Can anyone share the studies that determined that assault rifles like the AR-15 would be sufficient to carry out a guerrilla war against a tyrannical US government?
Can anyone share the studies that determined that assault rifles like the AR-15 would be sufficient to carry out a...
Nope, but it might help with state and local...
Ask the gooks, they had even shittier stuff
If you take five seconds to study military history, you'll learn that practically any rifle is sufficient for Gorilla Warfare.
Now go away.
>Assault Rifle
Pick one
yes just look at the last 20 years of war in afghanistan and iraq
The ar15 is pretty much just a semi automatic m16/m4. Full auto is nice but most of the time only semi is used.
I'm debating someone that is arguing that being unarmed may be just as effective as being armed in a conflict with a tyrannical government because we don't know how it would play out. They think that other country's militaries would come to our defense or that we could convince the military to coup
Vietnam kicked your ass with even more primitive weapons.
Also the us military uses the same gun pretty much except its fully auto which is not even a huge advantage considering you shouldnt spary and pray all the fucking time like some jihadi
>Ask the gooks, they had even shittier stuff
This. Honestly. malnurished gooks with shit bolt action rifles owned us.
can you make a not-retarded post?
>Gorilla warfare
That someone is a fucking retard do yourself a favor and stop talking to that dumbass and never speak to them again. Save yourself the trouble. Quit being a nigger
My friend, Japan and Russia wouldn't even consider a land war in the United States because "to invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle." Combine this with the fact that you would need the military to carry out a war against their own citizens. Do you think that any leader could convince a volunteer force of patriotic Americans to wage war on their own countrymen?
This is why the Globalists want the guns, it's the only way they can fully control the United States.
I'd like to inform people with facts than just ignore them like a dirty liberal
Yeah sure.
I found out where the drone operator lives, I wait until he leaves for shift. I go to his house, abduct his wife, gangrape her then shoot her with the ar-15. Post the video on liveleak
See the Vietnam studies, user. Evidently choppers, machine guns, mortars, napalm, boots on the ground, and chemical weapons aren't enough to handle gook farmers with shovels and small arms.
Guerilla warfare isn't something that you can just hodor your way through with tech, especially if we're talking about a hypothetical US civil war II situation where the Feds might be hesitant to do shit like order missile strikes on their own cities.
OP glows in the dark, do not engage their subject. Drop a redpill and sage
I bet even nets and tranquilizers is good enough for that
>assault rifles
Stopped reading right there. You're obviously some clueless faggot leftist.
try studying Vietnam and Iraq as well as revolutionary war to see how smaller arms can defeat larger more powerful equipment and war machine
user, consider the collateral in another American civil war. It would look REALLY bad to our allies and all the more appetizing to foreign powers to see U.S. rebels, and civilians too, getting droned and bombed by our own military. Any major rebellion in the U.S. would get a lot of financial backing, so much as my bet is concerned. Rebels wouldn't get direct foreign aid by foreign armies, but you can bet your ass they would get tons of funding and weapons.
>you can't go toe to toe with them now, so you might as well allow the disparity to increase and make it easier for them to control you through threat of violence if need be
I would much rather repeal the machine gun ban, but, at the very least, they need to maintain the level of rights we do have.
yes, pic related
>see 1776
Yeah it's called Afghanistan.
"My studies" this is all you liberal faggots have anymore. You cling to 'studies and research' as if they were some holy guide to the world. Well I'll tell you what we have that isn't a study that shows rifles like that are enough to overthrow a government. Vietnam, The Red Revolution, War of 1776, The Fall of Rhodesia. We don't need studies, it's been tested and proven. Why don't you faggots take your precious studies, and shove it up your ass. If your going to shit all over scripture then you should at least take it up the shit chute for treating "studies" just like it.
>assault rifles
We can see you glowing in the dark
calm down user...there are actual studies on this stuff that I've seen on some nra forums, I just cannot find them with google-fu
That's a lot to ask from another country. Wouldn't you feel more secure in defending yourself rather than waiting for an outside force that may never come?
Sure, just driving a truck into a politician's family would be effective, but the better equipment gorilla warriors have, the more severe damage they can deal to the tyrannical government. Obviously there needs to be some balance between being able to cause an effective resistance, and making it too easy for niggers or other retards to cause damage to the society.
Spoiler: you will never achieve a balance that everyone agrees on.
Are you fucking retarded? Do you not know history?
Ex cog in the Zog here. I would be be fucking terrified to fight the American public in an all or war if I was still in and that happened. Do you realize how fucking serious the gun nuts in the US are about defending our rights with lethal force? I’d rather go try and fight North Korea by myself. You are fucking retard if you think those people don’t have the equipment necessary to take their home armory to the next level. They have the means to make armor piercing rounds. Making your IBA useless. It would become an even fight very quickly. They have to follow Geneva convention rules. We would not. It would be all out guerrilla warfare except every battle the FED won would hurt their cause even more because even more American lives would be lost as a result. You can argue drones and Air Force all day but they still need the farms and the roads and people to be alive to support their agenda after it is all said and done. They would have to hold back to a degree whereas the populace would be backed into a corner and have no option but to win by any means necessary. It would end in a stalemate of bloodshed and fractured public relations on a scale that is insurmountable. The only solution would be for them to step away and revert power back to patriots or literally kill half of the population.
