He turned a shit situation that was certain to lead to gun restrictions into an opportunity to expand guns. Silences media by saying he'll "consider" banning bump stocks and raising the min age limit to buy a gun, then says he wants to arm teacher and remove gun free zones. The media is so angry they can't think logically enough to form any kind of rebuttal to that, and they continue to lose credibility with their scripted debate, and then they attack one of the victims because he said the questions were scripted! Watching this unfold is so enjoyable.
How does Trump always manage to do it
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop bumping your shit thread
It's a solid move no doubt. A crisis is a good opportunity to act no matter what side you are on. Age restrictions and bump stocks are making all my buddies that shoot nervous. The general sentiment is that if you give them an inch they will take a mile.
How is it shitty?
hes smart, a lot smarter than most of the retards here on Sup Forums who start a hundred threads about how hes jewish and going to take our guns. i know most of those are leftist redditors and sharia blue, but you know.
id be fine with age restrictions if it was indirect. like the age of legal adulthood was raised. that would remove most of the scummy lefts brainwashed voterbase
Bumping solely because of your salty post. Enjoy prison shill.
It's not senpai he is
you're not incorrect about anything
>if you give them an inch they will take a mile.
I agree with that, easy to see with gay rights/marriage 2 years ago and what they're trying to normalize now. The age limits and bumpstock bans are going to either die out on the congressional floor or have loopholes, or he's going to turn it into a "give me this for that" and get arm thousands of teachers
And once Ginsburg dies and is replaced they will send something to the supreme Court
Cry harder faggot.
The left truly is brainwashed. Dems have always been a party that votes on feels and gibs. Repubs are a party that votes on logic and responsibility. Being responsible isn't always fun but it keeps things in order.
Trade age restrictions on guns, bump stock ban, and background check for voter ID, age restrictions on voting and border wall.
the water gets muddy. They want to raise the age to buy an 'assault rifle'. But not one single fucking person on the left will attempt to define what an assault rifle is. Also its my understanding that once any type of restrictive legislation is put in place it becomes much easier to expand it. Again I have a bunch of friends who shoot and this is what they are all saying.
Digits confirm this is true
>Removes "Nation of immigrants" from mission statement.
>Will pull out ICE from Commiefornia
This is a great day.
Remember 2008-2016? Obama tried and tried to get control over guns in America.
All managed to do was make gun manufacturers more money.
I bought another AR-15 since the Florida shooting. I will probably buy another one tomorrow when i get my paycheck.
I would take a guaranteed ginsberg death (or retirement) right now over a second trump term.
>this makes sense
This. Excellent bargaining chip. Dems say no, how do they explain during 2018 that they turned down gun restrictions? Do they love mass shootings?
Have you considered that your second point is on purpose? There's really no technical difference between types of guns. Forcing the left to confront the definition of "Assault Weapon/Rifle" could lead to them hitting a legislative brick wall and losing support.
Why would that happen? Experts and research resulting from that legislative debate could end up killing the term "assault weapon" altogether. A tighter definition would exclude most important things from being excluded. Stuff like that. The fact of the matter is that the left doesn't really have much room to act even though they have an opening of time and mandate from their fans.
bumping because ive been trying to explain this to most of you retards for days
I've had the same 22 ruger target rifle for 10 years.
I am now seriously considering buying more guns. Funny how that works.
Instead of caving on the bumpstocks after Vegas, he kept it in his hand to play at a later date. Most lesser politicians or presidents would have caved immediately, him standing strong at the moment, and then playing a known calling card on a date of his choosing.
800 degree chess boyos
the lefts made up concept of assault rifles is retarded. basically anything black and scary with a pistol grip.
How much are those AR-15 you speak of?
Tomorrow I’m gonna try to buy another spoon.
Wish me luck!
Didn't you read art of the deal? Trump is basically a professional media manipulator
Send us shitposts in the mail from jail user, god speed.
I'm going to start building an AR part by part soon. Individual pieces are cheap as fuck. I think I'll get a Browning HP off a gunshow or local seller.
Should we get pre-built or do the PC Master Race dance?
Every time Obama shilled about guns..i bought more.
He shilled about ammo, i bought more ammo.
Lol, Obama's shilling armed me to the teeth. THANKS OBAMA!!
