this is what an alpha male looks in real life

Jealous yet ;)

Shadilay 1488 brothers,

No, Fellow PedeTM, I am Feeling FabulousTM

Yes!!! I have fans!!

What’s up fellow spicy magapede, lolol

How do we FIX trump general?
Pic related

>The 2nd amendment gives you the right to bear arms
Wrong! You have always have that right. The 2nd amendment prevents congress from fucking with it


No way. Do you have the original?

I've got 3lbs of sausage to cook up in the next hour; you'll take what I give you and like it

>shill doesn't have a pass
>can't reply fast enough

Hialeah is Cuban.

Answer is question concerned troll and answer mine from the last thread as well.

>Unironically thinking Republican Congress will pass it.


>mfw Trump gave me a (You)
t-thanks senpai

Turkish Manlet???

Not soy mouth there, legit reason for cheering.

This kike shooter in Florida threw everything off.

Who here Team SpencerpedeTM?

>have we tried calling him hitler yet?
>did anyone care?
>what to do next...

Did you not see my confirmed by digits post last bread? Of course it was!

The original doesn't have parentheses.

and yet they have put an age limit on when you are eligible to bear those arms.

Sink the chink before nuking the gook.

So the biggest city that voted for Trump was Oklahoma City. Thanks user, I was wondering that for a long time.

Every day here is a trump rally


I did it came in after new bread

>Shareblue uses Jewish tactics in an attempt to subvert Sup Forums
Hey, its almost been one year since pic related.

Spencer is BASED

Bronies and Narutards are banned from the Trump Train.

sure brainlet

Awww booo. The brackets are fake.

I've never seen this pic before.
That cooked the shit out of everything North.
>picture north

For (You)



>3lbs of sausage to cook up

Should I ask why?

When do we get rid of the yids?

Are we being ddos'd Its going really slow but no other sites are?

Have you bought your "Pepe Did Nothing WrongTM" Shirt yet?

>Extreme doubt you'd find more than a handful of specialists who are STEM oriented. From the last talks I've heard from my PM was that they wanted to take a Cautious position on admitting Venezuelans because it's an irreversible process once you get the ball running. Those who are here, I bet aren't even legal migrants, they don't even speak a single sentence in English.
I thought you Hues were taking a staunch stance against Venezuelan intrusion, what changed?

Anything decided by the SCOTUS by on 5-4 shouldn't really count. You should get a 6-3 majority

This guy keeps rearing his head from time to time

>there is a subrebbit concerning X so therefore X and everything to with X is reddit
What trash logic.

he's making a snack for himself, weebs require a high amount of meat


I don't know. Trust in Trump. He hasn't let me down yet so I trust him to do what's right. Most likely outcome is Congress passes nothing.

When he signs the law making it illegal for 18 year olds to buy rifles



>everyone i dont like is a shill

Oh lame. I thought it was real for a second

This, I love Jewish Soyboys :)

God damnit he'd look fine with a short hair cut and trimmed beard.

make you think, doesn't it?

>U.S. Olympians Turn to Bitcoin to Fund the Cost of Competing

>In what may be the first of its kind for the quadrennial games, American lugers are accepting cryptocurrency donations to help fund their Olympic ambitions.
>While a trickle so far — the U.S. luge team got about $25 worth of Bitcoin donations after its star athlete won a silver medal last week — the fundraising arm of the team is aiming for cryptocurrencies to make up a bigger part of future finances.
>“Both know all about speed, crashes, risk management, and holding on. Which is maybe why the US Luge Team and Bitcoin are made for each other,” the team wrote on its website, which features images of athletes lying on top of a flat sled speeding down a curvy ice track. “Funds historically have been scarce, but the sport of luge has always been one to reward innovation and technology.”


I make my own breakfast sausage, cook, freeze, and then have breakfast that can be heated up fast if I'm in a hurry with work. Decided I needed to do a batch after the 4 dozen whole wheat pancakes I froze last Thurs

I'm glad Trump has seen the light on reasonable and helpful gun control!

LOL those retarded gun nuts are so butthurt they got BTFO!

Tuck has gone full civil war mode at this point, exposing racial replacement, gun grabbers, and the coming California rebellion. He truly is ourguy

What’s the difference between hillary and a bag of dog poop?

>the bag of poop had a realistic chance of being president. Other than that they’re the exact same, even the smell!!

Yeah, he's making it too easy. Its like trying to walk down sniper alley while wearing a blaze-orange shirt on and expecting not to get shot at.

State Capitals:

Montgomery (AL)
Juneau (AK)
Phoenix (AZ)
Little Rock (AR)
Sacramento (CA)
Denver (CO)
Hartford (CT)
Dover (DE)
Tallahassee (FL)
Atlanta (GA)
Honolulu (HI)
Boise (ID)
Springfield (IL)
Indianapolis (IN)
Des Moines (IA)
Frankfort (KY)
Topeka (KS)
Baton Rouge (LA)
Augusta (ME)
Annapolis (MD)
Boston (MA)
Lansing (MI)
Saint Paul (MN)
Jackson (MS)
Helena (MT)
Lincoln (NE)
Concord (NH)
Trenton (NJ)
Santa Fe (NM)
Albany (NY)
Raleigh (NC)
Columbus (OH)
Salem (OR)
Harrisburg (PA)
Providence (RI)
Columbia (SC)
Nashville (TN)
Austin (TX)
Salt Lake City (UT)
Richmond (VA)
Montpelier (VT)
Olympia (WA)
Charleston (WV)
Madison (WI)

Jefferson City (MO)
Carson City (NV)
Bismark (ND)
Oklahoma City (OK)
Pierre (SD)
Cheyenne (WY)

Agreed. Hopefully that squish Kennedy retires. Then you still need one more Trump appointee to ensure victories. Roberts is like Kennedy and can't be trusted.


Did you buy his book, fellow magapedesTM?

Oh look it's the anmensty Don shilling again.

Guncotrol now.

Which will happen the fastest, Jeff Session don't anything, McCain dying of cancer or congress voting on gun control before midterm elections?
>thinking about the bigger picture it is kind of funny.

Does Trump not understand if there is no wall he doesn't get reelcted? He will keep the Senate and gain a few seats. 70% chance of the House, but there is still a chance he doesn't keep that. He needs to get something done before the midterms. He has to get the Republicans to go nuclear.

Do you use a synthetic casing?

Put any special spices in there?

I-Is that... Evgenia?!

>Nancy Pelosi comes to the podium
>"We believe it's time for Congress to make a move on real, common sense gun control. We need laws in the books much stricter than what the President is asking for to help make a real difference in our society"

What happens at the midterms?

It's time to sing the pledge, fellow Civ Nat PedesTM

Only fudds can into 2A