Pretty sure the govt. already has the ability to use microwave or sound energy weapons to fry the brains large groups of people.
90% of them would be dead within a week and the other 10% would be taking yards and yards of nigger dick before being sentenced to death.
>no gunz using terms he cares not to comprehend
Leftists: Believing the military would do anything they're told without question and that drones can't be jammed or shot down.
They are not. That's why the 2a should include explosives and heavy artillery.
>I'm debating someone that is arguing that being unarmed may be just as effective as being armed in a conflict with a tyrannical government because we don't know how it would play out.
So the question is, is having a gun an enormous advantage in a violent situation?
Yes, every war between the US and a third world power since the mid-20th century. Frankly, it is a fucking stupid argument to make directly after the US lost in Iraq/Afghanistan simultaneously.
We're talking civil war user, on that scale and across the vast distances and unique terrain in the U.S., that shit doesn't end in one week.
Fun fact... Only 3 percent of the colonists fought
the American revolution. A lot of people went on business as usual, and didn't even know that these patriots kicked the brits back to their liddle island.
Have no fear user, the citizens of this country outnumber the government 10,000 to one. If I should fall, take my weapon... forever may she wave.
Shit nigga. If Vietnam is any example, you could defeat the ZOG with rusty Chinese SKS's and half-starved soldiers.
Most of the military would absolutely object to killing fellow citizens, as well as being shot by them while trying to take one of their fundamental rights. Also, you fucking retard, do you not understand that our military is OVERWHELMINGLY pro-gun and republican?
Don't cast your pearls before swine.
Expend energy only on those who are willing to think and change.
Why does the left think every big gun is an assault rifle?
>Do you realize how fucking serious the gun nuts in the US are about defending our rights with lethal force? I’d rather go try and fight North Korea by myself.
Thanks. I'm glad someone notices the effort.
What's an ((((Assault Rifle))))?
>Assault rifle
B-b-but AR stands for Assault Rifle!!!one!!
From my...warm fuzzy paws?
You don't get it.
A population being armed raises the price of escalation by the government.
If you're unarmed the police can take you quietly, if you're armed they need to bring in SWAT teams, tanks, drones, etc which causes a big scene where a lot of people are killed like Waco. The government doesn't want the backlash that kind of thing will cause so they will back away.
The point isn't AR-15s are going to defeat the government, it just makes the government think twice before doing something.
Its like bees vs flies, you wouldn't hesitate to swat a fly but you'd think twice about swatting a bee even though a bee isn't going to win a fight against a human.
One stinger makes all the difference between being a fly or a bee.
>One stinger makes all the difference between being a fly or a bee
And thus a life dining on nectar or eating shit.
I like this analogy, I'll take it.
There were 3 studies that come to mind.
Literally dig tunnels and wait for the goberment to shoot itself in the foot trying to play grab-ass at your pot shots
hey, they all did it without electricity, or running water. pretty sure any militia of well versed basement dwellers with a SKSs n shit could win a war with the US govt'
Other than the on-going study in Afghanistan?
Caused they used the environment and was hiding most of the time along with using traps.
They won't listen to you. You're dealing with a brainwashed person. That person will NEVER even give your argument any consideration. Go ahead and try.
Sun Tzu wouldn't have it any way. Waiting in a hole, eating jungle rats and pissing in jars, while the Mericans ate fire base Chad shit themselves to death in jungle heat becasue to the parasites you suck into their cistern, is how wars are won, user.
I don't know anything about guns, never raised around them. what is the difference? In my mind an assault rifle is anything that shoot multiple rounds rapidly.
you mean the one that showed what % of soldiers would defect to the pro-liberty side?
>Declare war on Globalists
>Globalists are no more after the war
Fuck studies. If sandniggers and slopes could give our boys trouble with their puny second world war shit, the people could give just as much trouble with their wimpy ARs.
pretty sure Saudi Arabia would give some funding to homegrown terrorism too. Weapon brokers and narcoterrorists would fucking fund the entire thing.
Homegrown terrorism? What the fuck are you on? I'm talking about the people of the United States. The saudis are worthless sandniggers and everyone knows it.
what the fuck are YOU on? do you think the US government would call a revolution among the populace an actual revolution? Fuck no! They'd label freedom fighters as terrorists, and Saudi fags would totally sneak cash to anyone fucking Merica. They'd use it as a negotiating point.
The narrative MSM and goberment would spin about a rise against tyranny would be one of terrorism. Every fuck boi with an AR-15 in the streets would become a genuine traitor on the world wide stage. You really don't fucking know how these things work. Just becasue a group opposes tyranny doesn't grant them shining armor and a label that says moral and ethical superiority.