I honestly don't think they are that smart. This whole outcry from the left seems like a knee jerk emotional reaction. It seems very unlikely any new legislation will go through. If bump stocks weren't banned after vegas why would they be banned after this?
Strongest trade I can't think of. Honestly I couldn't care less about fucking bump stocks. Name it some gay shit like National safety act and call it a day. Put the dems in a tough place right before mid terms
You don't become a multibillionaire and president of the United States by being dumb, despite what libtards will say. Trump is a certified genius and he proves it time and time again. Anybody on here saying otherwise is literally a paid shill.
Btw, ruger 10-22 rifle is very simple to supress. You can make everything from 20 dollars worth of parts from the local hardware store.
Hardest part to acquire is the threaded muzzle coupler
Shills are in overdrive flooding the front pages with crap. I got lucky this finally gained traction. Incredible how hard the left tries to suppress constructive discussion, almost like they're afraid of people using their brains and discovering things by themselves with narratives being spun for them.
>trump says he'll do what they want
>randomly decides to do the complete opposite at the last minute
>67-D intergalactic scooter racing
I've seen him do this a few times now, what exactly is this strategy? It's a weird one
Literally funneling society killing immigrants all into California a state he will never win anyway. Can't wait for that entire state to collapse and be the pinnacle of evidence against liberals and immigration. Fucking so good. Best timeline ever.
Bumping because OP is right
My local gun store sells AR's....i have a couple different brands. A cheap AR is around 5-7 hundred. A good S&W is around 1k.
Funnel them into one area that borders the ocean.
Makes them easy to round up when the time is right
Good points
Short answer is Jews. Medium answer is that their leadership is smarter than they seem or let on. Long answer is that they're manipulating public outrage and have been for decades. And even might have caused these things to happen one way or another with the three-letter agencies. This all goes towards the Communist revolution, White Genocide, blah blah blah shit.
If you're not redpilled yet watch this.
My first redpill, and the most potent.
exactly, its a made up term that means nothing and is used only for scaremongering into banning all firearms. there is literally no difference besides cosmetics between an AR15 and an ares SCR pic related. so once they get their "assault weapon ban", they will say "hey well these other guns use the same caliber and are just as powerful so we need to ban them too" and they will ban all semi auto rifles. then the same thing with bolt actions, etc, until we are a cuck euro state they can easily force socialist communist politics down our throats and centralize and hold power and wealth.
true assault weapons have been illegal for decades, because they were fully automatic (fire more than one bullet per trigger pull).
about $500 for a good one. you can get them for as low as $300 if you put it together from cheap parts
i noticed and thats why i started bumping. lots of guncontrol shill threads and not a mod to be seen. its obviously a reddit invasion
Bump. Suck it, redditors.
keep bumping
we need to bump off each other to keep the thread bumped, after you see me bump, then you bump, and we switch off ok
>randomly decides to do the complete opposite at the last minute
you are on Sup Forums how do you not know what bait and switch is?
Is this a trick question?
can we meme leftists into baring their pussies to the heavens for an assault weapon ban?
bump-stocking thread
anyone here going to buy one just because?
Every time I think the blackpillers are right, or that Trump's betrayed us, he finds a way out.
thats because he truly has america at heart
I can smell the fish from here.
Fucking kek. A bunch of women screaming about nonsense. That's feminism all right.
lurker here, bumping because you're a faggot.
This. Trump is a genius.
You know what I'm wondering? If/when *the* day comes that the deep state goes to prison and the media is forced to cover the current events, how the hell will they cover their asses? Shirley, some folks will ask "hey, why didnt you cover this illegal shit going on? we know it happened and you said nothing."
what the fuck is gonna happen on that day?
I am all for raising the age to buy a gun if we concurrently raise the legal age at which one can vote. Notice I said buy and not own......
The media is a crucial part of the cabal, so one would hope these organizations would cease to exist.
El bumpo
Too many people are fairweather Trump supporters, especially on the right. Perhaps they genuinely believe 4D is only a meme. They will learn. He will teach them.
Watch him mix his espoused proposals into a bill with other things the left will reject, and he can blame them for failing to pass the legislation, lol.
That's exactly what he's going to do. Just like daca. He knows they aren't gonna do a damn thing so he's calling their bluff
hence why the right needs to focus on dismantling the current tv media infrastructure