Could you do a better job at writing for the industry?

Whether it's for an anime, manga, novel etc

Could you do a better job than the hacks who comprise a bulk of the industry at writing a story?

Not to sound arrogant or anything but I'm pretty sure I could.

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Then why the fuck do you not publish your own WN.
It's easier than it ever was to get into the anime/manga/LN industry.

>write story
>read it
>feels like each plot twist has been done before

I could write a better story sure. But it wouldn't mean it would be more profitable for the industry.

Too lazy.

Also no funds for a trip to nipland to spread my wisdom

I'm sure most of the writers themselves could write better stuff than the shit that actually gets published.

Maybe it could.

Just find a way to put pandering and good writing together to make a product that not only sells but can be appreciated or at least not receive much disdain.

>Not to sound arrogant or anything but I'm pretty sure I could.
But would it sell?

Every anime has pandering yet not every anime sells. I'm looking at FlipFlappers here.

Yeah that's what I was going to say. I could definitely make something I would really like, as would people with similar taste to me, but IDK if it would become popular and sell well.

Sent my weebshit for publication last month. Rejected because it the house does not publish anything not written in mother language.
There are still 5 houses I am waiting for though.

I sent it over /lit/ and other literary sites for commentary - most reactions are shallow and limited to how they want the writing style to go

Can't tell what my future holds

Of course but what separates hacks from not hacks is that not hacks can learn to improvise with the restrictions that are placed on them.

I feel for you user

I write a lot of short stories, and I think they kinda okayish.

However, I can't write long stories with complex plot and characters.
I tried few times, and I just stuck in the middle, despite I had some kind of plan major plot points how story should progress.
I start writing, and then suddenly change something in the plot, and then introduce new character, and suddenly plot start falling apart and I realise that I now writing entirely new story.

It probably mean that poor writer, but I still trying.

I'm rootin for ya

>I start writing, and then suddenly change something in the plot, and then introduce new character, and suddenly plot start falling apart and I realise that I now writing entirely new story.
Why do you think that those things make you a bad writer?

Because I can't follow my own plot? Like, I have sudden impulse: "Oh, let's make a murder solving story, and this side character girl was magical girl all along. Brilliant."

And I suddenly have one new plot line and one new character. And then this plot line become too long and complicated, becasue my stroy about magical girls turned into CSI episode, and side character suddenly become extremly complicated and simpathetic, and it hard for me to just write her off.

That doesn't make the story bad. It makes it unpredictable. Unpredictable doesn't mean bad.

I doubt I could write even a good generic harem

Honestly I think you are underestimating how much work it is to write a complete story. Ideas are easy. Finishing shit is hard.

How long is it and what's it about? NEET with too much time, might TL some of it eng->jp or jp->eng if i feel like it

Well, maybe. Mahou shoujo crime fiction. Sound pretty fresh.

Well yes, I actually know how to make diverse characters of all kinds of personalities with both cool males and females. I also brainstormed a whole book of ideas for Jojo like strategy fights.

> the hacks who comprise a bulk of the industry at writing a story
This is vague as fuck when you're talking about three different media with god knows how many people writing in each of them. Also,

30k words. 3 chapters. 3 endings. 7 illustrations

Alien invasion. Humanity got rekt. Last resistance stole tech. Tech very limited and cannot be removed from user without killing him.
Different endings

I'm linking it. Fuck me over

If you have the patience and the time, you could always do several drafts and incorporate any number of ideas into each to see what you approve of the most.

Then you can spend some more time thinking about if a hypothetical audience would approve of the chosen draft unless you're merely writing for your own sake.

>Different endings
nigger this will be an instant turn off to any company even if it was japanese, choose the one that's the most well written and get rid of the others

I'm just referring to any media which would typically be discussed here.

as for what I mean by "bulk* I suppose 90% of the industry?

It makes sense in context actually.
It does not restart to the beginning if that's what you are thinking

Make it into a VN then.

What's wrong with alt endings?

high guaranteed negative reception to one of them?

Already in plan. This is the main step. Novels have a bigger audience and market than vns

I'm no expert. But it just seems to work better as a VN from your description alone.

Worked in Re:Zero
Did not liked it but it worked

We just wanted to experience publishing first. One small step in a thousand mile journey

Creating VNs would take more effort and more people. I don't even know where to get a programmer

We just wanted to get published for the sake of experience

Mostly difficulty in publishing
worked in re:zero because
1: if chapters haven't been published in volume for yet and
2: one of them is the "main" one
I guess i'll take your word for it but just because it works story wise doesn't really mean it'll work publishing wise

Already doing it, will shill when its ready