
What goes on here? How did this even happen?

Le bemp

Ethnic cleansing

hundreds of cases of ethnic cleansing

Köningsberg? Germans lost it after WW2. Since then russians have had it. I think they keep a military base or two there.


it was baltic clay, then germans took it and genocided native prussians, and to mock them even further started to call themselves "prussians". Then russians expelled germans and settled there to annoy poles

Can you explain? Russians merking or getting merked?

Lots of missles

Well another access point to the baltic sea is strategically important to an aspiring superpower. Thus, when the soviet union collapsed, whereas this was somewhat of a batch of badlands to the west it was a rather important port to the Russians given the naval military "infrastructure" (it was the soviet union, after all) established there.

Slav shit.

First the Prussians were wiped off the map, then the Germans, and who knows, maybe even the Russians next.


Satisfying explanation.


You made that happen, FUCKING LE 56% !!!

That's a degeneracy who should be corrected.
Königsberg is the Troy of prussians

It's a giant shithole, even for russian standards. Used to be part of germany before war and when ussr collapsed, Germany could retake it, but they didn't want it either. I believe russia is using it mostly as a military base.

Well, whatever it is, it's bordergore now and it triggers my inner Grand Strategy player.



its polish clay
lithuanians are like ukrainians, they dont actually exist.

poland has de jure claim on all of eastern europe aside from the hordes of russia, slavs are poles, the others are all turks

The Revenge of the Prussians

so sad

Latvians betrayed their own by allowing polak undermensch... Northern crusades and many other wars happened, "judeus paradisus" happened, now it is more of an shithole, than actual Pooland is.