Have Australian whites become even less civilised than the aborigines?
Australian whites
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low energy
but i will bite, give one example?
We are the only Commonwealth country left that has retained its culture and is even making it more prevalent amongst its youth
Literally what culture so white Kiwis, Canadians or Brits have? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
We only gave gays and abos rights recently.
I find it sad that Kiwis always have to make threads bringing down Australia yet Australians rarely, if ever, even talk about you. I work with a Kiwi and she never misses an oportunity to bad mouth Australia. it reeks of insecurity, that deep down you know be are the better country.
Tell her that New Zealand is to Australia what Canada is to America and that will shut her up
I'm an Australian on holidays in the US, AMA
>homeless everywhere
>mutts are manlets
>3rd worlders EVERYWHERE
I work in a hostel. the American mutt meme is real
Australian Whites were never civilized to begin with. They are from a genetic stock entirely consisting of criminals. Australians have a biological proclivity for degenerate behavior.
alot of normies like canada way more than the USA. think she'll take it as a complement
>We only gave gays rights recently.
We give fucking centrelink bludging kiwis everything
I am p sure the mutts are the third worlders unless of course you mean white woman with black children where they just out right called 'nigger' hth (hope this helps)
Well to be civilised one must have a culture, aborigines barely have a culture but from my observations white australians have none. If you have any evidence white australians have a culture please show me.
Or you could just tell her to go get you a cup of tea
what kind of sheep fucker genuinely believes abos don't have their own culture? it's shit but it's theirs
The fact you can't make coherent observations whilst I, an Australian can make clear observations about you, does indeed show we have culture and you only have diseased feminist vaginas they biologically castrate any man who ventures within.
Kiwi pussy is a literal Pandora's box of horrors.
where in au?
I live in a town that's about 95% white
Coons would be 3%. They are scum. Not all but most. Filthy rotten smelly cunts they are. Very rare to find a good one these days.
You're in a similar place as white americans. No real culture, but you kinda make one up. We've got guns fireworks and mcdonalds. You've got crocodiles, deserts, and hats
>meme flag
opinion discarded
I have to admit there once was a proper culture, but it was sadly mostly destroyed by white Australians.
that's a kiwi not an aussie
Yeah coming from Perth, I was deeply shocked at the level of homelessness I sw in LA, San Fran, Sacramento, Medford, Portland, Seattle. I was truly reminded of the year I spent living in Vanuatu.
I also laughed at how all their infrasctructure is crumbling and was never impressive to begin with. LA's City Library is about as big as Bunbury's.
Maybe NZ has a lot of feminist vaginas, but Australia has no penises. This is easily proven by the behavior of Australian men who tend to act hyper masculine to make up for their lack of a penis.
I just bumped into an aussie manlet buying a bottle of wine. He couldn't have been more than 5'6" to my 6'6". I think we both have our freaks.
a mutt is a cross breed. as in not completely white or black or asian etc
is that all you got you lacklustre cunt? lol @ you, you bantz like you play cricket
Te defective English sending all their shittiest "citizens" to populate Australia. Nobody should be surprised by the result.
little brother syndrome
no matter how hard they try, they can never catch up
i wonder if that's what drives them to embrace the poz because all of nz/canada's "we're better than you" arguments these days are retarded leftist bullshit like faggot rights or how many nigger rapefugees they imported to fulfill the feminists' unspoken lust for rape?
SF is the only city I want to see nuked more than Melbourne desu
Sorry New Zealand user , but I stand with Australia.
australian 'whites' are extremely cucked, and will actively spit on the anzacs graves, and ruin their own country by working as meth fueled henchmen for nigger and muslim gangs.
I have to admit that Australia is a better ally than Israel, still not very good though.
White NZ and Australia must work together to maintain our countries as white. Kick out all the chinks.
have you ever visited melbourne?
if you drive from the northern suburbs into the CBD you will see probably 2000 'antifa' tags painted on every wall.
You see, when someone wants an unintelligent person to understand them, they have to sound unintelligent. Do you understand?
How has New Zealand helped Uncle Sam?
