Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns

There was a good guy with a gun, on the scene. An armed police officer wearing a bullet proof vest.

He hid.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Good guys
Pick one.

>Armed, trained people stop mass shootings
Pick none

>look the authority you're supposed to trust to protect you didn't protect you
>guess that means we should take away your guns, you can just depend on the authority to protect you

So we agree that you can't rely on the police for protection.

The argument is that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns.

That claim is wrong.

You can try to move the goal-posts all you please.

But it's still wrong. What stops mass shootings? People wanting to commit them not having guns in the first place.


He was yellow.

He probably didn't want to get called racist.

I don't know about Florida, but here in NC, we are trained to go in, neutralize the threat and not wait... at all. The days of waiting for backup are over.

how convenient that they happened to figure this out over a week later after trump wants to arm teachers. how does a week old shooting find ways to counter current events, really makes ya think

The "Good guy with a gun" argument is a response to the "The police will protect us! You don't need a gun to stop a mass shooting, the police will do it for you!"

Didn't work out so well, did it?

I'm reminded of the terrorist attack in London where the police were practically shoving civilians out of their way to flee.

>hid while the children were getting filled with lead
>good guy
Pick one.

IF this is true LOL You all know that school cops are the lowest of the low in law enforcement right?

Fucking cowards.

Your cognitive dissonance is astounding. His cowardice or willful informed avoidance of the situation by default kicks him out of the “good guy” category. The correct statement, if you were honest or didn’t have an agenda, would be

>there was an armed and armored guy at the scene who had the opportunity to save lives and did nothing. He should be ridiculed and shunned for his cowardice and failure to defend unarmed people.

That is not anyone’s definition of a “good guy.”

So your logic is that no good guys with guns ever showed up?

right so we all agree that banning these weapons is the only option.

guy was old enough to retire, literally a im getting too old for this riggs and murtaw situation, he was probably like fuck this ill wait for backup, im about to retire and go fishing all day.

>Only cops should have guns
>Cop lets unarmed children fend for themselves

right so we all agree that you're a faggot

>wow what did you expect him to do run in with a stupid pistol against a guy with a rifle
>haha yeah but we shouldn't arm security officers
pick one and only one

>good guy
>literally jerked off in a broom closet to the screams of children


How does a pussy like that even get that job?
If America starts putting armed guards in every school, how can they keep worthless soyboys like this fag from taking the job just to leer at teenage girls?

So I guess that whole "You don't need guns because you have the cops" routine has gone out the window huh?

But this faggot wasn't a good guy with a gun.

He was the faggot cop that defends you so you don't need a gun

>good guy
>bad cop

Are you able to read black and white, or is everything a conspiracy to you nutjobs?

Cops have no obligation to protect and serve, we all know the meme.

It's still a fact that if someone on the inside had a gun and the know-how to use it, they would have been able to stop/kill the shooter before we have to rely on the police/the casualty count rises

>There was a good guy with a gun, on the scene. An armed police officer wearing a bullet proof vest.
>>He hid.

To quote our policy manual:

"Our duty as officers is to intervene as soon as possible when a homicide is being committed. All of the victims at Columbine were shot and killed in the first sixteen minutes. If we are going to save lives we must initiate an immediate response. Officer presence will change the dynamics of the active shooter scenario."

>turn your guns in. the cops will protect you

And your plan to take guns from people is going to rely on who exactly? "Good guys " with guns? Well sounds like even in your mentally inept fantasy good guys with guns beats bad guys with guns.

I don't understand how living rest of your life in shame knowing you abandoned your duty and let kids die is preferable to say dying doing what you can like that coach did

>implying the coward deputy who let a gunman roam free in a school full of children is a good guy

It was never about providing a counter balance threat, real gun ownership reasoning was always a freedom issue with gun restriction hampering your ability to do anything you fucking want.

So now he gets to be chief officer tasked with cleaning toilets in the jail with a toothbrush.

So you admit we can't rely on police for protection. Thank you.


Surprise, surprise, the sheriff of that shitshow is also a pussy.

He's 55 and those kids were objectively little shitheads. He wasn't going to lose his life over them, look at them, they are horrible to everyone they meet. It doesn't mean that a teacher who loved his students wouldn't act with a firearm stop this asinine argument.

