If there is a single dumbass in this entire entity of Sup Forums that literally thinks that the US may be under a possible imminent raid that takes all the guns from the citizens, you have to be fucking insane. Literally would be another civil war, and the elites are either trying to cause a civil war...or, hell I have no fucking clue. Are they literally trying to start a civil war? What other reason would this be for?
Why are the zionists pushing for gun control if they know if all it can literally lead to is a civil war? Or do they know it will never happens and just like to randomly kill people?
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Any attempt to violate our constitutional rights should be met with absolute restiance.
Yes, the elites know this, so why are the trying to push gun control if they know it leads to civil war? They create the laws. Why do they act like they need the people to riot to change laws if they know they can just do it?
Fuck I'm trying to understand what they are trying to do here.
Goolag : pure coincidence .. first video you life is a meme
there was supposed to be a nuclear war in April of 2017 when that didn't happen Nov was next but also passed without incident. Could be because of Trump winning the election and not starting a war with Russia along the Ukraine border. Anyways, now that there is no global crisis the attention is on starting local ones and all these FBI fuck-ups are making me wonder if it's all intentional.
So, good news is we're still alive and nukes are still in the ground. For now.
witch part of : (((financing both side of every war since 1760))) dont you understand ? make the world a better place read a fucking book for once damn ... its hard
Please please descend into a civil
Would be soooo entertaining
Hey aussie, you wanna come volunteer?
I'll let you use my handgun.
Grab my uncle on your way out here too plz.
I understand they fund both sides, however, which do they want? Do they want gun sales to fly, or do they want a civil war?
like the emu war? that shit was hilarious
I doubt Trump will ever drain the swamp. He knows his family will be murdered.
>t. Demoralization shill
You're scared? Aren't you?
>Literally 2 guys
>Expect them to kill 20k birds with 10k rounds for inaccurate MGs
It's not really exciting or surprising, in the end they just paid bounties for farmers killing the emus and it got mopped up pretty quickly.
(((They))) want WAR .. divide and control tactic #0 rince and repeat until (((they))) rule unchallenged ! (((they))) try to sale your ass to the Chinese I doubt they will comply China know war way to well to fall for this pussy ass trikery
No, I wish the fuck would. I'm sick of seeing the fucking elites always winning.
He would have had to know from the start that to try and take america back from the (((commies))) that they would try to kill his family and anyone else they deem necessary
Know how I know you're a shill? You won't call them by their real name. JEWS.
I'm curious how the Chinese aren't under the elite's ruling. How did they escape that?
>literally 2 guys
I think you're forgetting just a couple participants
America would turn into such a fun house of factions that even the mexican cartels would shit themselves
you dont look like you understand who you facing now now .. we face the degenerate weaponize fiend of the khan bru... youtube.com
My money's on it being scientologists being behind everything but nobody seems to care about them anymore.
ashkenazi jews, actually, and I don't call them Jews because I don't want to label them as the real Jews. I want to know them as either the elites, zionists, ashkenazis, etc.
>why are the trying to push gun control if they know it leads to civil war?
so you will be distracted from something important
That's becase you're a shill. The only thing a jew fears is being called a Jew. Of course you're JIDF. Your shitty anime proves it.
>which do they want?
no nation contains people willing to die for the amount they pay, except a few in America
we facing Luciferian pedofiend usurping deceiver and they merely a simple tool ...
Stop making yourself look like a dumbass, user.
Look, I can do it too. JEWS. THE FUCKIN JEWS. Stop bullshitting yourself, if I have to take a fucking picture of my swastika and flag for you I will, but stop talking useless BS. Get to the conversation here, if anything, you are the god damn shill you JEW KEK.
-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal Baby sacrificing Moloch worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Spirituality above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.
We should agree to split the U.S up into pic related to avoid exactly this.
You seen "The Purge" Movie?
America needs a purge
Thanks man, Always good to get a refresher of all of this.
I seriously, seriously fucking hope one day this can be overthrown. I'd give anything for that.
Kys Jew. Trump is doing it and its happening soon.
a time wasting government shutdown so civilians can turn america into mexico for a while?
It was a retarded idea for a movie, it'd be even more retarded to actually utilize it
they read a lot more book then you guyz do
you seem new. I'll go easy on yah. Thanks, user
They want population reduction and a dumbed down work force
Holy fuck its not going to be split like that. Eventually the rebel factions will merge until its two or three giant factions fighting for complete control.
Civil seems likely to me with an aim to balkanize to a point where a one world government seems palatable to those that remain. Civil War 2 will bring world war tier conflict to the Americas for the first time. China and Russia will have all kinds of incentive to enter that theater of war as a western euro-korean-japanese coalition joins in opposite if only out of obligation to the crumbling teat of the US as the world's super power.
I am the last of the weak men bred in good times and I believe I will live to see hard times.
>I am the last of the weak men bred in good times and I believe I will live to see hard times.
Well said
>merging NWF with Commiefornia
You missed where I said we split BEFORE the civil war starts.
Dyslexic fuck.
Soros definitely wants a civil war. That's been his plan all along.
They are trying the frog in boiling water method, but they're getting sloppy.
yeah of course they want a civil war
they don't want to lose power and if they do then they want everyone else miserable too.
they can actually do it via gungrab + commie uprising.
it wouldn't be much of one though, the enemy hates guns.
I think all Western societies are prepared for civil war and they probably expect major hiccups.
It will be seen just how badly things will get in the next few years.
Currently I am in a state that I would locate somewhere between and disbelief and amusement.
These times are truly surreal and bizarre.
sloppy because their fucking actor saying HE WAS THERE is a bullshit story
Who starts nuke war in April?
Creating riots gives the impression that the population is begging for servitude.
Ironically, Leftists really do love servitude.
The soldiers were members of the artillery units.
No artillery was used, retard.
The 2nd Amendment will never be repealed and libshits/Jews are delusional if they think otherwise. It's actually ingrained in the very spirit of this country's existence. 2A exists because self defense is the right of any living being. America exists only because of private ownership of guns. The British tried to take our guns, too. We shot them for it. We fucking crossed a frozen river on Christmas and killed them in their sleep. Does anyone really think we're incapable of doing more of the same?
A bunch of Jews who washed ashore barely 100 years ago have no right to dictate to us what our country is when they weren't here at it's founding and have been nothing but a pestilence since their arrival.
Just call them for what they are: kikes
>Bloomberg (everytown) and Zucker (CNN) want to disarm the goyim bedore we wake up to their scheming
>NYT article about using banks to suppress gun sales
>guess (((who))) wrote the article
No they WERE sloppy around the election now they're just running out of options
They will justify using guns plus mercenary help from the drug cartels and muzzies
kikes like "order from chaos"
Yeah they do in fact want that. Chaos is very distracting.
>Why are the zionists pushing for gun control ?
Civ war + WW3 + ayyes = profit?
They want you to pay no attention to the (((man))) behind the curtain. Need to create as many distractions as possible.
You sound like you would be targeted
brainwash the kids so the dems/globalists can win 2020/2024 and then they can take the guns.
I would love a civil war.
Greatest happening, all the time
The same over here. Everything is ask the kids this, ask the kids that. They must be brainwashing the fuck out of them to be so confident
That is when we get on that plane to join the brethren, armed only with raw enthusiasm and the will to kill or be killed
thats the way it work in you pussy ass country .. cockroaches tactic no wonder you all ware dog costume now fucking twinks ..
fucking degenerated pagan fuk