Worse, they're turning into americans
That shit stain is as representative of Australia as California is of America.
No but close to, can confirm.
Whose HDI is higher you CUNT
Ask her why she’s living in Australia if kiwiland is so much better
NZ was an ally in WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, etc.
Who cares about anything anymore.
All of our parties have sold us to the Chinese. Only NOW do they want to scrutinize Chinese investment.
Also lets not forget all the PC bullshit. For those of you absolute ignorant cunts who think "well this wont reach my city", QLD, SA, NSW and TAS are already on the high speed rail to inclusiveness and diversity. Ironically, NT seems to be the only uncucked place.
How the fuck did that happen?
her and Her Bf can make 60%more money for doing the same job here. kek
New Zealand is too tiny to actually make a difference.
True, I am a wog from Western Sydney. Hardly any skippies around, the ones that are here are the fucked cunts look like junkies, women have pink hair etc.
Hilarious thread here Aussies and kiwis talking shit about each other.
It's like a boring drunk rainy Thursday afternoon with nothing to do when you've already wanked 4 times and your internet is down.
>country of crimianls exiled from europe
do you really think there going to be civilized
aussies value freedom and a good time more than anything else in the world.
It's fucking shocking. They're like a plague. They sleep in heaps everywhere,, but the Americans don't zeem to care. If you ask them about it they don't say much
>crumbling infrastructure
Spot on. Trump wasn't memeing, it really is falling apart everywhere. Everything last went thru a major upgrade decades ago. Old shitty airports, potholed roads. The subway in NY is fucking disgusting, looks like nothing has been cleaned or upgraded since the 70s
Also, americafood is shit. Can't wait to get home and get a half decent feed
The infestation isnt just limited to Sydney. Its the same story in Newcastle, Wollongong and Albury.
You literally need to live in Broken Hill or some shit to avoid the PC brigade.
Trips of truth you kangakiwi faggot wankers!
>t. Lolu Lokataku still butthurt after we flogged yas in the cricket
Little brother syndrome.
Oy you right cunts are some savage cunts ya cunt
i live in brisbane unless im at uni the commies dont do anything and the media for the most part think there a bunch of faggets and the guy on 1125 AM even called them that
t. potato nigger
I'm also an australian here on holiday and I see only white people, and everyone is much more attractive than we have back home, and they're all far-right and based. I wish I could be an American, so much better than australia
You sure about that sonny jim?
Funnily enough its gonna be Labor that kills off the GBR and the Artisial basin as well lol
its raining a little in melbourne now too.
and i just got the NBN properly installed here yesterday, so i have double - triple the regular internet speed now, and can actually play online games for the first time in a decade.
My 4g mobile STILL has better speed.
1) best samboy flavor of chips?
2) have you ever, ever felt like this.
3) why did they build the great wall of China dad?
4)Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light, skim, omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate, or extra dollop?
5) what's the best beer?
6) what's the best Australian music?
7) when is a cunt not a cunt.
Well no wonder, you went to all the nog infested areas. Like AU, you have to get away from the coasts to see the good shit.
Or is AU's inland area just gasoline and abbos
Reminds me of all these goys talking about G*d's chosen people.
holy shit my sides
>muh culture
We literally have a culture of bantz.
Ask any immigrant who comes here, that's the biggest culture shock for them - whether or not they can handle the bantz.
seeing this made me sad. i thought my state was the most based
Yes undoubtedly. Posted from my road-bed.
Do masochists like it or can you weed them out early?
1) Original
2) Didn't watch it
3) So years later we could make an even bigger one
4) Skim
5) Tastes like piss
6) Rose Tattoo
7) If he's your mate
>We literally have a culture of bantz
I've never met an aussie I didn't like
you're sick cunts
It is what is. This nation belongs to the Chinese and politicians.
Unless the cycle of voting LNP, Greens and Labor breaks somehow.
>Family lives in Australia
>Travel there since the mid 90's.
>First time there, bad ass Australians, but already see the signs of distress with the ozone layer bullshit and greenies
>Been there when guns were banned. Media shows a bunch of morons turning in their guns with smiling people.