>>Armed, trained people stop mass shootings
>Pick none

It does happen. However, the legacy fake news media doesn't report it for 4 weeks straight when someone stops a mass shooting, you retard.

Subhumans still exist on this planet, user.

I always try to defend self-interest, but in the case of being an authority figure that's inexcusable.

You have constituents to take care of. And you gave up your right to self-interest when you swore an oath to the people.

This and "if the gov becomes tyrannical" are A2 rationale for the gun nuts. But even then there are nerve agents that they could release and all the gun nuts would go plank in thirty seconds.

I would never say rely on popo for protection. They only stop things when they are lucky enough to be there, or the criminal is a pure retard.

>get ordered to stand down so false flag attack can go on without impediment
>"Why didn't the LEO do anything? Give up your guns!"

Imagine if he had intervened and been injured or killed doing his job. His family would have been taken care of for life. Now he gets to collect his shitty pension and live in shame as a coward. I guarantee he's seriously considering eating his gun right about now. Wouldn't be surprised if he suicides one day.

>non-americans unironically believe this

>The argument is that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns.

The argument is only the police should have guns, and it's retarded, because citizens are responsible for their own safety. Any law that takes away a weapon from a citizen is a law that reduces their ability to protect themselves.

This has already been litigated. Law enforcement does NOT have to protect you. YOU are responsible for your own safety. You cannot rely on the police exclusively for your own safety. You cannot rely on the government or any anti-weapon law for your own safety.

As a gun nut who lives in a major metropolitan center, please gas me. As I die convulsing and seizing on the floor, I will die happy knowing that you've just killed hundreds if not thousands of gun-grabbing liberals along with me. That is a trade I'd be happy to make.

Maybe not criminal liability, but I sure as hell hope he's fair game in civil court.

I guess there should have been more than one good guy with a gun then so if one guy doesn't do anything it doesn't mean all hope is lost.

In all seriousness you likely can't, and that's been my hangup on the whole "armed staff" approach. Public schools staff the lowest of academia and local police to fill their ranks, yet Sup Forums has the delusion that simply raising standards is going to purge the entirety of the education system of idiots and hacks without massive shortcomings. I still say abolish public schools and leave it to be privatized, it's the only way there will be enough economic incentive to attract worthwhile guards and teachers.

Okay explain it to me, all your wisdom about Americans, Tyrese Gonzalez. Go back in the Mayan jungles you animal.

Cops are tax leeches like any other government employee.

Also an armed person only has to defend themselves, there is no obligation to defend the retards that don't want to defend themselves.

The guy must have been a poltard because it's exactly the same as what one of you would do.

He's not a good guy though, he's a coward and should be relieved of duty.

why is this just now coming out? we all know how fake and biased CNN can be, so why should we listen to this?

seems like another attack on police, to me.

Lol if you were an unarmed bobby whose average day is getting twerked to the ground, wtf would you do about it?

Cops with guns usually. Fucking shill.

It's non lethal techniques. Gov has ways of incapacitating you whether you hav guns in your hand or not

you are obviously not that stupid, so kill yourself faggot troll

So you're saying everyone in school should be armed with AR15s just incase the good guy with a gun pussies out?

I hope you realise that the US is literally becoming third world tier with this kind of thinking. You're turning school into a literal war zone.

Well, just so we're clear here. A bullet proof vest doesn't stop 5.56 rounds. And we don't know that he wasn't told it was a drill, and is now a patsy. Regardless, just because he's a pussy doesn't mean the people inside getting shot at don't deserve a fighting chance. OP is a straight up pussy, and ignorant.

That’s why you need teachers and students all equiped with AR-15s. At least you’ll know someone will be shooting back.
Maybe it could erupt into one of those ol bar room free for all fights where everyone is shooting everyone.

You mean like the Moscow theater crisis, where the russians gassed over a hundred hostages to death with "non lethal" agents?

>the world lives around drumpf

>theres no chance of a ongoing investigation to find new things

take your head off drumpf ass,you make zero sense



You had it right all along, Mohammed Aleaf.

The US government is gonna plant nerve gas distribution centers in close proximity to densely populated areas of gun owners.