If it got that bad, nobody would actually believe the MSM or government. Fuck, right now people in real life are talking about crisis actors and staged shootings. The tides are turning and they're going to pull out all the stops, but they don't realize they played their hand too soon. Actual humans aren't retards, they know when something seems fake and they're reacting right now. The government and the media are holding untenable positions and they're about to get fucked by the gigantic cock of the people.
Probably not. It'd be like one of those post-apocalyptic movies where the guerillas are always hiding and committing acts of terrorism against the state. You'll never overthrow the state, just hamper it.
It might have been possible before the industrial age but with drone strikes, global communications, etc. and full-fledged, successful overthrow would be unlikely.
Other countries wouldn't have much reason to bother. If it's the US specifically every single world power has vested interest that its weakened because we're top dogs. They might support the government through supplies but they wouldn't invest in military support. As far as military coups go, the government often has them in their back pockets through favors and bonuses (ie. if there is a food shortage, the military are the first to get food supplies). It's all about self-preservation over ideals.
The sandniggers and slopes weren't a bunch of type 2 diabetics confined to mobility scooters, though.
There might very well be a revolution in the midst, but I'm reserving judgment for right now - seems to premature. However, revolutions have a good track record for 'revolutionaries' being widely viewed, even among their fellow 'citizenry' as nonbelievers/bastards/traitors/anarchist/terrorist... pretty much insert time period appropriate political slur. SM/telecom/internet would NOT help a modern revolution spread the good word. It too heavily monitored and any message would be intercepted/edited. Besides, American society is to goddamn polarized to organize a pipe bomb in a DC bus station, much less butter on fucking toast. Don't get your hopes up.
How did we determine a semi-auto rifle is the appropriate level of deterrence against the gov’t? Why isn’t a bolt action enough? Why not a full auto? Explosives?
they dug designated shitting holes
filled them with sticks
and won the war
I'm getting my hopes up. When I hear normies and people with families and decent jobs talking about how these shootings seems staged, I know that the times are changing. The human brain can detect fakeness easily, it's pretty much the only thing we're good at as a species.
Fuck off, faggot. If retarded sandniggers and starving riceniggers could do it, Americans could do it from their mobility scooters.
We'll see what happens, user. If shit does hit the fan, I'll be out there with my arsenal and swinging my stick with every other red blooded American. Maybe sooner than later, who knows...
While in general the #2A idea is of the people having similar force to those who would oppress them (the real problem today being the US government is a wildly over-armed killing machine), in closer quarters full auto isn't all that useful imo, so semi-auto is a tolerable (albeit still illegally constrained) condition.
Not to mention most Viet Cong used SKSs and not AKs
*Fully automatic* mobility scooters.
Wen they blame the gun
Son, have you not seen Red Dawn?
>because we don't know how it would play out.
Your best choice is probably examples in history. MLK is less effective without the threat of Malcom X, as a simple example.
>They think that other country's militaries would come to our defense or that we could convince the military to coup
...and if it's the US millitary that's the one oppressing the citizens?
Can you imagine ANY foregin millitary intervening domestically without risking nuclear reprisal?
MOre specifically, it's the idea the the force of the government should be made up ONLY by the force of it's citizens, as opposed to having a professional specialized part of the government having a monopoly on force.
I mean the rape is optional but government loyalists cannot protect their families from angry insurgents. Same goes for police.
Hey, no need to get triggered. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. All I'm saying is, Americans are the fattest, most incompetent, perennially worthless society of consumers in global history, and any revolution you launched would, in turn, be the saddest abject military failure in human history. It would make the Emu War look like a rousing victory.
I can see it now, the Charge of the Bud-Lite Brigade.
Again, if retards and actual slaves could do it, Americans could do it.
Yes, absolutely. Standing armies are the ultimate enemy of liberty.
>I'm debating someone that is arguing that being unarmed may be just as effective as being armed in a conflict with a tyrannical government because we don't know how it would play out.
does that person know about the cop that stood outside the florida school and listened to the mutt shoot people for 4 solid minutes? Does he not realize that all uniformed people except the most hardened of professional soldier are hesitant if not unwilling to walk into a building where they know armed combatants may be waiting in ambush?
we've spent billions developing weapon systems and bombs that make it so our soldiers can just level a city block with a phone call, civilian firearms ownership would force the government to use that kind of shit on us and as soon as that happens the government is doomed to be overthrown.
>Americans are the fattest, most incompetent, perennially worthless society of consumers in global history
This is intentional. Compare Americans' physical condition after WWII to today.
After conquering Europe with their WWI+WWII, the Zionists couldn't conquer the US through direct military action because no nations were left that could successfully invade America. That meant their attack on America would have to be a subversive one from the inside.
Americans through inactivity and malnutrition have been disarmed at the most literal and physical of levels - as prelude to the coming final globalist coup.
The three round burst is better than full auto.
My M4 was definitely safe, semi, 3 round burst.
Not IOTV or plate carrier. POG confirmed.
Ask a viet-cong.