>Australian Police is still too scared to answer calls in the outback outside of the coastal cities, because lots of Aussies out there have some heavy fire power.
>Keep seeing Australia turn from white to some Asian/Africano shithole every time I travel there
>Watch Australian news complain about people defending their homes from home invaders, Police blame the victims all the time, victims go to jail for defending themselves. WTF Australia?
>Literally see my families neighborhood (Rich neighborhood by the way), turn into rich Chinese neighborhood.
>Chinese literally own every fucking thing in Australia
>Mass migration from the middle east, Asia and Africa into Australia
>Watch news complain about an illegal white German that was caught in Australia and how bad this person was for coming to Australia to live in illegally, meanwhile, see a bunch of fucking Arabs and nogs running the streets outside.
What the fuck is wrong with you Australia? It's time for you to start executing your government. What the hell happened to the badass Aussies I used to remember from the 90's? How the hell did this happen?
>Sheep fuckers known only for the way they pronounce fish n chips and the fact some movies were filmed there telling others they have no culture
>Your average day in Australia
Not even possible
>We literally have a culture of bantz
That was definitely true in the past, when aussies were still based. Now though, you suffer from the same "muh feelings" faggotry that everyone else does. You are like UK levels of cuck
If they don't give it back they're INSTANTLY labeled a shit cunt.
It's basically prison culture: You know that scene in every prison movie where the new prisoner gets his lunch for the first time and some alpha cunt comes over and takes it and he either has for fight back then and there or forever be the bitch?
We basically do that, if you fight back you earn respect.
australia is america jr, and we all know it
i would vote one nation but there is something really (((fishy))) about a blue colour fish an chip lady becoming a federal level senator with a entire new party
Everything posted is true save for not using the term browns or niggers.
With the notable exception of American Indians, the one drop rule is pretty much enforced by society. One you go black you are not taken back. One you go brown you are flushed down.
This is a country of 320million people with up 20m here illegally, as we have had open borders for 50 years. Anyone can come here, and if on the west coast obtain a driver's license, receive in state education, and have elected officials advocate for you.
We have also finally elected a charismatic leader who not only advocates closed borders and deportation, finally doing something about it.
Sorry it took so long.
What places did you like the most in the US? I want to visit Montana
You're not Australian.
>state of Australia, they all thought this guy was amazing
As a fellow american I can confirm the 56% meme and add that most yanks desperately wish that they were australian.
Was on the road with my dad other day. Asked him what he thought about multiculturalism and political correctness. He told me about how back in the 60s things were a lot more Australian, and it was odd to see a Viet bloke walking around. He explained that he moved out to the country to escape modern living and live out where real people lived, ones that just took care of themselves and the community and handled shit. He respects non-whites and dislikes white supremacists/nazis but he still regrets that we're not what we used to be. He has little hope and considers it a fact that Oz is multi culti.
Is he based?
>notable exception of American Indians
only problem with that is anyone with a sliver of indian blood identifies with it
chief of cherokee nation is 1/32 cherokee and rest white. probably whiter than most Sup Forums posters and southern europeans and still calls himself cherokee.
>Kangaroo fuckers only known for a short war with birds (that the birds won) and the fact that they are descended from convicts tellings others they have no culture
even more priceless.
more oftern than not it is a roastie who drives those cars. just hitting thier target audience.
t. rabbit
Montana's okay. You can see a lot of nature there you'd never see in Australia, and there are loads of ranges that'll rent a gun to you. It's pretty sparse though, and not a very common vacation zone for non-Americans.
1) salt and vinegar. hit me slowly hit me quick.
2) yes, am i going round the twist?
3) keep the rabbits out
4) it's just called milk, fuck off back to america
5) vb
6) tough one; ac/dc, cold chisel, paul kelly, slim dusty, list goes on.
7) when he's a sick cunt
My NBN breaks down all the time and has been a huge headache since I got it
Yep same for me. Faster and way more reliable
>t. Not a real milk drinker
So you know some of our actual history? More then I can say about your shitty little spec of land that makes Tasmania look big