Then they're gonna release the gas, but controlled enough so that they don't harm the progressive non-gun owners nearby.

This is going to happen on a national scale.

Okay, I enjoyed LARPing with you. Tell your wife's son I said hello!

'member those private citizens who chased down and killed that gunman in Texas? Those guys had more balls than someone who is paid to protect others. Why bother with police?

>I don't understand the idea of concealed carry
>The only gun I know is an AR15
Spot on with that third-world shit, though. Almost like we share a land border with an endless horde of shitskins.

>Only police should have guns
This assures me I am right for stockpiling weapons.

It might stop shootings, true. But did the handgun ban and tight firearm control help the people on tower bridge? Or in Manchester? Or what about Nice? Oh, I bet the charle Hendeu workers really felt safe and sound whilst some shitskin ragheads ventalated them. Control does nothing, people will still kill other people. You dense, gun grabbing commie mother fucker

Houston resident. Ditto.

>"Cops can't fight against people with AR-15's! They only have handguns!"
>"Cops should use their handguns and take AR-15's from citizens!"

Brave Sir Robin

Why are you dealing in absolutes.
No one is saying everyone.

We're saying 18 year olds and above with background checks. Which would include teachers if they wanted.
>shooting at school
>no guns
>bring in guy with guys to stop it
And yet
>school shotting
>guy with gun
>he's a total chicken shit
At the very least, should have more guards with guns and just cut out the middle man

no, the argument is that you protect yourself, because you can't depend on others to babysit you

>This ONE GUY didn't stop a bad guy with a gun, therefore it's not possible.

Imagine being this retarded.


CNN has been transporting David Hogg around to spread propaganda

They are designed to be non lethal so it's pretty irrational to expect them to kill you. There might be exceptions to the rule but decisions arent made for exceptions and rare cases.

So what we're looking at is
>disarm everyone except police, get shot anyway
>everyone has a chance to be armed, gives you an above zero chance to fight back

The sheriff is jewish, it's a jew school in a jew neighborhood. I'd like to know the race of the officer.

I just read up on the case from your image and the ruling talks about "specia duties" and that the police are only obligated to help if under a special duty. What exactly is a special duty?

>So you're saying everyone in school should be armed with AR15s

Yes. Finally, you faggots are starting to understand.

>hurrr taking away guns from law abiding citizens will stop criminals from having guns.
Top logic there mate.

>A cop
>A good guy
pick one
american cops are notorious for being cowards, not saying all but there was a reason he didn't go in.
>Fear for his life sheriff says
>Deputy says was told it was a drill and to stand down.
who to believe?

>good guy
Pigs are bad guys shill user, he sat outside and did nothing but would have raised his hand (and gun) had a 'good guy with a gun' tried to go in and prevent further waste of life.

Cops are fucking niggers, i don't care what any bootlicking queer says, we live in anarcho-tyranny. The criminals and sadists run free, and authorities bend over backwards to punish the innocent, and prevent the just from protecting themselves.

Police called or visited Cruz' 40 times since 2010, and he was reported to the FBI. All those good guys...

He wasn't doing his job, so how was he a good guy? If I don't do my job my boss would fire me on the spot.

>he thinks cops do anything alone
Shouldn't your argument be that the police can't protect anyone?

I'd rip your yellow teeth out of your fucking skull anglo faggot. Stay in your pissy little island country, mind your own business and shut your fucking mouth.

Just because they are low on the cops totem pole doesn’t mean they have to have the lowest standard of morals. What kind of man hears innocent children being murdered and runs the other way with a pistol on his belt. That faggot gets the oven first.

A pussy is not a
Good guy

Don't worry my burger friend, he probably won't reply since he'll be getting raped to death by Pakis.

You assume things that are completely unfounded such as difficulties in controlling incapacitating tools. They smoke out faggots from homes/apartments all the time hundreds of times everyday in America on a local level. If the gov starts doing it nationally to deal with threatening belligerent gun owners it would be even more refined and effective than it is today.

>state-designated "good guy with gun" didn't intervene an let 17 people die
wow really makes me want to give up my guns


This is the training in Australia as well

>Police are worthless cowards

Yes... what's your point?