Give up your guns you fucking savages

Give up your guns you fucking savages

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guess you better not burn the fucking casserole

Well that's great, her sample size of 0 gun owners she's talked to (not including baboons) is criminal. That's interesting.

wtf my guns must be broken, they never made me feel like that. I want my fucking money back.



i don't even... Sup Forums how do I stop losing brain cells at alarming rates from reading things that I can only assume be fake so that I can maintain the idea that that humanity isn't retarded

>every single female nigger I have talked to has told me "As soon as I walk out of planned parenthood I no longer felt a killer growing inside of me". When will we acknowledge that there is no such thing as a responsible nog?

>Translation: Every single dindu I have talked who is in jail was made into a criminal by the gun itself radiating its evil mind control powers, and not the armed robbery or drug related murder.

If anyone actually said that then they are a soyboy cuck

When will that lying cunt give up her heavily armed bodyguards, paid for by the American taxpayers?

Guns are a part of American life. Nobody should ever give them up.


fucking lol

fake tweets. but pretty much what they say anyway.

made muh day XD

>one burned casserole away from killing his whole family
That's pretty funny. Maxine has jokes.

Is Russia using guns to hack into peoples brains?

Jesus Christ, are shitlib politicians really this out of touch with other humans?

Cops, NSA, FBI, CIA, and military are okay though.

>one burned casserole away from killing his whole family
And don't you forget it bitch

aaaand of course it's not real.

her house is over 4 million dollars. Her neighbor doesn't own a gun. they have a fucking police force that patrol their cul de sac 24/7

>so that I can maintain the idea that that humanity isn't retarded
Whether it's fake or not doesn't change the fact that a lot of humanity is retarded. Sup Forums can't change that one sorry not sorry.

She makes me angry, Sup Forums. Very angry.

> a meme is born

>Democrats literally elect senile nigger bitches with 80 IQ to public office

this is why America is on its deathbed, theres not much hope for us.

giving up my rights will not provide any safety to children becasue i do not harm children.


It's a good parody account because Maxine Waters is one dumb nigger, easy to believe she'd say anything

Every Sup Forums poster is one burnt tendie away.....

lol holy fuck what a comment